What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

- Talked to all my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Received Katie's pic in the mail!
- Ordered a new table for Katie's pic from my catalog so I can add it to my museum exhibit room for animal pictures.
- Ordered a birthday present for Hans. His birthday is on the 5th, but I looked up his recommended gifts today and didn't want to forget.
- Let my husband visit to buy a fortune cookie.
- Played with my flower arrangements around Grizzly's house.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Worked on breeding more pink and blue roses.

- Got the new grass roof I ordered yesterday!
- Ordered the earthy exterior from Tom Nook.
- Made a third character named Rose. I've paid off some of her mortgage and dressed her in black tights, plum coat, headband, and Santa boots. I brought her to Shampoodle and restyled her hair and dyed it black.

- Put the puffy hat on my mayor.

- Gift wrapped some goodies and put them on a bridge.

- Did a bit more landscaping around Merengue's house.

- Played Desert Island Escape.
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In Redwood, Ruby wanted me to get her some new furniture for her house so I gave her a record player and she gave me an ornate rug. Stitches wanted me to get him any kind of ocean fish so I went to the beach and caught an olive flounder and gave it to him and he gave me a beaded shirt. I went to the island to catch some beetles to sell and while I was there, I also did some tours.

In Tiramisu, Redd was in town so I looked at what art he had and found the basic painting to be real so I bought it for museum. Agnes pinged me saying she was moving but I asked her to stay. Lionel pinged me wanting to go to my house. I bought a cushion from chelsea. It was snowing in town so I caught some snowflakes and I also caught an oar fish for museum. I went to the island to catch some beetles to sell.
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- Started a bathroom in my mayor's house.

- Tweaked my cabin room, main room, greenhouse, and kitchen.

- Took the arcade room out of my mayor's house and converted my second character Merry's house into an arcade.

- Made a restaurant out of my third character Rose's house.
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Main Town- Spent time with the villagers and completed their tasks.

Town Bananas- Opened it to check on the villagers and found out Bill is moving. His house is in the wrong spot.
Mayor caught her tarantula last night and completed the bug collection.
Player 2 caught his tarantula last night. The day before I did the write a letter to future self for meow coupons. Wrote Get the tarantula. You can do it.
At 6am the mayor added the flower clock in front of city hall. Planted some flowers and placed more pathways. Happy bug hunting is over.
In Cutetown, I purchased the very last item I needed from T&T so now I have every ordered piece of furniture, wall paper & flooring in my catalog!

Today I started a second town! I didn't get too much done as today was my first day but I'm so excited to have two towns.
My town was almost swamped with flowers from the beautiful town ordinance. I cleaned them up and it took me at least 15 minutes to get rid all of them.
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Anabelle gave me her picture!
- Got a new hint for Toy Day from Mint.
- Worked on breeding more pink and blue roses.
- Let my husband visit my town to buy a fortune cookie and pick up a pear. His villagers have wanted a pear 3 days straight now and he doesn't have them in his town yet. Offered to give him extra pears to plant, but he declined.

- Got the earthy exterior I ordered yesterday. I think I'm much happier with that over the cabana exterior. Now I just need to change the door and mailbox back.
- Woke up Gulliver and correctly guessed which country he was going to.
- Looked through his storage and prepared a birthday present for Hans.
- Got the Great Samaritan badge from Phineas!
Poor town and poor neighbours... their mayor have been lost for weeks, nobody knows where she is. The town is in ruins.
- Tweaked my bathroom and bowling alley.

- Played hide-and-seek with Gayle, Bluebear, and Hamlet.

- Bought a royal mailbox for Rose's house.
Main Town-Spent time playing with the villagers and doing tasks. Completed Tutu petition and dropped off flowers.

Bananas-Stopped Ketchup from moving and did tasks for villagers. Worked on planting flowers. Completed the Club LOL petition and hope it opens soon.
Pokemon-Completed tasks for villagers and delivered artwork to different towns. Added/paid for another Flower Bed.
PurlLand- Opened the town again. It's nice to be back in my Rabbit town. Completed tasks for villagers.
Apple-Opened town to check on artwork/fossils. Found out I'm missing both. Cleaned all 4 players and found a lot of rare summer bugs.
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Got a few more Toy Day hints from my villagers.
- Said good-bye to Antonio.
- Celebrated Hans' birthday with him and gave him a present off his recommended list.
- Returned Sterling's time capsule to him.
- Finished buying all pieces of the Santa suit for Toy Day.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Had Cyrus refurbish a piece of gold furniture.
- Sent letters and gifts to the remaining four villagers for the week.
- Let my husband visit to drop off Katie and trade a few items.
- Sold my turnips for a minimal profit since the prices have dropped every day this week.
- Worked on breeding more blue roses.

- Talked to several villagers.
- Said good-bye to Antonio.
- Celebrated Hans' birthday with him and gave him a present.
- Completed a weekly Meow task.
I'm reverting Clover to a Japanese-inspired forest town. Genji's Amiibo card has been re-scanned, replacing Bluebear. I've begun changing my PWPs, clothes, and home interiors. For those who are interested in visiting the Christmas town version, I'm not updating my dream for a while.
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FiNALLy caught a freaken TARANTULA after so long of trying!!! now im only 1 bug away which is the Dung Beetle from finally completing my Bug Encyclopedia!!!! back to December ii go!!
*Won a game of hide-and-seek against Filbert.
*Added a K.K. Slider song to my jukebox.
*Got a new Shrunk joke.
*Completed my Santa outfit for Christmas. 8)
*Did a few miscellaneous favors for my villagers. Ankha asked the most.
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- Reworked PWPs, changing them to a Japanese theme (zen bell, rack of rice, round topiary)

- Formed a headcanon with Rosie and Genji, because ever since Genji moved in, Rosie has been seen around him

- Changed paths

- Changed room decor

- Played hide-and-seek with Gayle, Hamlet, and Rosie

I bought Dizzy's Amiibo card this morning. I'm still deciding which villager to replace with him. Many are off the table because I love them too much to remove. I already know Hamlet is being replaced with Bones when his card comes in the mail. I'm thinking maybe Merengue, since I have so many normal villagers as it is.
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- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Visited my husband's town to get a petition signed for Paula and when I returned the completed petition Paula gave me her picture!
- Ordered a new table for my Memories museum exhibit room to place Paula's picture on.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Had my husband visit my town to work on increasing my visits.
- Had my husband visit my dream town to check what my landscaping around the fire pit looked like before Antonio destroyed it.
- Redid my landscaping around the fire pit.
- Updated my dream address for the first time in about a month, since Antonio moved in and destroyed my landscaping.
- Purchased a birthday present for Sterling's birthday, which is coming up on the 11th.

- Logged in to check his mail.
- Talked to several villagers and completed their requests.
- Updated my dream address to get the $5000 bells.
Today in PARADISE, I accomplished the following:

- Did all of my dailies.
- Caught a pond smelt for Claudia. lol
- Strolled all over my town (my favorite activity!) and talked to villagers whenever I ran into them.
- Completed a custom furniture set project! :D
- Traded a ton of IGB to Applepie, Fwn's husband, for TBT in exchange! :D
- Ported over another e-Reader Card design to New Leaf which I posted on my e-Reader Card Designs thread on TBT! :)
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