What are you planning to name your island?

i was going to name it Destiny, like Destiny Islands from Kingdom Hearts. i wanted to design my island in a way where it almost feels like two separate islands, where one island is a natural tropical paradise and the other a civilized town (just like in the game), but it will take a lot of planning and resetting for the right river mouth/town square placement lol
I think I settled with "Ghido" Its a Final Fantasy character and my favourite FFXIV minion.
Starfall! It was my new leaf name, and originates from my super ASOIAF nerd days. The town colors are purple and silver, which are some of my favorite colors ^^
snartland haha i'm not sure! thinking about using the same name that i used in my first animal crossing game when i was a youngster.
For some reason all my towns get named 'Bermuda' I was thinking abou switching it up for NH, but honestly Im really settled on my vision of a pink haven called Bermuda now
I've honestly had the worst time deciding this. Originally, all my towns have been named Lilypad. However, for an island, I don't find that name very fitting. Even if it does eventually grow to be something of a normal town, it still is an island. Lilypad is definitely a more inland title. So I think for this one, I wanted something special. I live very close to the beach and I have many fond memories of me when I was younger shuffling my feet through the sand on the hunt for shells called sand dollars. For that reason, I went with the town name, Sandbell. It is both a reference to Sand Dollars and to Sanibel island where I hunted for shells when I was younger. It's grown to be a name dear to my heart.
I was going to name it Oakheart, but now I don't know if I want something with Bay or Cove in it. Like Lucky Cove or something.
Overhere! :D It was my town name in New Leaf, and though it was originally Overthere I had to shorten it for New Leaf and it pretty much stuck!
Because I'm naming my villager Adelaide, I'm gonna call my island Langtree. It's a reference to show called Over the Garden Wall

(which if you're into animation, and haven't seen, I would highly recommend, if not just for how well developed the show is)
I have a few names I'm throwing around, I'm ever so indecisive...


The italicized ones are the ones I like a lot but I still want to consider all of them..... well I still have over 24 hours to decide, ahaha.
Still haven't decided but here is what I'm thinking;;


I really don't know which one!!
I’ve settled on the name Tansan! Knowing that the English version of the game doesn’t come with suffixes like isle or island, I rethought some of my names and came up with something more general and personal to me. I’ve been happy with this name all week so I’m pretty sure I’ll go with it in the end.
Still haven't decided but here is what I'm thinking;;


I really don't know which one!!

Pokemon names! I like. I was leaning towards Shamouti but I don't know if it'll even fit. From the Orange Islands!
Tuvalu, one of the smallest and least visited countries in the world, also a beautiful tropical island!
I have no idea. really feeling the pressure now. time is ticking and I’m still desperately googling in search of a really good one.

but probably Rohan/Edoras as a last resort.
Or idk... Dankmire or something. which I realise is not the most inviting name lol but I love me some Disenchantment and Queen Oona. so maybe that!