Whenever I feel down and sad, I usually watch my favorite shows like Brooklyn 99 (it touches on some heavy topics and it makes me feel better when some issues are addressed, but there are also super funny episodes that lighten my mood!) and The Office (because it’s a classic, ya know?). I’ll make myself a cup of black tea or hot chocolate/chocolate milk and chill on my couch. Sometimes I play Splatoon, Animal Crossing, or play Super Smash Bro’s with my guy friends. That’s just a typical ‘I’m sad and I need to feel better’ type of routine.
When I’m depressed/mad, I run on my treadmill. Doesn’t matter for how long or how far, I watch Avatar: TLA and run until all my anger/sadness is gone. I’ve run 4 miles before while angry, it takes you a long way! I’m sorry you had such a crappy day at the beginning of the week, I hope you are feeling better! <3