what are your favorite little details in acnh?

This going to sound weird (and i don't know if this count as a little detail) but... The sound of the steps.

When you walk on the museum floor or the wood path are the most satisfying!
I like how your villager's hair bounces when they walk, even how some backpacks are loose when you're wearing them to do much the same. I also like the details in Redd's ship. It's such a small, closed in space but you just get a lot from the atmosphere. It feels like the developers nailed the aesthetic with it.
The storms, the way fans make your plants and items move, the sounds when you walk through the museum, the way villagers play. The little things in this game and the attention to detail is what keeps me going with it.
I only just now discovered the string tune that plays when you enter Nooks Cranny ten minutes prior to closing time.

Yes, I am "that" sort of customer.
I haven't played in months, but I love:
- the sound of the footsteps on different surfaces. It's just such a small, yet impactful detail.
- the shadows that clouds or balloons make on the ground.
- the thought behind the feeling each hourly song is to invoke. I know some don't like the hourly songs, but I love them.
- the way footprints in the sand disappear as you walk.

So many others I'm sure I could come up with, but those stand out the most.
I find it really satisfying crafting an item that takes a lot of materials. Watching a veritable waterfall of stones when crafting a stone arch, for instance.
I also recently started taking a few photos in the game, really zooming in on bugs and such. The attention to detail in this game never ceases to amaze me. ^^;
One two of my favorites are: I love how when you run or move around your hair and clothes do too.
And when you are running you can trip and fall! 😂
Another one would be how the Villagers greet each other. It's just cool to see how from far they see each other… “Hello!”
The happy little walk the villagers do after they have a particularly good conversation with another villager warms my heart. The mad stomp they do after a bad convo is pretty funny too.
The birds sitting on the message board when you have bulletins to read is a cute detail. Also I love the way the butterflies float carefree and land on my carefully sculpted flower gardens. The butterfly room in the museum is my favorite place in the game. 🦋
bringing back an old thread of mine for this - i was using the handheld camera on my nookphone earlier today, holding it up to little critters around my island, like the common butterfly, and it just shocked me at how much detail the artists have put into this game. no one even pays attention to the common butterflies but every last intricate detail down to the different creases on the wings and joints on the legs are there and it is just so cute and it made me very happy to see. :D
I love when the rabbit ears move around, just like how they used to back in City Folk.

I also love how the villagers and special characters all use different phone cases for their Nook phones.

The ability to be able to draw on the bulletin board at the town hall is really neat, you couldn't do this in past games.

One of the best features in this game is that you can call a villager on the yellow phone at The Roost via using an amiibo card to hang out with that villager.
I love when the rabbit ears move around, just like how they used to back in City Folk.
Fun fact: Coco is the only "rabbit" villager where her ears don't move; they're completely stiff. It's also ironic, since due to her being the only normal rabbit villager, there's actually unique dialogue where she talks about admiring her ears - taking care of them daily - that will randomly come up if you talk to her. I know this because I've seen the same starting dialogue with Kiki, but she talks about her tail instead as she's a cat. If you didn't know that previously, now you know!

There's several small things I really like due to this game being in HD:
  • The lighting system is incredible compared to older games. While still not 100% realistic, it makes the game look very nice.
    • Floor lamps give off light to the area immediately surrounding it, and their glow reflects off your character very nicely if all other lights are off. This way, floor lamps can be utilized in a way to show off something on a wall. In previous games, floor lamps would just light up the entire room regardless of size or what it is.
    • Different colored lights would also show that specific color, and you can go crazy with it when going after a theme. HHP expanded that option to do entire rooms.
    • The fact that several electronics with displays actually give off some light in dark rooms is excellent. Here's an example of that in action from my Brucewood Mac story. Note how the laptop's screen slightly lights up Bruce's face in the dark room:
      Looking for Talent 2.jpg
    • If there's a thunderstorm or fireworks outside, you can actually see the room light up slightly if it's dark enough. Speaking of thunderstorms, I actually like how the lightning is a slow, smooth flash and not epileptic; my eyes thank the game for that. Now, I don't have a single problem with my vision or have to worry about epilepsy, but I'd imagine the game's calmed lightning greatly benefits gamers who do have to suffer through that constantly.
  • If you interact with the pinball machine, you can actually see the ball moving around on the game field. It's hard to see as it's so small, but you can see it easily on a larger TV screen.
  • The vending machine you can purchase from the Nook Miles Redemption has cool animations of it dispensing snacks. Purely cosmetic, but a nice detail regardless.
  • The water cooler shows the water inside moving when used.
  • If it's raining outside, you can see raindrops on the windows from inside houses.
  • Like a lot of others mentioned, footstep sounds change depending on the material being walked on, and even what kind of shoes you're wearing. Robot villagers make metal clanging sounds when they walk as well. The default sound for walking on custom designs kind of sucks, but I'd imagine being able to change footstep sounds would be asking for too much.
  • Airplane trails can be seen in the sky on sunny days after flying to and from others' islands. Villagers may even comment on it if you're lucky enough.
  • A lot of people already know this, but when you place a stereo outside and play one of Slider's songs, villagers may sing along to it, and those with the music hobby will sing without being near any stereo. It's especially funny when I see three or more villagers grouped together in the plaza singing K.K. Bubblegum, and the nearest stereo is on the other side of the island!
  • It was like this in older games as well, but showing off a reaction to other villagers will (mostly) have them react as well, sometimes opposite of what you did. I find it weird though that when I try to show off happy reactions to Tom (my island's lone cranky villager), he just sort of looks at me as if I'm crazy. Might be due to his personality, however.
  • Leaves in trees will actually move depending on wind speed and not just by shaking or when it's raining or snowing.
    • Certain furniture items react this way as well, even if they're placed in front of oscillating fans, in which they dynamically move depending on where the fan is facing. This is probably the smallest detail that impressed me the most, believe it or not.
  • The museum's little details after donating specimens is pretty neat as well; the butterfly room especially. They'll actually sleep when it's dark, and fly all around when it's daytime. If you look at the big sap tree in the main bug room, you can find exotic bugs fighting with one another, and there will actually be a winner if you watch it long enough. This would probably be the only fully-completed museum in the series that I would actually revisit if I was bored and had nothing else to do. It's that good. My only complaint is that you can't see specimen facts after donating them (except for art); something I liked in New Leaf.
So yeah, lots of things. There's probably more that I'm forgetting as well. I would only imagine the next Animal Crossing would expand on the little details even further. Whether that'll be on the Switch or the next Nintendo console, that game's graphics will have a lot to live up to.
my favorite thing about the game is how villagers can sing along to the stereo or even just have the music hobby. It’s soooo sweet to see them singing!
The seasonal snacks! I love seeing my villagers lick an ice-cream cone in the summer, and soup bowls in the fall and winter. 🥰
I also think it’s funny when a villager gets angry— the cartoonish smoke puffs as they stomp around. 😭
I love seeing their little footprints in the sand.
I also like leaving random instruments around the island and watching my villagers try to play them.
I think the dialogue is funny and how the writers snuck in stuff like “glute toot” and “fresh-air fella who doesn’t like pants.”