What are you guys looking for in events?


Local Eurovision Fan DA-3870-3754-4899
May 6, 2016
Matryoshka Doll
Genuinely curious, because I don’t really understand anymore what people think is a boring or bad event :/

I thought festivale was great, only thing missing were a few minigames. But honestly... a round of rock paper scissors or charades isn’t game breaking, so it’s still 8/10 for me. I don’t know what else could have been expected from it?
Lately, it doesn't seem to matter anymore whether an event is good or not...it's always a safe bet that I hop on here after playing an event and see threads slamming it. Guarantee tomorrow there'll be threads about how Festivale was such a let down/way better in NL.

If the game isn't satisfying for you anymore, then play a different game? I can't offer better advice than that.

Personally, I've liked all the events. I don't look for anything specific out of them and just enjoy them for what they are.
i think i'm just bored of celebrations, i enjoy playing NH but i feel like toy day, festivale, halloween were all just too quick and they aren't exactly new since they were all in NL so maybe i'd like a new event? idk

tbh i don't care about the events anymore, all i really want is the little things to come back like brewsters cafe, NL villagers, old clothes and furniture etc
I read about the posts stating how Festivale was uneventful (I haven't done it yet, I will save it for tomorrow) but from how they described it, it sounded exactly like it did in NL. Again I don't know, because I haven't tried it yet.

I personally didn't like Bunny Day being dedicated to a full week. That was annoying. All the other events I didn't mind. Maybe Jingle Day was the exception because I wasn't feeling the magic like I did on Toy Day. Because the villagers legit thought you were Santa and didn't realize it was just the player right away like in NH. So that kind of had some charm to it. I still remember Tangy being excited when I came in her house on Toy Day dressed as Santa and she said something along the lines of 'I've been a really good girl this year Santa."

I thought that was cute. The whole figuring out who wanted what was a bit annoying. And I just cheated and reset until I got it right with each of the villagers lol. But I feel like they could had done a lot more with the toy giving in NH. They didn't have to make it as monotonous as the NL version, but it could still had been challenging or interactive in some way.
I think events are fun and always enjoy doing them. You just have to make the most of them and enjoy them for what they are.

I would like an event with different furniture only available on the day. Halloween, Festivale etc all the collecting over a week or two just gets boring.
I think events are fun and always enjoy doing them. You just have to make the most of them and enjoy them for what they are.

I would like an event with different furniture only available on the day. Halloween, Festivale etc all the collecting over a week or two just gets boring.
Yeah it was nice that you could buy the turkey day diy the day after. Stamp day is really the only event that is super forgettable. I also didn't care for Wedding Month. I never use Harv's studio, so I just did it enough to get all the furniture and probably won't do it this year if they bring it back.
Honestly? I'm looking for events that give us USABLE items + an event which has some challenge to it.

A perfect example was the turkey day event!
I enjoyed the items and DIYS we got, and the event has the challenge of going swimming + fishing to get specific kind of fish/sea creatures.

At this point though I don't look forward much for events, as I'm looking for actual quality of life changes in the game! And these changes are quite the list.
I've enjoyed the events, but I think there is room for improvement. I would rate them on these three elements:

1. Atmosphere - I think most of the events are good in this regard, but some are better than others. I thought Toy Day lacked atmosphere and felt like just another day (nothing happening in the plaza, most villagers stuck inside), whereas New Year's Eve and Turkey Day had great atmospheres.

2. Gameplay - I think this is usually weakest part of the events. A lot of them are just basic fetch or delivery quests but with a holiday theme. I thought Turkey day was the most inventive - it's the only time we've seen the cooking element so it felt really unique.

3. Items - With some events there's a disconnect that happens where they don't give you some of the items until the event, but the items are seasonal, so by the time you get them, it's already too late to use them. Most of the items have been DIY, but the method for obtaining them has been inconsistent. With Halloween you could get them from your villagers, with Turkey Day, you could just buy them, and with Toy Day, they were limited to balloons. Now with Festivale, they aren't DIY at all. I'd like to see more consistency and make it easier for the players to get the items and DIYs they want.
I'd just love more holidays other than the U.S./Christian inspired ones.
It made me happy that they acknowledged Lunar New Year more but it would have been nice to actually have a festival/more items inspired for it...villagers dressed up in little dragon dance costumes dancing around, hanging strands of fireworks, Isabelle or Nook to hand out a new year's scroll, themed plants, etc.

Moon Festival would be another nice one to have incorporated.
New Years Eve was/is my favorite so far. A big part of that though is likely due to how much I enjoy the day IRL.
I want events that take longer than half an hour to finish.
Take Halloween for example I liked that you had to log in daily to buy candy and grow pumpkins for items. It gave us more things to do leading up to the event/they just need to expand on the lead up to events more. It adds to the atmosphere as well, it's like irl how we put up a Christmas tree a month before Christmas to get into the spirit/but in animal crossing it kinda was a one day type deal.

I also just want more items!. So many of the events to me have felt a bit lackluster with the items. We don't need more wands!!! and if we could have rugs, wall items, garlands etc outside there would be a wider appeal for some of the items. Wedding Day is a good example of this for me, the set whilst nice just wouldn't work for my islands theme at all, but the bouquet of flowers you can hang on the wall would look amazing around certain areas, but instead it's just another item in my storage.

I don't want to be greedy when I ask for more items, but like if you see the Pocket Camp update that has 50x more items at the same time as the NH update... well it'll make you jelly!.
I have yet to play it but i read about it and it sounded fine to me, could be fun. I think my favorite one form the ones i took part in so far is may day. I loved the maze mini game and wished it had more than one maze.
As long as its fun and I can experience it with friends its a good event in my book
I want events that take longer than half an hour to finish.
Take Halloween for example I liked that you had to log in daily to buy candy and grow pumpkins for items. It gave us more things to do leading up to the event/they just need to expand on the lead up to events more. It adds to the atmosphere as well, it's like irl how we put up a Christmas tree a month before Christmas to get into the spirit/but in animal crossing it kinda was a one day type deal.

I also just want more items!. So many of the events to me have felt a bit lackluster with the items. We don't need more wands!!! and if we could have rugs, wall items, garlands etc outside there would be a wider appeal for some of the items. Wedding Day is a good example of this for me, the set whilst nice just wouldn't work for my islands theme at all, but the bouquet of flowers you can hang on the wall would look amazing around certain areas, but instead it's just another item in my storage.

I don't want to be greedy when I ask for more items, but like if you see the Pocket Camp update that has 50x more items at the same time as the NH update... well it'll make you jelly!.

Since I was on a hiatus from the game, I did Halloween all on the night of. No planning needed. Villagers give you candy for scaring them with the jack head.
I don't quite understand the backlash especially when they say the other events were much better to be quite honest. All of the events are very basic and not super engaging. I understand liking the atmosphere or items of events better than others, but I'm not sure I can say any of the holiday events really felt that drastically different from each other.
I don't look for anything in particular in events. I've never been one to really get into them, so I actually prefer the ones that don't take very long. I skipped Halloween, Toy Day, and will skip Bunny Day (well, as best as I can since everything turns to freakin eggs :/) if it's the same as last year. So far my favorites have been May Day and Turkey Day.

Now that we have crafting, I'd like to see that used more as a part of the events themselves, not just getting DIYs.
The problem is, events will always be compared to previous games and see if it was either improved or the opposite.

For example, many fans were expecting Toy Day to be a month long event that contains the gift prepping, but it was simplified into a single day event that lets you gift villagers right from Jingle's bag instead of your effort.

Other wanted minigames in Festivale, but it was reduced to just a feather-gathering event.

Halloween in NH was amazing because we are given a whole month to prepare, and you get to grow your own pumpkins to craft spooky items. However, some people were disappointed because of the absence of Creepy furniture.

Basically, of course, you would want improvement.
Not much. I'm okay with every event that has appeared and I don't have an issue with any of them. The only thing I felt was the most bumming was the May Day just because I expected there to be maybe a bit more different mazes than playing the same one.

I'm more into how to share these events with friends. That's my basic pulling point.
The best events in my opinion from New Leaf involved one or both of these elements:

1. Advanced preparation being necessary:
In New Leaf's Halloween event, for example, you had to purchase candy and masks over a period of weeks to be adequately prepared for the event and reap the rewards. It encourages daily play in short bursts except on the actual day of the event, which requires more time.

2. Unique properties per villager:
New Leaf's Halloween event defined a unique fear attribute for each villager, such as the bug mask. Of course, several villagers shared attributes, but each villager had a fear defined, all the same. The April Fool's event required you to guess a villager's aspiration, family history, or favorite saying (there may be other attributes too, such as birthday, I don't remember).

Combining these two attributes into one event like New Leaf did for Halloween makes for an event that is quite fun and requires preparation to find fully rewarding. Also, it makes for replayability in the following years as you shift out villagers. Or perhaps you didn't get *all* masks the prior year, and so on.

Hope this somewhat explains what I think can qualify as a "good" event.
Cool items, a bit of challenge and they should take more than just 10' to get completed.