What Are You Happy About Today?

I might be getting this in November!

I discovered that they did a reunion for the cast of 6teen today and it makes me so happy. Sure, it wasn't the best show, but it's pretty nostlagic. (Also, side note, I got to meet the voice actor for Jude a couple years ago at a local convention)
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Nintendo Direct in 13 minutes!! Although, I'll bet this happiness will soon turn into extreme disappointment lmao
A new Animal Crossing game for the Nintendo Switch is coming in 2019, confirmed! I am so excited that there are no words to describe how happy I am today! Plus Isabelle joined the fight in Smash! WOOHOO!
beyond happy for the animal crossing on switch announcement. now I have a reason to save up for the switch ^^ also really happy today that I completed watching my favorite streamer play life is strange. I've been watching his vods for about a week now. small things like this make me feel accomplished haha.