What are you guys looking for in events?

The problem is, events will always be compared to previous games and see if it was either improved or the opposite.

For example, many fans were expecting Toy Day to be a month long event that contains the gift prepping, but it was simplified into a single day event that lets you gift villagers right from Jingle's bag instead of your effort.

Other wanted minigames in Festivale, but it was reduced to just a feather-gathering event.

Halloween in NH was amazing because we are given a whole month to prepare, and you get to grow your own pumpkins to craft spooky items. However, some people were disappointed because of the absence of Creepy furniture.

Basically, of course, you would want improvement.

There is another side to Toy Day everyone forgets about. Outside of the Jingle presents, there is a separate gift exchange that takes place with all your villagers. And to be honest, 90% of players would hate Toy Day if it worked like New Leaf because no one wants "gifted" villagers. They want their clothing and house to be original.

Also, with Halloween, the event didn't require preparation. It could all be done on the night of by interacting with villagers, so whether you could prep or not doesn't seem to make a difference in my opinion.
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I was thinking about this recently, and came to this conclusion- When older fans like myself played ACNL or previous AC games we were somewhat young. I was about 15 years old but still considered myself a kid, and ACNL was a ~magical~ game. I loved everything about it, but if I were to play it right now at 23, I would be extremely bored. Even though I agree the events were more complex in ACNL, I think the fact that I am older now really influences how I enjoy (or dont enjoy) AC events.

In my opinion, I think ACNH events are very simplistic and kind of boring, but I am 23 years old with a bachelors degree (lmao). I play this game more for the design aspect than the "life simulation" (or whatever its called), so the lack-luster events don't bother me too much (as long as there is good furniture involved). I honestly don't mean to insult anyone, but I find it kind of ridiculous that a lot of people are complaining about the events being too boring and dull, yet these fans are 20+ years old. I think ACNH is a kid's game first, and I am not surprised that the events are simplified. I really wonder how younger fans between the ages of 8-17 feel about ACNH events. If they complain that the events are too boring, then I think Nintendo should be more inclined to listen to them and up the difficulty, rather than give in to older fans like me.

Idk, maybe im just old and jaded, but thats my 2 cents
I just want the events to be and feel fun. Make me do something different, even if it's for just one day, make me read new dialogue, even if it's just some new lines. Oh and if the items that we get from them are great, it's a plus. I have not experienced Festivale yet, but all the other events have checked many or all of the things I listed above, so I'm satisfied.

I'll put my thoughts on the major events behind a spoiler.

Bunny Day made me collect eggs and since I wasn't in a rush to finish the game in 10 days, I didn't have a problem with the egg spawns and I enjoyed the overall feeling of hunting them. Zipper was a fun character. The atmosphere with the islanders was the weakest of all main events tho. The furniture set is also the weakest, but still good; the arch, basket and balloons are particularly good.

Halloween had probably the best atmosphere tied with Toy Day. I liked the islanders' tricks, the way to get candy/lollipops and Jack was a really fun character. Planting pumpkins and hearing all the dialogue related to the event (the normal Halloween, the animals getting scared if you used Jack's clothes, etc., the trick-or-treating). The items are amazing, love all of them including Jack's humongous portrait.

Turkey Day was the longest, it had many things to do, from collecting all ingredients (which was a good way to incorporate many mechanics) to getting the clues for the secret ingredients (bonus points for making the islanders look so cute while cooking). The furniture is very cool!! Franklin was amusing and the atmosphere was nice. The dialogue wasn't as good as Halloween/Toy Day, but I still dig it.

Toy Day had probably the best atmosphere along Halloween, the dialogue was precious and so varied. We had the islanders telling us to prepare for a gift exchange, the lines while doing Jingle's errand, the acknowledgment of using the Santa Outfit, trading gifts, the dialogue after the day was done... oh boy, it was lovable. The quests weren't that special, and the related furniture was good enough.

Side events like Countdown, New Year's Day, Valentine's, Wedding Season, May Day, etc. also fulfill my hopes and expectations so I haven't disliked any event so far.
This game has almost no challenges. There are almost no rewards for hard work. Having a few would be nice. Actually having villagers that don't act like props and instead engage and participate in the event with you would be nice.
Personally, I'd want more interactions with my villagers, what they have to say, and the things they do for that particular event. At least there would be a sense of community around it.
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If the game isn't satisfying for you anymore, then play a different game? I can't offer better advice than that.
I think you got it right there. Animal Crossing New Horizons isn't the only video game in existence. That's why I play other games so I can slow down the burn out of this game.
I kind of wish there was more Valentine items to decorate with. I know there was the wedding event which could be used for decor but I was hoping for more, like heart shaped balloons or swans. It was super sweet to receive the Valentine's letters and gifts from the villagers but I wish for more decor.
Not sure if this is about festivale but i havent participated yet and im not reading the replys until i do.
What i personally look for is creativity and fun. I understand that fun is subjective. However i suppose i find fun as something very well thought of. Something that stand out. I feel its hard to communicate well to others what i mean here.

My favoriate holiday so far is Turkey Day. I suppose when i played it some aspects of it surprised me a little. It was a good surprise. It stood out to me. It seemed to have thought abd time put into it. Even if it was quick to complete. I loved the villagers roll and actions that contributed to the event. And little details of villagers standing at a stove like they do with workbenches and thier reactions to cooking. The only thing i can think of that would have improved turkey day is if we got the food items we created too or introduced crafting dishes for decor or friendship levels at the stoves.

I know a little bit what to expect with Festivale and i hope i enjoy it just as well if not close to how i enjoy turkey day.

I think it may depend on villager dialog and interaction... As well as Pave's dialog. I love catching bugs so im sure catching feathers will be fun.
i dunno. throughout the series the events have always just been a nice little perk to a holiday i already either celebrate or ignore, so i can't relate to the disappointment others feel about them, but i think it comes with being passionate about something.

people end up holding their passions to higher standards because they want all aspects of it to be as enjoyable to them as the rest of it is. i can't begrudge someone that! as for like, vitriolic complaining, i politely avert my gaze.

edit: my dream event? make the villagers "race" through an obatacle course or play some sort of sport like volleyball or soccer. even if it's like, you have to guard a goal and mash a button. make the animals do sports.
I just want new furniture sets to decorate my house! :)

Others are optional for me. I don't mind simple mini games.
Personally, I think a big reason for why people are disappointed with ACNH's events in particular is the the whole content dripfeed thing. Nintendo keeps making it seem like these event updates are going to be a ~big deal~ and ~new content~ and something new and exciting so when people get the update and get to the event and its basically the same gameplay from NL and previous games they are disappointed it's not something more unique or in-depth. I think the way they decided to roll out these events leads to a lot higher expectations for them than if they'd just been in the game normally.

I also think they just didn't focus on things like holiday activities much because this game is so heavily focused on the island-designing aspect and multiplayer, so most of the new update stuff is geared toward that(new furniture/clothing and Reactions so you can get cute photos for social media) rather than a single player experience(like things that would involve more prep for the holiday or something with more complex gameplay). It's not what I personally would have wanted, but that's just the direction this franchise is going and I don't think that's likely to change.
I've been pretty happy with the events so far. People complain there's not enough to do, but I'm so busy with holidays IRL that I don't have time to sit down and play an event for two hours to get everything, and I don't want to have to prep, either. With NL, which I got for release and played on and off until NH came out, I actually never got to really participate in Toy Day since it required so much prep, and I was always busy celebrating IRL the day of.

Honestly, there are just way too many people whose only hobbies seem to be AC and complaining about AC. You know if they made a whole big event that required a lot of prep, there'd be people complaining about how it's a chore and they're experiencing """burnout""". As has been said, if you're not happy with AC or it's not enough, try another game.
honestly, i’ve been happy with the events so far - i even liked bunny day at first aha. i prefer to keep my expectations to a minimum to avoid any disappointment but the one thing that i don’t like is a lengthy event *cough* bunny day *cough where everything is the same each day. i’d be down for a lengthier event if something new happened each day but otherwise, it just feels dragged out and i don’t like that. 🥴

i know some people have been disappointed since most of the events haven’t taken very long to complete but i’m personally happy that way - i have a tendency to play at night and i definitely appreciate not having events keeping me up until like,, 4am i’m usually up anyway, though 🤣. but i wouldn’t say that there’s been any bad events so far - there’s always room for improvement, of course, but each event has its own little charm and i’m content with that. :’)
I like events not to be too long, but on the other time, feel a bit more special on the actual day. For example, for Festivale, I had all the furniture items already, it was just getting new colours of what I already had, and then getting one new item, I just wish they held more back for the actual day to make it feel more special.
I said in another thread that Bunny Day was the most fleshed out event, even though so many people hated it (and one person even made sure to let me know that lol). But honestly if you think about it, it did feel like the event with the most to do, just the egg spawn rates were a bit much. And I liked the idea of it. (Just not how it was actually executed lol)

Regarding other events, I think they've been mostly fine, like a 6/10+ for most of them. I didn't like Halloween or Toy Day too much, but the rest (May Day, Wedding Event, Thanksgiving, and even Festivale now) I've enjoyed to an extent. And they do feel more a live than in other games, so that's great for the immersion.

Also, tbh, I never liked event furniture so that doesn't bother me
so i have officially completed the festivale event and it felt more like a chore collecting all the feathers

unlike new years, which felt more like a celebration where u actually hang out with ur villagers waiting for the countdown
my villagers chasing me around during festivale just to throw confetti at me was pretty annoying tbh
I just want nice balance of effort to items reward. I know that's very subjective since some sets look nicer than others. I like the effort I had to put in this turkey day for the items and diy since I like that set the most. The toy day was fine since it didn't take long to get the ornaments to craft and just delivery stuff.

I haven't done festivale yet but I have a feeling I won't like it cause I would need to catch so many feathers so I can change the colors of my items unless I trade the colors with someone else.
I'm looking for the items. Events are a great way to catch some new and to find another ideas to decorate the island so, why not! For example, the wedding month was good (not I want to get married in the game, but some of the pieces of furniture can be used in another way) and the Festivale as well! In the opposite, I found bunny loooong event so boring! The items were not interesting: seriously, who loves them? Who absolutely needs them? Ok, for few days, why not, but in my opinion they are too specific to be used in daily life.

Of course, if the event is fun, it's a plus. Infortunatly, I haven't found any of the NH events really amazing... all the times the same thing, long dialogues, catching flying times, catching diy in the balloons, repetitive as the snowman, the wedding... For example, I would have prefered Christmas as in NL, with the quest of the perfect gift. Same for Halloween, I guess.

But that's ok.

Oh, I forget to mention fishing tourney. Better in previous version in my mind because we had to catch the biggest fish. Now, it's just luck and the same task again and again, but fortunately, we have correct items!

They made AC more simple, I think. That's a little bit too bad.