What Are You Happy About Today?

I made this!
Animal Crossing Peach2.png
It's a heck of alot better attempt I've made at digital so far, now with shading. I think I'm using the wrong tool but it's okay for now. I was gonna use it as my avatar but Onwanr tongue with abspook them rn. Even if my entire look isn't made yet.
I'm happy today because I've been feeling a whole lot better since taking my new anxiety medication. Also, deciding to keep my bangs has made me a whole lot happier because now I no longer have to wait an entire year for them to grow out. It's also feels more comfortable with them and I know I made the right decision. I'm just really feeling good today. ^^
I've been having a stressful week, but my husband let me lay in his lap and gave me a head massage tonight. It felt really relaxing.
Tonight, my friend texted me a bunch of memes to try and cheer me up. I wasn't feeling too hot earlier today, but I'm doing better now. It was real sweet of him to do that. He's a good friend.
Despite being tired for most of the day and having to push myself through my studying, today was a really good day. :blush:
People in my city can now get fined for not shovelling their sidewalks... but jokes on them there’s no sidewalks in front of my house

That inconvenience finally worked in my favour
Finally got to read some more in To the Lighthouse ❤️

Really enjoying it and the nature descriptions in part 2.. ❤️❤️❤️
I finished my studying for the night and got to watch more JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures. I seem to be happier these days. :blush:
My last order from Amazon came today, my doggie stuffed animal! It was actually supposed to come first, but everythin else came way before their dates, even the item UPS screwed up on and sent to the complete wrong state. Like, really UPS how did you mess up that bad?

Anyway my dog is very cute and very soft. I'm such a sucker for stuffed animals.
Found some of the short stories we need to read for class next week as physical books at work... ngl that makes me very grateful i work where i do c;
I managed to survive last night, even though I didn't get to bed til about 11:30pm, and I made it a bit early to my 8am class today. Today's been a bit of a lazy day too so I finally get a chance to relax ^^;
It’s Friday and I’ve received all As on my last several assignments. I’m also not procrastinating and getting my studying done every day, even on the weekends. :D
I think my cold is getting better! My throat hurt so much yesterday I couldn’t swallow, but it’s almost gone now
Went to the DMV today to get my updated Real ID, so now I can fly to my grandpa's next year instead of doing the two day drive. My dad hates doing the two day drive and my mom can't sit there in the car for very long, so she doesn't like it either. So when she and my dad get theirs too, we all can fly to Colorado and it will be much easier on all three of us. Can't wait for Summer vacation again next year. :D
My Nana came down to visit and took us out for dinner. We also ended up in a nearly endless loop of air hockey. I haven't this much fun in a while, and seeing her huge smiles made it even better. :)