What comforts you when you're sad?

I like to listen to music, watch one of my favourite movies (usually Ten Things I Hate About You) or play video games (mostly AC or Stardew Valley) when I'm upset. I'll often visit my boyfriend, or at least talk with him about what's making me sad. I also comfort eat a lot when I'm unhappy.
Depends on how sad I am, but usually I'll go for a walk with my dog and I'll feel a bit better by the end of it.
for me watching sailor moon is a huge comfort. honestly any easy-to-watch show with a good aesthetic but especially sailor moon (lol not me with a sailor moon pfp) oh and mushi-shi!! mushi-shi is chef's kiss

also playing past games that i absolutely adore or have really good memories with! zelda skyward sword, mario galaxy (1+2), twilight princess and ofc animal crossing are all games im very fond of and they comfort me a lot
Taking a long nice nap, eating a dessert, or watching my favorite you tubers. Of course Animal Crossing too. I hope you’re doing better.
vcs i guess? when i get sad im usually in a depression well so not much really works tbh lol
Playing animal crossing or venting to my best friend, he sends me cute pictures and tries to help with my problems so that helps a lot<3
Whenever I feel down and sad, I usually watch my favorite shows like Brooklyn 99 (it touches on some heavy topics and it makes me feel better when some issues are addressed, but there are also super funny episodes that lighten my mood!) and The Office (because it’s a classic, ya know?). I’ll make myself a cup of black tea or hot chocolate/chocolate milk and chill on my couch. Sometimes I play Splatoon, Animal Crossing, or play Super Smash Bro’s with my guy friends. That’s just a typical ‘I’m sad and I need to feel better’ type of routine.
When I’m depressed/mad, I run on my treadmill. Doesn’t matter for how long or how far, I watch Avatar: TLA and run until all my anger/sadness is gone. I’ve run 4 miles before while angry, it takes you a long way! I’m sorry you had such a crappy day at the beginning of the week, I hope you are feeling better! <3
Whenever I feel down and sad, I usually watch my favorite shows like Brooklyn 99 (it touches on some heavy topics and it makes me feel better when some issues are addressed, but there are also super funny episodes that lighten my mood!) and The Office (because it’s a classic, ya know?). I’ll make myself a cup of black tea or hot chocolate/chocolate milk and chill on my couch. Sometimes I play Splatoon, Animal Crossing, or play Super Smash Bro’s with my guy friends. That’s just a typical ‘I’m sad and I need to feel better’ type of routine.
When I’m depressed/mad, I run on my treadmill. Doesn’t matter for how long or how far, I watch Avatar: TLA and run until all my anger/sadness is gone. I’ve run 4 miles before while angry, it takes you a long way! I’m sorry you had such a crappy day at the beginning of the week, I hope you are feeling better! <3
Running to get rid of anger is a really good idea. You feel better and exercised a lot! Double bonus!
Usually a walk through the woods helps me feel better. Sometimes I imagine myself as a drop of water in the current of a large stream, and I try to just accept the flow and my place in it all. Sometimes, if I am sad, I will try to laugh and think about how crazy all of reality is and that it can bring me to such powerful feelings which is beautiful I think. I try to remember that my sadness also reveals my happiness, as I wouldn't know one without the other. At the same time, I try to stay aware of patterns in my thoughts/behaviors that lead me into whirlpools of negativity, so that I am not needlessly punishing myself. Finding the balance is hard, but I feel that I am improving :)
Right now it’s pop tarts. I completely forgot I hid them in my closet so nobody would take them all and eat them. It’s really nice that they are there when I needed them the most.
One movie I saw recently which really moved me in that aspect is Fellini's Nights of Cabiria. The gif in my signature is of the last frames of the movie (spoilers, I guess? if you care about that sort of thing): the protagonist has been betrayed and is walking home heartbroken, when a marching band walks by her, followed by people celebrating. She can't help but smile along with everyone. I found this moment so very touching... To me, it meant life is trash sometimes and then it moves on. Linger too much on that negative moment and you'll miss all the positive ones. This is what gives me motivation now.
ACNH when im feeling stressed or overwhelmed
sad songs when I need a good cry
eating ice cream or warm comfort food (mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, grilled cheese) when im feeling down
watching disney movies because they always bring a lil serotonin to me
going for a long run when I need to clear my head or when im angry
i either listen to my sad music playlist or watch my youtube playlist 'things that make me scream'. even though they're opposite in tone, the effect on me is the same. or i just sleep sleep sleep until my sadness dissapears and i forget why i even was upset to begin with