What are your starting villagers?

Kevin and...




I wanted to reset but I got Apples and a nice map so I'm gonna grit my teeth through this one folks.
I started with Hazel and Cobb!
I was originally indifferent to both of them, but now they've both really grown on me!
Mira & Boots! I'm so happy - both very colorful and unique, and perfect first residents for my theme park. c:
I got Diva! (who I really wanted) and Kid Cat! I'm SUPER happy with this, because I did not plan to reset for villagers (and only reset for town fruit and map) and only reset one time and got the fruit and map I wanted, and got these two! :)
sprocket and Sylvia. don't like either of them but the rest of the island (layout, resident services placement, airport colour, fruit) was what I wanted so I figured I can just move them out later on.
I got Phoebe and Samson. They are ok neither are wants for my island, but I’m happy with my island and fruit and I didn’t even reset once so I’ll take it.
I got Plucky and Moose. Was really hoping to get Rocket for my uchi but Plucky’s turning out to be pretty freaking rad so. No complaints!
My two starting villagers were Mac and Paula. They're... okay I guess? Never had them before in the previous games, but they seem alright. Not really good or really bad. I'm probably going to replace them with better villagers when I can, but I can live with them being on my island for now.