quite a few things
❄i found the peppermint rose toyline and omg the bunny plushies are cute i want one!!
❄its getting colder and colder :3
❄mother nature started yesterday so that means i won't be on it on xmas c:
❄i'm gonna be getting clay for making xmas presents this weekend. my mom thinks im making my grandma something and my grandma thinks im making my mom something. in truth they're both getting something. im sneaky >:3c
❄i have a cute xmas outfit planned and get to wear my sweater that has jingle bells
❄im also getting stuff to make gingerbread for the first time this weekend! or ill be getting a gingerbread house kit im not sure yet
❄i swept and mopped last night so my mom's letting me get my dog some xmas pj's when we go shopping later

❄looking at cutie sylvanian family/calico critters stuff makes me happy. i wanna get a house for the ones i have now and several of the families (kangaroo, mice, tuxedo cat, etc.)
❄i'm listening to my calm playlist on spotify. ☺ sunny goodge street is a good song.
❄ changed my icon and signature for the holiday season :3