We had our holiday lunch at work today and I was able to catch up with some old friends from my prior department.
I slept most of the night for the first time in ages. My cat has started this insane digging in the litter box and I go and look and there's nothing there. It's clean.
Is she trying to tunnel her way to the center of the earth?
My rabbit does this.. and it honestly makes me mad because she makes a mess. Two different species though, but I find it can be a territorial thing? Like they want to claim it or something if someone just cleaned it.
She's an indoor cat with no interest in the outside, she just gets the midnight crazies!
I've got one of those litter boxes with high sides to minimize the mess, but she manages to not only kick the litter over the sides, but out the laundry door into the hallway.
my sister is out of the hospital