What Are You Happy About Today?

Two different people complimented me on the shirt I was wearing today. It was a gift from my husband so it made me feel really good that other people liked it, too.
Got a new game for my Switch, TLoZ: BotW! Haven't played it yet, but will be!!:)
I'm very happy because today was my last LAST day of school. I graduate on Sunday! :3​
I’ve just been in a really good mood lately. My summer classes are going well and it’s nice outside. :)
Some old coworkers who I went to school with have come back to my store. I haven’t spoken to them often but I’m glad they’re back. Good to have familiar faces again.
I got Mei's new skin!!!!!!!! When I looked at it for the first time I fell IN LOVE she was SO PRETTY AND THE WHOLE AESTHETIC GKFJDLSK
I'm so happy I got it in like 5-6 lootboxes hhh
Now the rest of the skins will just be a bonus as I don't enjoy them as much. But I might try buying skins from past events.
I finished my studying for the day and got my final grades back for the last of my classes. I ended up passing everything this semester!! I’ve finally found the major and path in life that works best for me. :)

Also, my favorite sports team won today as well. :]
Today was significantly less stressful at work. My first two days back after my vacation were a nightmare, but things started to calm down a bit today. I still have tons of work to get caught up, but at least I didn't come home in tears today.
Over the last week I've drawn two of my older characters whom I hadn't drawn in a very long time. They look so much better now :blush:

I'll prob upload them on my art gallery thread for people to see :>
Came out to three of my friends tonight, and they took it SO WELL. I love them <3
The fact that the tornadic storms are gone and that I don't have to worry about my house being blown to pieces and losing everything.

Monday, Tuesday morning, and Wednesday it was just three days of that nonsense.
getting one week off in june... cant take more since its unpaid but hell yeah needed.

also good day at work :D
I got into my dream med school!! qwq I'm so ecstatic ahhh it's one of the best schools in the country and I get to help my parents financially too
I had a really good day today! The weather was very nice, class went well for me, and that I aced a test!
For the first time in awhile, I’ve been able to laugh like my normal self. Life is going great. :)
Last night was really great and I'm still happy about it. Not only did I get to experience the company I work for winning an award, but it was the first time in awhile at a public outing where I wasn't excluded and left alone for the whole night.