What Are You Happy About Today?

rolf mailed me a motherly statue!! here's hoping it's the real deal!

im gonna laugh if it is cause he said its getting in the way of his dust collection lol. yes this priceless artwork is in the way of my precious dust, ill mail it to my friend! xD

edit: it was reaaaal!
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The last of my holiday gifts arrived. I have to get my dad's wrapped and sent soon, as it goes to Florida. The rest are local, so not as concerned.

I also got myself a holiday gift (i.e. spent too much money on myself) - I bought a Pullip Alice du Jardin, Mint version. I've been looking at her for a while and finally decided to get her. I also got the du Jardin Pink, but she only comes with the wig (nude doll). I plan to give her a remake. New wig, full outfit, and a new name. Sabrina.

I saw a custom remodel done that was gorgeous, but can't afford her, so this doll will become my version. I can't wait to get them!
I've noticed that even though I'm still waking up with back pain, I'm sleeping more deeply since I started getting treatments from the chiropractor. I have my next session tomorrow and I'm actually looking forward to it since it seems to be helping. I'm also happy that I only have to work three days this week.

Plus, I got a good prompt for the Turkey Day event and I already have an idea for it.
I had a good day today. I played a new game I like, baked some muffins, talked to my Aunt, and ate some breadsticks. I also got to talk with the person I like today and I’m liking them even more every day that passes. After everything that I’ve been through, it’s great to be reminded that not everyone is going to hurt me or treat me badly.
I got my kitties some catnip bubbles today!! Also some more treats that they like 🥰 I can’t tell how they feel about the bubbles yet as they were mostly curious when I was blowing the bubbles but right now they’re pretty playful!
I moved up in seniority at work today which means I'm one step closer to becoming a union member rather then just a union casual worker. It doesn't sound that exciting but the higher your seniority, the better job you get from dispatch. Also I'm closer to getting really good dental coverage rather then just mediocre coverage woohoo.

Being a longshoreman is hard to explain so I tried to put it simply but idk if it made sense lol.

I got a mini gingerbread waffle maker!