My uncle dropped by to get something from our house and he bought some of the cookies my cousin baked and gave them to me. Makes me feel better since I've been feeling really down today.
Technically it happened yesterday, but I'm still happy about it today
For our anniversary my partner booked us for 2 nights at a cottage!
4 years we've been together thanks to TBT
Your girl made another skirt. This one is definetly my favourite!! The waist band gave me trouble but I have enough fabric that I can make a tie to cover it. Anyways I used waaaay more fabric this time so I had more gathers! It took forever lol but it spins *so* nicely I love it.
I had a nice, quiet day at home. I got to sleep as late as I wanted and I had the house all to myself for a while since my husband went into work today.
I went to the sports store and bought myself a basketball and a volleyball. My basketball hoop delivery came yesterday and today I had clear skies to finally enjoy shooting some hoops! Haven't played basketball for almost two whole years! I love to play sports with basketball and badminton amongst my favourites
Got Denny's to celebrate father's day with my family + my uncle (I love their steak ), got GOOD boba after months of not having it
Then watched a couple episodes of a kdrama with my mom and my sister
I watched the Smash Bros. Ultimate reveal for the Arms character and I'm really satisfied with what Sakurai and his team have done. Also, Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time have also been revealed today and I'm hyped for the game, even though I don't have a PS4 for it lol.
AAAA i got my ultimate dreamie genji at the campsite today out of the blue!! i was saving up a lot NMTs to hunt for him but he came to me im so happy !!!