What are your recent creative outlets?


strawbaby she/her
May 1, 2018
Spring Sakura
Yellow Candy
Spring Shamrock
Tasty Cake
Peach (Fruit)
June Birthstone (Pearl)
Pear (Fruit)
Anything goes :giggle:

animal crossing itself has been a big creative outlet for me, as well as journaling for it.

And im currently working on a planter made out of a recycled tin can and im sculpting little animal crossing props to put in it out of some cheap modeling clay lol. Right now i have a fossil completed, and im going to work on a gyroid, a pitfall seed, and im debating if i have the guts to attempt sculpting coco
Screen Shot 2020-05-20 at 8.16.45 PM.png

tiny fossil ^
That sounds so cute! Great job on the fossil! :)

Right now, my only creative outlet is Animal Crossing. Designing my town and houses is fulfilling that need pretty well for me. But I also love to write. I used to write a lot of short stories and poetry and started working on a bunch of different novels. I need to find time to get back into my writing.
I started writing again since I used to write a lot but lost motivation over the years. All this free time is giving me a bunch of ideas that I'm pretty excited for!
Also started practicing drawing again, all my drafts are on my old laptop which is very frustrating to use so I've had to start everything from scratch unfortunately
acnh has been a huge creative outlet for me! this is my first time putting so much thought into designing anything, let alone an entire island. i'm really proud of how it's turning out!! i've taken up drawing too over the past couple of months, something i've been wanting to learn all my life c: i'm still amazed at how i can just have an idea and then put it on canvas LOL
It's drawing. Even though i'm in an endless art block, it's still fun to just doodle my favorite characters and throw in a bit of digital painting now and then.
Fiction writing. I've been working on a fantasy series since May 2013 that I would best describe as: "Game of Thrones meets Romance of the Three Kingdoms - but with vampires." Thanks to lockdown I finally have the time to throw myself completely into it. That's something I've not been able to do for a long time.

I am currently working on a complete rewrite of book one that has drastically changed the plot for the whole series. I scrapped one of the main characters and as a result the first 45,000 words went with it (or, more accurately, I moved them into in a separate document and will continue her story as a standalone novel). The changes are so drastic that I need to throw out all of book two and start again. Oddly enough, the plot for book three still works, but it will need a full rewrite to reflect the changes made in books one and two. My head isn't focused on any of that though. What I really want to do is start book four because I have a great adventure lined up for two characters who don't even meet until book three.
I like to doodle (and craft) a little, I'm not too good at it but doings things amateurly is still a lot of fun.


Not very good, but it's still super relaxing to just color it. I'd definitely recommend it for anyone who "can't" draw. 🥰

I also like to edit pictures digitally and such. I'm not really too creative, so I like to be more practical about it.
Designing my island has been a huge creative outlet for me, and imagining stories for all my villagers is making me want to seriously get into drawing!
Tbh Animal Crossing has been a huge creative outlet for me as well! Working on my island during my free time has helped me feel as if I have a purpose in making art again in a weird way, and I always love being able to show my friends around my island when they come over!! It also has given me a chance to reconnect with the Animal Crossing community I feel like, which has been really nice as well.
Drawing and painting has always been my biggest creative outlet, but I also enjoy building gunpla (model toy robots).

Recently Animal Crossing has been fun to get into creatively as well. I like decorating my island.
Like the rest of you, Animal Crossing, but I also knit. I'm working on a blanket for my father that's based on the Hudson Bay stripe blanket. I'm also doing a stuffed version of Hobbes the tiger for my brother, and just embarked on a huge project for myself - the beekeeper's quilt, which is made up of hundreds of hexagons that are sewn together.

I also write. I'm working on a 6-book series. And I'm learning to weave.
Animal Crossing is what sparked my creativity during the New Leaf era. Thanks to the series and other artists, it has helped me get into drawing and improving my skills as time went on. While not a physical creative outlet, me and my sister do a lot of roleplaying as our villagers on our island (we did this back in New Leaf too!). Basically, we come up with a certain situation and then think of how that villager reacts to it. For example, Stitches loves bugs but others may be disgusted by it. Another one would be Bea being a skilled cook based on the interior of her house. While Carrie is a mother, she does not know how to cook. Therefore, Bea gives her cooking lessons to not only acquire that skill but to also make healthy meals as well! As of now, I'm making Super Smash Bros. stock icons for every single villager in the entire series! Yes, it's a huge project with 400+ villagers, but I'm going through them one by one and I'm having a blast!

Aside from Animal Crossing, cars and trains make me want to draw them. I'm pushing myself to learn or improve certain techniques such as one point perspective or foreshortening.
I have a sketchbook where I liked to doodle ideas for my island 😁
I draw a lot as a hobby & I recently picked up woodcarving! I saw a youtuber I watch make an AC tree out of clay recently though and I kinda experiment with clay, too.. ><
Writing poems has been my main creative outlet. I probably need to practice with writing poems some more but I feel proud of what I've been making.
ahhh, that's so cute!

for me, i'm bullet journalling, but i really want to get back into making ceramics. i'm debating on whether i should just order clay from the internet so i can make cute ceramic decorations for my room.