What browser do you use?

Which browser do you use?

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I have a Chromebox so I always use Chrome.I used to use Internet Explorer but I got tired of Microsoft products' buggy nature and constant updates so I switched to Chrome.I've never had any issues with it.
It depends on what device i’m using, if i’m on my computer i use firefox and if i’m on my ipad i use safari because i don’t want to bother to install firefox
Chrome the most. Used Firefox before but after a horrible thing happened to me on Firefox a month ago really made me delete the browser and never used it again. I wish my discord friend never sent me that link that only works on Firefox.
Depends what device I'm on. PC I use Chrome, but on my phone I use Safari. I didn't like the Chrome app and I don't care for Safari on PC.

Since I can only vote for one I guess I'll go with Safari as I'm on my phone more than a PC. (Though I'm currently posting this from Chrome haha.)
after all these years, chrome is just the most familiar, continent, and comfortable- even with the perks of other browsers, i can't see myself switching.
chrome always on my laptop! i definitely prefer it. and then safari if i'm on my phone because i can't be bothered to download chrome on it
Firefox, on both my computer and on my phone. I've been using Firefox more or less since it came out back in the day.

I do use Chrome for a few things, but I do avoid it as much as possible. I have a Google Pixel phone and Google Fi phone service. Google already knows plenty about me. I don't need them to know about everything I do online too.
I use Edge on my PC, it seems faster to me than Chrome. On my iPad I use Safari because not having to use mobile websites is a godsend.
firefox on pc, safari on my tablet. i might migrate everything to a different browser on pc, but i'm still deciding : i used to use chrome, but it took up a lot of ram and it just wasn't for me.
little update: since i was enjoying braves features on my desktop i decided to try it out on mobile, the mobile app has a built in dark mode and thats all i've ever wanted. goodbye chrome.
I normally use Chrome on everything minus using Safari when I'm browsing the internet on my phone.
Despite the amount of RAM it takes up, I still rely on Chrome. For a short period of time I used Firefox, but Chrome is just more convenient. As for mobile I use Safari.
whats your internet browser of choice?

i used chrome for a long time but recently I switched to brave browser, it had been recommended to me quite a bit and i wanted to try something new, really liking the features so far.
I personally use Chrome, but I also occasionally use firefox and opera with the duckduckgo search engine. It doesn't track your data or apply cookies so it's relatively good for safe browsing compared to everything else. I don't own a linux system, just a linux USB for if I ever need to use it for anything, but other than that I'm a windows type of person. Better for programming development and hard hitting graphics systems.
Firefox, because you can customize it a lot and it actually seems to care about privacy.