What are your dreams?

Be an animator, (you know, the guys who draw all day and get paid for doing that,) and I want to write a book, have a cat, be closer to nature,(if i'm lucky I get to see a dog every 2 months).

I also want to get rid of my fear of lalaloopsys.
Go to Columbia University, Princeton, MIT, or any top engineering college.
Have an engineering career and have a successful family, good life.
I'd like to move to (or around) Boston someday, I think that'd be nice... and to live in a Victorian house, those are my favorite. :)
Go to Mexico and visit my family.

Nah. But going to Mexico means something bad happens to me.

First time, nothing bad
Second time, got a hole cut in my arm, threw up from eating corn.

Third time,smashed into a glass door, broke my foot, almost drowned.

Lets hope this year I don't get attacked by wild dogs. In Mexico there are dogs running across the street without a care.
I have accomplished one of my dreams since childhood - To be in the Veterinary Industry

Other dreams

Become an actress.
Write a book.
Travel the world.
Have children.
Have grandchildren.
I thought it would be cool to know what ya'll wanna do in life. It doesn't just have to be career-wise. It can be any goal you want to achieve one day.

Right now I'm going to college and I have an undecided major. I am considering something in the veterinary business or a photographer or something in the graphic design area. I need a lot of work and improvement for all of those though.

And here are some of my unrealistic life goals:

  • Be in a movie/TV show
  • Make a song
  • Write a book
  • Make a comic/manga
  • Get an orange cat despite my allergies

Life update:

Going to school for veterinary technology and I have 2 orange cats and my allergy is basically gone to non existent.
Life update:

Going to school for veterinary technology and I have 2 orange cats and my allergy is basically gone to non existent.

Congrats on fulfilling some of your dreams!

Some of my dreams include:
- Write a novel that becomes a literary classic and changes the world
- Save as many animals as possible
- get into a cool college
- have a nice paying job
- get a cool apartment
- find love (unrealistic :()
- maybe become better at writing??
Either program video games or become a professional drummer.
-Become the conductor of a children's choir
-Inspire kids and make a positive contribution to their lives
-It would be nice to find a life partner but it will be difficult
-Just be really content, have a place where I belong, people that believe in me
-Become a professional sports journalist/broadcaster
-Finish writing the first book to my fictional book series and get it published (and also write the other books in the series). There’s a company I have in mind where I’ll want to ask for help from to get anime and manga adaptations for it as well. We’ll see how that goes.
-Be able to take care of the land I’ll own a part of in the future
-Graduate from university (I’m currently in right now)
-Donate a large portion of the money I make from these^ career dreams/endeavors to the university I go to, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Ecuador (to help with the situations in those countries), and to my family as well. I’ll only keep as much as I need to live on.
-Lastly, find a girlfriend eventually and marry her at some point, move into a house and have one kid. Although I doubt this will ever happen.
My new dreams:

- Finish school and get my degree and my veterinarian technician certification
- stop being a millennial and be able to afford to move out
- get a man or at least date people
- stop being fat and become a skinny queen
- adopt a chihuahua or any small dog breed
- start an ASMR YouTube channel (yeah right)
- I'd like to write a book but I don't have an idea
- Leave the house more
- Play Animal Crossing Switch for the rest of my life
Definitely plan on being a successful attorney and have even thought about a political career. However, before I'd do that, I'd love to own my own law firm and expand it abroad. It's something I think about almost daily.

Also, I want to travel the world, but where reality kicks in is that unfortunately lawyers don't get many vacation days, so it's unlikely I'll get to do as much traveling as I want to do. :( It's really East Asian countries that I want to visit, like Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. My dad and I may be going to Japan and Taiwan this summer, but it's really uncertain if it will happen or not, especially as my mom has voiced a lot of displeasure about the idea of me and him going (kind of hard for me to pay for a trip on my own considering I'm a broke college student right now).
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In a little particular order... I do have a few dreams, I believe they are attainable, but I have no problem taking my time getting there. So long as I don't die in a tragic accident before I can accomplish them lol.

- Get my B.A. in graphic design and have a stable career as a graphic designer, preferably in-house at a small studio or in advertising or magazine layout. Even if it's not doing design for products I enjoy like toys or something lol

- Get married and become a wife to someone I love and who loves me too.

- Maybe be a mother too, not sure about this one, it's negotiable.

- Write a children's book with my partner and illustrate it.

- Retire from a studio and be able to make a living doing freelance work and selling art.
my dream is to become an artist one day well more specifically an illustrator or character design
My biggest dream is just to be content, I don't really need my life to look a certain way as long as I'm enjoying it.

That being said, creating my own video game, writing a book, and producing an album are all creative goals I hope to achieve one day.
? Become a teacher
? Become a mother, either by birth or by adoption
? Find my life partner
? Get a dog ♡
? Visit Iceland

These are on the top of my checklist in life, haha.
I'd really like to achieve my biggest dream which is to become a voice actor.
I've been wanting to be a voice actor for quite a time now and that is still the only thing that I want to do with my life. I think I'm not bad at acting but for some reason I can't "act" with my body, it's just awkward so that's why I prefer to be just a voice.

I also want to have a lot of pets!
And a lot of money because I'm very materialistic and love to have goodies or just stuff in general, it makes me feel complete.
Also I'd like to travel to Japan! That's a dream I've been having since more than 5 years and each day I want to go even more! I just love this country and the culture and my little japanese language notions will probably help me. If I go I hope I'll be able to go for like... between three weeks and one month because I don't want to only go to Tokyo, I really want to visit the whole country and everything it has to offer, in terms of landscapes or food for example.
To become rich
Already putting down steppingstones, just need to fix my mentality and be more focused, motivated etc, need more discipline