I got a game I've been after for a little while -- Pathologic 2 -- on sale earlier today! c: Bought it as a very early birthday present to myself!
And today, the 1st, was also the anniversary of when I met my best friend in the whole wide world! We've been friends for nine years now, and it's just, kind of neat I think. We talked a lot today and I helped her get a bunch of things she needed to build her new areas in ACNH, and I'm so excited to get to see what she made!
Ohh and I forgot another thing that made me happy, a new Kagerou Project video released today!! Which was really cool to see too!
• this might seem a bit silly but i’m happy that a new month has started! april isn’t anything special for me but i always enjoy the beginning of a new month as there’s so much potential for new memories and opportunities.
• completed milestone #4 of the “flower power” nm achievement in nh! also added 7 new items to my catalog as well!
• my mom brought me home some easter donuts from tim hortons! they were just sprinkled with some cadbury mini eggs in the middle but they were still yummy!
I don't know, I just have a super good mood, while I know I will be extremelly tilted later today.
Family of my boyfriend is coming to visit and I don't know why, I really like them and all, but because
of my shyness I am super stressed and tilted from people being in my house. x;
And I know that they will ask me tons of questions, because my pregnancy is the reason they are coming..
let's hope the mood stays like it is right now
Got my 2nd thing published in Neopian Times! A comic collab with another person this time too and his idea were brilliant so I'm glad I could make it drawn justice
My switch is here and fixed! =DD nothing was deleted which is great. I just have to wait till my dad comes home to play it since we have to do some updates and other weird things with the SD card to play properly.
I'm about 27 hours into my second Moderna shot. I had to take off today because my temperature was 101 and had slight chills and headache. I'm happy, though, because my body is adjusting to it! Also, an amiibo card trade arrived today as well as a pack of Sanrio cards someone kindly sent to me
I finished my egg today and it was accepted so now I can spend the weekend just focusing on the egg hunt! I'm also happy that I didn't have to work today and still have the whole weekend to go.
• i’m obsessed with the new easter backdrops! i absolutely adore anything rainbow and i’m super happy with the backdrop i chose and am thrilled to have my profile be a bit more colourful for the next few weeks! thank you @Vrisnem for designing them!
• participated in @Libbyannii’s easter egg hunt and despite the communication errors, i had lots of fun! thanks again for hosting!
• cuddled with my kitty! we didn’t cuddle yesterday so i’m glad that we did today. ^_^
❤i’m really proud of how my eyeliner looked today! i got both wings really even and sharp. I found a new dish that i like from a restaurant we order from regularly from! was able to play Identity V with a friend i haven’t talked to in a while! my cat who has epilepsy purred today! for some reason, since his seizures began (about 4 yrs ago), he hasn’t really purred a lot. maybe once every 2-3 months? but i noticed him doing it today when i was showing him ACNH, and it made me really happy <3 I ordered some new press on nails with sakura flowers on them and i’m excited for them to arrive! got a backdrop! im actually very happy i made the decision to, it looks so cute <33
i got my first dose of pfizer today and so did my boyfriend!! so far i don’t have any serious side effects, besides the sore arm. but i’m so happy i finally got the first dose
I flew on a airplane for the first time in three years! It was an 8 person private plane that went up to Portland. While the air was very stuffy, I still got some amazing views on the way!
-Met another fan of Shinra from Durarara!! ❤
-Got some Easter sugar cookies from our grocery trip!
-Was in the mood to draw a little today, and had fun. c:
Had an amazing day for once in a long time. Our older brother stopped by and took my sister and i out to lunch and i got some tiramisu which i’ve been craving for forever. And im going on a date Tuesday with a really nice guy. I feel like things are going too well that somethings gonna go wrong but as of rn life isn’t beating me to death
My new blackout curtains have worked a treat for my sleep pattern, I finally managed to get a proper lie in this morning rather than waking up early now that the days are getting longer.
Apparently we are going to visit a nice place near the sea today. I'm excited to go out, but also afraid for the good old Virus.
But it's outdoors and we have masks, so.. let's hope not too many people!
I went to bed at 9:30 last night after feeling horrible all day from my second vaccine. I just woke up 9 hours later feeling great with a normal temperature again! Now I can go see my family for an outside distanced Easter later today!