I realized that I missed a worksheet in our German class so I was finally able to get it today. The quiz I took earlier was kinda hard because I didn't have these vocab terms but hopefully I still did okay.
Also idk if this is good but I learned how to say a vulgar word in German today lmao
This one happened yesterday, I just was too tired to post it, B U T I got a girls discord that I have a crush on I've been meaning to exchange numbers so I can text her and get to know her more before I -maybe- ask her out, but I'm awkward and have no idea how to casually slide that in a conversation. I sent a little hello message yesterday but she hasn't responded aaaaaaaahaha.
As for today, I have off of work for the next 3 days after working 6 straight, and I'm really getting over this sickness, I can feel it ending.
Happy today because the weather has officially cooled down and no more low 100 degree weather. Its in the 80s now and the mornings feel so much nicer. Plus, I now can keep my window open all day long, so now my bedroom is getting some fresh air and no longer feels stuffy.
I received a scholarship for my creative writing that I submitted, its a minor one but I'm not complaining. I also had Coke for the first time in like a year and while I won't be having it again for awhile I can see why I was so obsessed with it lol.
I love this, pets dreaming... little muffled barks and tails wagging when they’re fast asleep bring tears of joy every time. I even love it when they snore.
So there’s this small park near my new house I’ve been taking my dog to and I just noticed that they have a “free library” box, like a bird house kind of thing, I’ve never heard of anything like this before and just think it’s really cool.