What are Your Bell Tree HQ New Year Resolutions?


Don't make me cross!
Jul 13, 2013
Winter Mittens
Lump of Coal
Winter Mittens
Silver Trophy (Second Place)
Rainbow Feather
Happy New Year to everyone.

Everyone tends to make resolutions of some sort even if they don't last longer than the first few days.

Who has made a resolution connected to the Bell Tree HQ and what was it?

To buy more collectibles? Not to bid on so many auctions? Collect more BTB ? Not to spend so many BTB?
Not to trade in the BTB Marketplace so often?

Share your secrets........... We won't tell!
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1. Keep making signatures and avatars for people free of charge
2. Keep SOTW and DOTM going
3. Contribute positively to the community
4. Collect a lot of TBT to give out to people

I can't think of anything else off the top of my head.
Hm... I didn't make any TBT resolutions but I've been thinking that while I am cycling for Fauna, I would like to try and obtain as many of the popular villagers as I can so I can give them away for free to people who want them but cannot afford them.
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If I were to post a realistic response to this thread I'd probably diagnose myself with stupidity while I was at it
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Write an economic analysis of TBTs economy
Add people to my ignore list instead of fighting with them.
Ah, I know that feeling. I try not to get into arguments online but it can be difficult not to let things get to you, and it is sometimes challenging to hold yourself back when you feel something that someone has said is wrong or ill-informed n___n I wish you good luck, I hope you are able to browse the forums less stressfully this year !
1. Keep making signatures and avatars for people free of charge
2. Keep SOTW and DOTM going
3. Contribute positively to the community
4. Collect a lot of TBT to give out to people

I can't think of anything else off the top of my head.

Add people to my ignore list instead of fighting with them.
Basically mine.

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Only 3 and 4 for WonderK's)
I really hope to make some friends on here after all that's my main objective when joining any forum. Knowing me I probably won't make any at all...
To be on the Top Ten posters and become a popular member.
Get the last few collectibles I need to complete my collection or whatever. But that's really it, my main resolution is to get into making a new shop. (So far, failing...)
Stop being mean to people and stop swearing.

I will get drunk on the irc more and bring life to the mumble #LAURENMUMBLECOP2K14/15#LAURENBESTBOOBSONTBT2K13/14/15