What Are You Happy About Today?

despite being on tbt for almost 5 years now, i don’t think i’ve ever seen the sunrise design and idk why but it made me happy to see something new on here :3
It's a blue sky for the first time in weeks.
It has been raining much of summer.
It's a blue sky for the first time in weeks.
It has been raining much of summer.

Yeah, ironically enough it was raining all week here in Texas too, but the sun is out today.

Also happy that my favorite sports teams are doing well. :)
today was a sunny day, something that hardly occurs here in winter. it was also the start of my long weekend so i’m happy about that :3
Only had one class today so I'm not like super burnt out! Although I still have a meeting to go to tonight but I promise I'm gonna go to bed ASAP lol

Also been having an overall nice day, even though it's freezing outside. I'm not feeling as depressed as I have been the last few days so I was actually able to focus and actively participate in my German class :D
went to a concert and briefly chatted with two people and one of them said i look like kate bush which is the best compliment i have ever recieved

also i bought damo suzukis autobiography from him we just kinda said hi and nodded at eachother because im shy idiot but he was very nice
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I don't have work today so all I've been doing is playing Animal Crossing, snuggling with my dog (who is very lazy) and that's about it. A good relaxing day.
Just pre-ordered New Horizons from Best Buy (I also got a bell bag for $5, thought it was super cute) and it'll be shipped to me on release day! :D

Fun Fact: This will be the first time in my life that I've gotten a new Animal Crossing game on release day! :eek:
I got to eat Japanese food!

Well, not really Japanese-the Americanized version. Still good!
It was sunny all day today. After so much rain, the sun was a welcome sight even though it was still way too cold outside. Also, it's Friday and I don't have to work on Monday, so looking forward to a nice, long weekend hopefully.
Earlier today, I had to do a mid term lab that was scheduled earlier than expected. Overall, I did pretty good despite some minor issues!
I didn't have to work so I got to sleep in today. The sun was out again and I had a very nice, relaxing day at home with my husband and my dog.
i cuddled with my sweet, precious cat and got to relax and play some pocket camp :3
i tried out a new shampoo that’s made my hair really soft and easy to brush through :3