What are your two favourite pizza toppings?

I don’t eat pizza that often anymore, but when I do I don’t mind whichever topping is on it. I can eat pizza with pretty much any topping. Why do I have to choose just two :(

But for the sake of the question, I guess I’ll say pepperonis and pineapple. :lemon:

HAHA i said two only because that's what my loyalty program gives me! a medium two-topping pizza reward!
mushroom, onion.. also bell peppers... anything veggie!
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i like pineapple and kebab but not at the same time, obviously. that would be weird to say the least
Pizza topic! ❤❤❤

I usually get mine plain, but jalapeños and pepperoni when I would eat meat. Love me some spice.
Not sure what I would not stand... I usually only get what I know I already like haha.
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Pepperoni and gyros. Not sure if gyros is available in many countries, but it's so delicious on pizza to me.
If I get pizza at a restaurant I go for pepperoni and mushrooms but if I make it at home I like prosciutto and shallots or bacon and tomatoes.
Mushrooms, Ground Beef, Broccoli, Ham, Extra Cheese.

Any combination of those and I'm a happy camper.
I'm super basic when it comes to pizza. I like basil, tomato slices and sauce, and mozzarella, gorgonzolla and parmesan cheese. So basically basil and tomato (bc cheese in one way or another is always on pizza anyways so)
cheese and cheese

haha jk (kind of). I really like the "margherita pizzas" with mozzarella cheese and basal leaves
Tbh I?m good with just tomato sauce and cheese. But if I had to pick two toppings it would be pepperoni and black olives

I hate mushrooms and pineapples on pizza
My number one topping definitely goes to onions! I'm kinda torn for the second one between green peppers and mushrooms, but if I had to choose, mushrooms for sure. It's because I want to get more chewiness out of my pizza.
Green pepper and mushroom, but imo pizza tastes better when there's more on it otherwise it's pretty plain. Although I think the sausage on pizza is pretty gross so I never order that on top of mine. The more vegetables, the better.
Pineapple and tomato! Whenever I do a custom pizza I get those toppings, no hesitation.