Whoops! Almost missed this thread... we've been
awfully distracted lately...

Isn't that right? ....

Uhh... yeah, anyway.... this IS the "What Are You Listening To?" thread, right?
*double checks the sign outside* Yeah th-...
*notices the shattered glass on the door* yeeeaaah this is it alright. Hey, what's that dangling from the ceiling over there?

What are THESE dangling by your side? Give me that...

much better.... You know what, we'll be
riiiight back...

*exits out the thread and ...* You know, let's go back in....


Sorry, we're just SO distracted!

ANYWAY... here's a little song for those of us distracted by...
certain thoughts. Certain thoughts about...
*glances at you* 

*glances at you again* 


Are you staring at me too?

Yeah, I think she is... uhh... where was I?

*scratches eyebrow*


This one's about catching stars!

I've caught

These are stars. They have 5 points... they're waaarrm.... and I make wishes upon them. Just... like... this.

We'll leave you with this song, may it distract you all too. We think it may resonate with
someone here...

You know who you are... we see you with those balloons in your hands and eating cotton candy...

Now if you'll excu- OW, who put this bag of
cement here??

Someone must've been very happy today... Watch your ste-

Oop! Yes, that is my watch, thank you... It's time for us to go! We've got distracting matters to get to...