I'm ordering pizza right now and I find that I always have this problem of not knowing what I want! I've decided on Brooklyn pepperoni and sausage for this one, but for next time - what are your two favourite pizza toppings? Are there any that you can't stand?
ohhh food <3 making me hungry lolz. i love love pineapple and sausage but i know alot of people hate it especially almost everyone i know minus my best bud she's the only one who will order it with me. i can't stand super hot peppers sadly i used to be able to but not any more as my tummy just can't do it. oh and cilantro as it will kill me. gross wise it's gotta be that goat cheese stuff or whatever. i'm sorry but pizza is not gonna be healthy no matter what you do to it so don't ruin the cheese.
Recently though I started getting this new pizza with bacon, chicken, and instead of pizza sauce this tasty ranch sauce o: It's called the "cali chicken bacon ranch" at dominos
Two only? Three? Maybe mozzarella, jam?n or a similar dry-cured ham and topped with fresh rocket/ruccola after the baking process.
I might prefer flammkuchen/tarte flamb?e to pizza, though! So it would be topped with cr?me fra?che instead of tomato sauce. On top of that ham, onions, cheese and lots of salt and pepper!!
I love almost any type of veggie on a pizza. My absolute favorite is 3 toppings: tomatoes, mushrooms and onions. If I had to ditch one to go with just two toppings, I'd pick tomatoes and mushrooms. I also love just a plain old cheese pizza with lots and lots of cheese.
I prefer not to have any kind of meat on my pizza and especially not pepperoni. Unfortunately that means when my husband and I order pizza, we have to get separate ones because he won't eat pizza without pepperoni. I know you can pick them off, but I lose too much cheese that way.
And I hate pineapple in general, so I don't want it anywhere near my pizza.
i always go with pineapple and green peppers because I'm a picky eater and or I don't want to try new stuff and end up not liking it.
I know, I know people hate pineapple on pizza but I feel like it depends where you order it. once my mom's coworker brough pepperoni pizza with pineapple and it was the worst I've eaten in my life.
bro i love pizza so much. ik this is more than two, but the best pizza for me would have pepperoni, onions, mushrooms and maybe even green pepper on it.
as for a topping i can?t stand? uh,, probably olives since i find those yucky in general lol
PEPERONI AND MUSHROOMS! its amazing, tasyer than ever.... oh no... now I want pizza. Anyways, mush + peperon is amazing. Its a burst of flavor, and I always order it.
I don’t eat pizza that often anymore, but when I do I don’t mind whichever topping is on it. I can eat pizza with pretty much any topping. Why do I have to choose just two
But for the sake of the question, I guess I’ll say pepperonis and pineapple.