- Got three villagers visiting my house when I just talked to them. So Kitt, Ankha and Fang have all been inside now.
- Done some gardening, town is coming along nicely! Chopping trees, planting new ones, planting bushes and watered all my flowers.
- Kicks opened today and I bought a pair of rainboots ^_^
- Yesterday Kitt requested the Flower Bed and today I put it in a nice spot. Donated 10K Bells, hopefully I'll finish it soon.
- Heard rumors from both Marshal and Fang that Cesar is thinking of leaving, so when he pinged me I ran like the wind. This gorilla can find a new town to go to.
- Biskit requested a perfect fruit so I got him a perfect cherry (pears are my native) and he was so happy with it ^^
That's most of what I did today.