What are you planning to name your island?

I don't think my usual name "Aurora" would fit the island vibe going on. I'm actually deciding between the names Maritime & Seaside. Any input on which I should choose is welcome.
Crescent is better than Myst. Well, maybe less common.

Ah, thanks for the input haha, I'm really not too sure. I want it to be something mythical and wintery. Northmoon is another I came up with. All in all I'm not sure yet really.

If anyone has any more suggestions I'd be happy to hear them! :D
Ah, thanks for the input haha, I'm really not too sure. I want it to be something mythical and wintery. Northmoon is another I came up with. All in all I'm not sure yet really.

If anyone has any more suggestions I'd be happy to hear them! :D

I actually like Myst as your island name.
It's nice.

It reminds me of the PC game.
Depends what the character limit this time is. If it's 8 again, then I guess I will gonna pick one of my old names which I used for New Leaf. If the limit is higher, like 10-12 characters, then I will choose either a complete new name or just use a old name and add "New" before it.
I usually name my town "Sunrose", like the Sun then the flower, but lately I've been thinking it just sounds like a misspelling of "Sunrise". I'm looking for something new, something fun but also elegant, and I'm taking suggestions!
Not sure yet. I don't want to use Merupuri again because the town is done and should stand on its own. So I thought about Arella, Amara, Kyaro, Renna, Zoraida - yeah well not satistied with the names to be honest. 3 months to come up with one!

Edit: Waaaait I guess I will name it Amalthea. Like Lady Amalthea from the last unicorn :blush:
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Pretty much going with Starfall. Main town in ACNL and I love it so much. Town from a book series I very much enjoy.
I'm not quite sure. My ACNL town is 'Skyville', but I want something more suited to an island.

Perhaps something like 'Seafoam' or the like?
I have been thinking of ideas since the trailer at e3 and I still haven?t found one I love lol. 103 days left though. There is still hope for me lol.
I wish they would give us some basic information, like island name character limit.

That would be a great help, but they tell us nothing.

Their focus seems to be on multiplayer crap. :(
I wish they would give us some basic information, like island name character limit.

That would be a great help, but they tell us nothing.

Their focus seems to be on multiplayer crap. :(

I'm so excited about the multiplayer stuff but I agree that they should talk about the character limit. I'm really hoping its like at leaast 5 letters longer lolo.
I'm so excited about the multiplayer stuff but I agree that they should talk about the character limit. I'm really hoping its like at leaast 5 letters longer lolo.

I totally want to name my island Purgatory.

So yeah. At least an increase to ten characters.

Fifteen would be even better for two word towns/islands, as the space counts as a character.
At first I was thinking of naming it New Catswort but 1) we don't know what's going to be the character limit yet for names so it might be too long, and 2) I am not sure if I want to commit to a cat-only town again like I am doing right now in NL.

So... I don't have a name yet.
I'm not sure what I'll name mine yet, it heavily depends on character limit. I want something forest-y or witchy, or both. Like Evergreen, Myst, Elderberry, etc ^-^
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I actually hadn't thought about it yet. Probably Kokomo? Visiting Florida for the first time this year reminded me of how much I love the beach and how peaceful it makes me feel. I listened to that song the whole time among other Beach Boys songs. c:
Hmm I had some flower names in mind, like ‘Azalea’ or ‘Hibiscus’
I'm naming it the same as my new leaf town. I want to continue its legacy.