What Are You Happy About Today?

I finally learned why tangent shows up in this infinite series


,this question was bugging the crap out of me
I survived working the weekend. So many people, so much trash!

Also, I got a letter from my friend (we're playing the letter game, writing each other as fictional characters) yesterday. I finished my response tonight, ready to mail tomorrow - 6 pages. Hope she enjoys it!
F1 has finally started! The first race of the season did not disappoint as things were going crazy as time went on. A McLaren finished on the podium which is a rare sight to see in recent years!
i finally got to move out of the storage closet i've been living in the past 8 years! i've upgraded to my empty older sisters room lol.
Finally made it home, my dog is completely worn out so I'm laying here w him watchin random yt videos. I'm mentally and socially exhausted, so it feels nice to lay in a dark cool room with my bby for a while ☺
Managed to somewhat solve a thing at work - reservations got real messy due to a lot of reasons but I think we wrapped it up good as for what happened. And my things supposedly left Japan so hope they come soon!
I got to sleep in again today. I did some reading, watched TV, and played video games.
I also got to sleep in today (finally lol)! Both days that I woke up while at my gma's house they woke me up at 6:30am so I definitely slept well last night. Woke up today at 11am which I'm perfectly okay with :)

I'm also just generally happy to be home. It was really hectic there cause there were so many kids and people, I get mentally worn out really easy when I'm around so many people at once. Now I'm just sitting here at home with my doggo and my cats, in peace and quiet (unless my mum needs something). And I'm gonna get to really try out my new stylus and drawing app today! ^o^
Ultimately, my managers aren’t doing anything to keep us safe during COVID, and have been generally terrible. I ended up putting my two weeks’ notice in yesterday, and then last night I slept the best I have in a while. Today I’m off, so I get to just chill, which I needed, plus I’m stocked up on fresh fruit and stuff to much on while I clean my apartment :)
Ultimately, my managers aren’t doing anything to keep us safe during COVID, and have been generally terrible. I ended up putting my two weeks’ notice in yesterday, and then last night I slept the best I have in a while. Today I’m off, so I get to just chill, which I needed, plus I’m stocked up on fresh fruit and stuff to much on while I clean my apartment :)
Definitely sounded like the best, and glad you are feeling better :)

(Really glad they did a lot at our work to be safe and open so we could go in cause shelvers/library assistants can't exactly work from home and I need the money I could get since our gov'ment failed good at helping people financially...)
My husband did all the vacuuming today. That's one less thing I have to worry about. Plus work was a lot calmer today since my coworker that I was filling in for is back. Doing the job of two people is exhausting!
Managed to get a lot done around the house today, and enjoying playing video games. I also have some new opportunities on the “horizons” that may or may not work out, so we’ll see how that goes (possible second job). :)