What Are You Happy About Today?

My friends that I haven't seen in a while are coming over today to hang out for my birthday, since we won't be able to do it on my actual birthday.
I found a book I'd "lost" for almost two weeks (see: I left it in my glove box/compartment one day because it gets stupid hot here).
I watched a really fun shark documentary today that included a lot of my favorite interesting shark species: Goblin Sharks, Frilled Sharks, Megamouth, etc. I'd already seen most of the footage before because they're all sharks that are very hard to film due to how deep in the ocean they live, but it was still a good watch. 🦈 💙
Despite being tired and on fumes, I ended up finishing my work for the week, surpassing my objective, and working overtime in the process. Two of my favorite sports teams won today as well, one of them in overtime. Go beyond! Plus ULTRA!
My Big Bud Press order came today! I got three pairs of shorts and a tee shirt.
My tiedye halter top is with USPS so can't wait for that too! (yes i might or might not have a tiedye addiction but I also like supporting smaller/ethic businesses that actually ship worldwide).

Also on my last quests rounds for this class on an MMORPG, I don't think I will finish today due to the amount of things needed and some stuff takes literally hours due to RNG; but hey at least I'm close to finish!
Actually finished that quest, got lucky with some drops and stuff and that class is seriously amazing :'D
Having a relaxing off day and two of my favorite sports teams won today as well. This weekend has been great. Hell yeah. ✌
I usually don’t cry when I listen to music unless I tie it in to personal issues, but today I cried happy tears listening to a Zelda song cover on piano. More specifically, the Great Fairy Fountain from BOTW. It’s just so complex and invoked a lot of emotions in me especially after playing that game. It jut motivates me to play piano again because I’m always too lazy.
Made more progress on my drawing today, went to the park to play a little bit of badminton (and a good exercise too!), had dinner, and participated in the fireworks show on my island with my villagers.
I didn't have to work today, I watched another great shark documentary on Hulu, and I finally beat Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. I've been playing the game off and on for months and finally sat down and beat the final boss today.
One of my favorite sports teams won again today and I‘m being productive. This last week has been great. Lessss goooooooooo 🎉
I had an easy day at work today and I'm feeling like I've accomplished a lot over the past few weeks.
Starting a new series called Japan Sinks 2020. So far it’s a very confusing anime and 2 people died in the first few episodes :D