What are your biggest Pet Peeves?

One of my pet peeves is when, no matter how careful I am, i still manage to wash a damn tissue... I mean I always use my left pocket, I always check when I take my clothes off and again when I load the machine but still, every now and then there’ll somehow be little mangled tissue bits stuck all over everything...
When people smoke at tables at bars/restaurants. It's not really worth complaining about since you can just be a hermit and stay inside to avoid it. I'm not usually bothered by smoking and I'm not one to whine about smokers minding their own business at a bus stop but it can completely put me off food. The ones that plop their fat ass on the same bench as you and light one while you're trying to eat hamborger though are the absolute worst and that's disgusting. Whoever you are I hate you forever
Spitting. I can understand if you're brushing your teeth or there's something in your mouth, but when you literally spit-
I hate the sound of spitting and it's just nasty overall.
Making more than one trip, like to go get groceries out of the car or getting laundry out of the dryer.
People who text and drive. As someone who grew up half way with minimum technology to where we are now it's not impossible to have someone wait for you. Just that mentality of instant gratification is tedious. However, when that tedious need becomes dangerous it should be realized as such. The fact that it's not adds to the whole end of civilization thing for me especially.
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Bad driving is another of my pet peeves. This includes driving well below the speed limit, texting and driving, talking on your cell phone and driving, not staying in your lane, and so many other things. When I'm on the road, I have some place to be and I don't have time for people who can't drive properly or are intentionally distracted.
when people are taking themselves really serious in the middle of a joke conversation..like bruh chill lol.

also when u write someone a long text/dm etc. and they don't ever bother to reply n just ignoring you --''
i really hate hearing people chew or eat like damn. i also hate intolerant people of course xoxo
People who do not wash their hands. I just... don't understand how people think it's okay.
People who do not wash their hands. I just... don't understand how people think it's okay.

The best defense against germs is more germs!

My big pet peeve is when people are on their phones in a conversation. Just... Why?
People who do not wash their hands. I just... don't understand how people think it's okay.

This... like do you want other to get your poop germs... ew that ppl even do that ;x

also ppl who dont flush/males who don't place back the toilet ring like bruh
The best defense against germs is more germs!

My big pet peeve is when people are on their phones in a conversation. Just... Why?

Ah man I'm completely the same. You spend the time to converse and make eye contact. Then they do that, it completely demotivates you to the point where you're not interested in carrying on the conversation.
When people claim they have like OCD for example when they don't and have not been diagnosed. It really annoys me for some reason. I also dislike when people complain all the time, or when they do things without thinking ( not using common sense).
- When people look at me and I look at them, so I smile, but they don't smile back.
- Entitled people that likes to announce their profession and thinks it can get a gain from it. If that makes any sense.
- Drivers who don't use turn blinkers when turning or changing lanes. ALSO when they cut you off and it was really cutting it close...
When people are late. It drives me crazy, because I'm also super time conscious to make sure I get to places when I need to be there. Everyone is my family is chronically late to everything. I would much rather sit in my car for 20 minutes than be late even a few minutes. Plus when I was managing restaurants I had to make sure everyone was always on time because if one person was late it meant at least one other person who was already there couldn't go home at their scheduled time.