What Are You Happy About Today?

my chibi standee by Laudine came in today!! (along with some other goodies thank you very much 😭) everything is so beautiful and she fits the corner of my desk so perfectly i'm so in love
Well, I woke up pretty damn early. That's very unlikely of me.

Anyways, since I just woke up not too long ago, I've only accomplished some little things - had my daily dose of coffee, took meds, and canceled an appointment with one of my college advisors (as I had already met up with them earlier this week). However, I'm happy that I feel motivated right now.
I'm painting this little Christmas themed truck decoration I got from Micheals craft store. Also our Christmas tree went up yesterday so now it's ready to be decorated today. I have my favourite pale rose gold bulbs to decorate with ☺
I'm finally forcing myself to bang out this Christmas shopping.

I always have grand plans of doing it all in November...and then it gets put off for lack of money, or people not knowing what they want. Aside from a couple people who I'm still trying to figure ideas for...most of this is getting done. I even gave my mom her present early...because, it was a new stainless steel microwave (which we needed to replace the really shoddy one we've had for the past year or two). I got that all unboxed, set up in the kitchen, booted the old one, cleaned everything up. She came home and didn't even notice it right away. Successful surprise drop. Lol.

Also, it FINALLY snowed a couple days ago.

I always worry with the state of climate change being what it is. But we finally got a couple inches (better late than never). ❄
I am happy that I got 3 days off from work in a row, I was able to pop out to do some quick Christmas shopping today so I am checking things off my list and had a phone call with my mom when I got back from shopping. I am also happy that it's the first snow day in Animal Crossing AND I finally managed to get a purple windflower after trying for so long!! It's a pretty good day.
These little Christmas light collectables are so cute! I know they’re only temporary but I just want to gift them to everybody! I was doing pretty well saving TBT but oh well 😂

My friends little niece is learning to talk! It’s so exciting and she’s absolutely adorable 🥰
I'm happy that it's Friday and I got off work at noon today. I also finally heard back about my husband's Christmas present so all my holiday shopping is essentially done. Just waiting for two gifts to arrive and I have to go pick up my husband's gift sometime next week.
I'm happy that one of the developers on my team taught me the keyboard shortcut for pasting copied text without any formatting (Ctrl+Shift+V). Yes, I could have learned it myself by right-clicking with the mouse many, many years. 😆 Starting from today, I will use it religiously!
I got my sweatshirt in the mail today! It has the Family Video logo on it and says "est.1978" and its a really big and super soft sweatshirt. i really love it 🥰

also literally just finished ny very last assignnent for the semester which means I'm free until the beginning of February! let's goooooo🤩🤩
In game, it's snowing and just beautiful and Raymond finally gave me his photo. I also managed to make a perfect snowboy today too (I messed up yesterday lol), so I was really glad about that. In real life, it's raining and I love the rain. We really need it where I am too, so that's awesome. I love the smell of clean air :)