What Are You Happy About Today?

Finally got a reply to when I will get back the customs fee money, and they said latest next week which is good, been waiting 5ever and idk how they cannot just put in that sum on account lol...
Talked to my hand surgeon today. He offered a few possibilities, but we decided to go with joint fusion for my finger. I've already had 1 surgery a year ago, which didn't take, and it's coming up on 2 years since the injury. This will solve the issue and I won't have to worry about needing a 3rd operation.

Now to figure out when we can do this.

(Moral of the story, folks: don't sneeze while curled up in a chair reading. It's dangerous!)
I love my friends and I’m glad they’re around when I want to talk to them and that my friends and the people on this site are still going strong despite the times. I‘m able to and need to do better as well. :giggle: 💚
I met another kind player here on TBT forums 😊 and have been enjoying my time with a few that I have befriended recently by visiting their town and having them visit mine. I never was one to like any kind of coop game (or very few) or multiplayer, but I admit that most of the interactions that I’ve had with players here have been positive and made the online play very enjoyable (it’s a shame that it’s locked behind a subscription).
Today I managed to eat breakfast for once and get a really good night's sleep. I also had no work due for my classes or any work I needed to get done after school so that was a huge relief. Also finally raised a grade in one of my classes so now i'm just one grade away from straight a's which is a huge accomplishment for me. Also tomorrow is Friday, which is exciting.
I got all my before school stuff done. I ran a mile today for the first time in 2 months it felt nice, but I’ll probably be hurting tomorrow.
Happy today because I now know what I'm gonna do with my hair for the next year. I've been struggling really badly with my bangs and have grown real tired of them, so I finally made up my mind, they are good as gone and will start the process of growing them out today. I'm gonna aim for my original hairstyle I had when I was a little girl, waaaay before I messed with it. I'm glad I'm finally coming to my senses and realizing what I would like to do. It will be a long year, but I will survive! 😤
Today is Friday and I got caught up on a lot of work so I don't have to stress going into the weekend. I also figured out a way to stage the scene I wanted for the Cozy Photo Challenge so I can submit that tonight and I've colored in a good portion of the Celeste's Observatory picture for this week. So I'm in good shape on the Fair events. :)
My LA package finally moved to their cargo airport after like a week. I mean I can understand the issues due to trump, covid, fire you name it but ya sometimes you wonder if they open and try stuff on lol.