I think a lot of rules when it comes to flying are ridiculous, but you can put a carry on under your seat. If it fits under the seat it can go there. Also, I wouldn’t say putting your carry on right above your head is being separated from it. Also since you can take a personal item as well, I usually put any on flight essentials in the personal item. That way the carry on can go in the overhead bin, and then I have my little bag of goodies. It being at your feet is totally different from fitting it snug under your seat. For safety reasons at your feet won’t do the trick, especially if people are having to move around you or past you in the event of an emergency. The last thing anyone wants to deal with in that situation is someone’s luggage.
Also, it is stupid that you can’t bring a bottle of soda/water through TSA, but it’s only because they can’t identify the liquid. And after the foiled terrorist attack in 2006, I kinda agree don’t mind. Also who wants to sit through extra security measures while they test whatever liquid you’re trying to bring. Security is already daunting because there’s always those people who just don’t follow the rules and slow it down, so imagine adding another element? heck nah if i want a soda that bad ill spend the $2 after security. Plus, you get the free soda on the plane itself, if you don’t bring one on the plane.
You also always have the option of bringing your empty water bottle and filling it up after security. Most airports have free water bottle filling stations.
I don’t know

those are just my thoughts, i would hate to see anyone deprive themselves of great traveling over minuscule trivial things. There’s so many ways to make it easier on yourself! Hopefully one day the rules won’t be so insane as technology advances. However, the way the world is, i just don’t see that happening. Sad stuff. I hope one day it’s easier for you, so you can take those trips!
As for places I would like to travel, Australia is at the top of my list. The only thing that turns me away is the bugs there.
I also would love to spend time volunteering in Africa with animal sanctuaries. I also hope to one day go to some Nordic places, as I freaking love cold weather and mountains. I’d love to go to Sweden and Finland to experience that. I also have on my travel bucket list to go to Poland to go to Auschwitz. I have done so much self learning on the Holocaust and it really holds a special place in my heart, so I’d love to visit the resting place of so many innocent people and just soak it in.
One of my last bucket list places is in the Netherlands to see Van Gogh’s house and the museum there. Van Gogh is the reason I love art, I remember seeing Starry Night when I was younger and I remember immediately crying the moment I saw it. He was such a tortured soul and it was so unfair, he was worth so much more and I just hate that he didn’t feel the love he so deserved. His depression hits home for me really hard and I would just love to be anywhere he touched and drew any inspiration from.