What Are You Happy About Today?

Celebrated Christmas with my partner's family. Didn't expect any gifts in return but got some. /cries.
I had to go to work for a few hours, but it was really fun because we were allowed to dress up instead of wear our uniform and some of my favorite coworkers were there! It was busy but we had gotten everything done that we needed, so we spent most of the time chatting with each other + customers and wishing everyone a good holiday. It was great vibes all around <3
I am happy to know my friends care for me and that I'm not alone as I thought for the longest time. I'm really learning to appreciate all that I have and learning that I'm not as alone as I thought I was, and all that good stuff. I'm happy about Christmas and the fact that I'll get to see the guy I like hehe
I'm happy that I survived Christmas with the family with no major arguments and that I didn't have to work today.
Laying here with my jacket over my head to block out the light, listening to 80s jams ♡
My kitten practically tried to tackle me when I got home today from my mini-Christmas trip. Oh my goodness it was nice to see her so excited.
I just realized this, but ever since I started taking this anti-anxiety medicine I haven't had any episodes of depression longer than a day or so. Overall, I feel a lot better than I did before, and I even have a little more energy and motivation (especially since I've been on break).

Also I put my little space heater next to my bed and it's all nice n toasty over here :blush:
i found and caught a shiny ekans on route 33 in soul silver :blush:

that never happens for me, so i feel like my playthrough of this game will be great
ate a good breakfast and then napped until the afternoon... i shouldn't really be happy about sleeping so much but i feel good!
I've been having so much fun with this Wii, I remember why I played it so much back in 2009-2013! Definitely one of my favorite Nintendo consoles!!
My partner keeps offering to get my Stardew Valley but I don't know!
I actually kinda want to play Animal Crossing more right now, but it definitely sounds fun for later. :)