• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

I finally finished visiting 500 Dream towns. Just waiting to get the badge from Phineas now!

It's time to move onto getting my other gold badges!
I accomplished 2 hours of nothing. I decided to finish out my encyclopedias. This morning I went around to get some June things I hadn't gotten in previous years. Soleil ran up to me to say she's moving out the 5th of next month, which made me realize May had a 31st, so I was fishing for no reason.
There was an Elite Scavanger Hunt tour at the island, which is the only tour I can reliably get 16 medals in under a minute at, so I did a whole bunch of tours. Now I have about 300 medals for when new things for my catalogue appear, as well as more work towards the medal badges.
I finally caught an arowana, one of the last two fish I need to complete my encyclopedia, and I did some flower placement so I can start breeding hybrids for my future landscaping plans.
I've been playing for about 2 or 3 months now. Finally got a perfect scoring village. Currently raising money to upgrade my town hall!
I started and paid off the picnic public works project and I did some landscaping here and there so I would say it was a productive day. Ran some errands for some of the villagers too.
Paula's will be moving in tomorrow! Spent over 2 hrs resetting for the perfect plot but it was worth it.
One down nine to go :p
Flora joined my town! She is one of my dreamies :] Then I did the usual.. haha
So far, found a house in the HHA showcase that has some pieces of furniture I'm missing and marked it so I can go back and order them tomorrow & lay down some pathways. Will go to the island later and bring back some stuff to sell to pay off another house expansion and I'm thinking of building the Reset Center.

but im gonna work on getting my perfect town ordinance l8r at my sleep study B)
lazytown added the Wisteria Trellis again and Isabelle gave the town the highest rating.
The town is almost back to the way it was.
Main town little cranky villager requested the wooden bridge. Isabelle allow it to be placed but before I paid it in full I deleted another bridge. Wish I knew that trick awhile ago.
Town Reality had two tarantula sighting but they were too fast. Put markers to see if it's the spawning spot.
Waiting for the three to catch the two summer bugs before adding PWP.
went island hopping as usual.
Tia plotted very close to Wolfgang's house. I'm excited for the new neighbor!!
Worked on getting my gold medal badge. I need 3000 medals for it, and I made it halfway to that goal!
I tried to catch a coelacanth today since it was raining. Unfortunately I later found out that they only show up after 4pm. If anyone has any other tips for catching one that I should know about please PM me!