*slowly pulls up to the window* Ayo, lemme get uhhh... one Tomatonator,

please, no pickles aaaand one Tomatonator with EXTRA pic- oh wait, this isn't Wendy's.
*throws french fry at your head* OOP, I don't wanna wak-

Oh yeah, hey, what's up everyone?
*drapes trench coat over your lap* I got a
nice little song for you all today. It's James Bond, of course!

Despite the fact, some of the opening songs are written quite fondly, really. They can be cute if you have something relatable to think about, I suppose. I
think that's the case here.

And if it isn't... what about
this baby?

Wait, where's my wristwatch??

had a James Bond wristwatch on he- oohhh,
I know where it is...

Uh... I'll get it later.

No rush. I rather let these sort of things... come to
me, you know?

There's also
this nifty souvenir from some James Bond photo booth!

Uhh... that's the back of h- Okay, never
mind. Just... listen to the damn thing, yeah?

OH! I know something I have here that's James Bond related, heheh. I know EXACTLY which button to press now.

You all have fun with this one. I have a
mission to report to. I was searching for something earlier and I might have to investigate further.

Might have to do some

These hands know how to make 'em squeal, I assure you.

RIGHT. Okay, byyeeee!
*slooowly drives away while humming the James Bond theme* The name's Dan... Danmokun.
May I offer you a
Passenger safety is number one priori-
Shhhh! How do I turn this off...

uh, number one priority in
this vehicle.
*pops champagne open* OOP. Do you MIND?
*rolls the windows SHUT, thank you very much*