- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Visited my husband's town to help him out. Redd was in his town and had two real paintings so he needed me to buy the second one for him.
- Let my husband visit my town to drop off Katie and buy fortune cookies.
- Ordered some furniture items for my bug-themed museum exhibit room.
Main Town- Spent time playing and sitting on the bench with villagers.
Town Crazy-Player 2 finally got the Walking Leaf. 4.5 hours and it was hiding in a patch of trees behind the Cafe.
Spent a lot of time doing tasks for the villagers and hosting them.
Threw a birthday party with another friend for ghostprincess! >:3c and by that I mean we bought them a bunch of gifts and gave them to them before going to play some island games lmao
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Bought a statue from Redd for decorative purposes.
- Placed the furniture I ordered yesterday in my bug- themed museum room. I think I've completed the room, but I thought that before, so I'll keep it tentative for now.
- Reorganized some flowers.
- Worked on breeding more pink roses.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Let my husband visit to pick up the painting I ordered for him yesterday and buy fortune cookies and furniture.
Mayor/main character
- Bought a sloppy item from Re-Tail
- Completed daily initiatives (weekly ones have been completed since yesterday)
- Made a simple pro design to display at Able Sisters
- Shot down a balloon present; inside was a metal can
- Talked to villagers to figure out what they want for Toy Day
Second character
- Visited Kiki's house per her request
- Checked mailbox for the RV orders which arrived
- Gave Rudy a fish on a board to complete his furniture request
I did a fair amount today, but most of my time was spent landscaping so it wasn't as much fun as usual.
- Celebrated the water pump PWP being built.
- Fully funded the fountain PWP.
- Got three new items from Main Street.
- Donated a fossil to my museum - now only two to go!
- Started replacing my native apple trees with orange and persimmon trees, as per my town theme. I believe I replaced all but two, as planned.
- Mapped out a spot for my next PWP, the stone tablet.
- Planted my first-ever bamboo. By the time my town is finished, I'll have quite a lot.
- Ordered some kitchen-themed furniture so I can try to replicate my real-life studio apartment.
- Bemoaned the fact that neither Henry nor Katt, who both built their houses exactly where I want my alts' houses, have ever once asked to move out in six weeks since restarting my town. Yet Tangy, who moved in only about a 1.5 weeks ago, has already asked twice (including yesterday), and Teddy asked to move again today! UGH! No, you two can't leave; you're too cute and you're stuck here forever!
Main Town-Played with the villagers and completed their tasks. Villagers started giving clues for Toy Day.
Town Crazy-Player 3 caught a Walking Leaf and tried for a mosquito. Spent time doing tasks.
Player 4 caught her mosquito. The mosquitoes kept biting her right after she caught a fish in the same spot. First time that's happened since playing.
Mayor added/paid for the hotsprings. Moved Cheri out with an Amiibo card and added Hamphrey. I forgot to add a Cranky villager.
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Started collecting hints for Toy Day.
- Started buying the Santa outfit items for Toy Day.
- Worked at the Cafe and got the Superb Coffee Beans.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Got a new song from K.K.
- Sent letters and gifts to six of my villagers.
- Let my husband visit to get signatures for a petition, buy a fortune cookie, and pick up a pear to complete a villager request.
- Accomplished all of my dailies.
- Continued progress on my latest refurbished furniture set project!
- Sold IGB and donated extra items to Fwn, who tragically lost her town recently , to help jumpstart her town!
- Talked to some of my close friends through the built-in Best Friend system!
*Added a new fossil to the museum.
*Got the Good Shopper badge from Phineas.
*Paid off my upstairs expansion.
*Stopped Big Top from moving.
*Added a new K.K. song to my jukebox.
*Did a few miscellaneous favors for my villagers.
Main Town-Spent time playing with the villagers and doing tasks. Caught a Stringfish.
Town Crazy-Two players caught their mosquitoes to complete the summer bugs.
Visited the new villager Hamphrey and stopped mover Blanche.
Jumped to February and all player caught their last 2 bugs. Dropped by a town that is set on Bug Off for the golden net.
Spent time playing with the villagers and doing tasks.
I'm TTing, so I'm actually in July right now. As such:
- I competed in the Bug-Off but accidentally handed in a 100-point bug almost immediately, so only got one piece of bug-themed furniture. Ugh! And then it turns out I won, when I only meant to get second for the silver trophy. Whoops. Next time, I'll plan ahead and collect/plan insects the day before, instead.
- I got frustrated when I realized I couldn't start a PWP on a festival day. I have some many PWPs to build before I can get the perfect town, and it's taking forever!
- My first orange tree bore fruit, which I was ridiculously happy about. I'm sure my town will look even better tomorrow once the rest of them are mature.
- I caught three new bugs for my encyclopedia, though I'm waiting to donate to the museum until it's a MEOW objective.
- Got a couple nice new items from Main Street, including a hawthorne bonsai for my mayor's house and a chaise lounge for my cafe.
- Rent my garments and wailed plaintively outside their windows, desperately hoping for Henry or Katt to move out. Alas, it was to no avail.
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Rearranged some flowers near one of my benches.
- Worked on breeding more pink roses.
- Found Katie in my town so I brought her to my husband's town and visited some of his villagers while I was there.
- Traded with my husband for a gyroid I needed for my catalog and a pear he needed to complete a villager request.
- Let my husband visit to buy a fortune cookie from my T&T.
- Nook finally had the grass roof I've been wanting, so I logged in on my alt to order that! Now I can see how it looks with the rest of his exterior and decide between the two exterior options that I like.
Grew my first Jacob's Ladder! I've played since 2013 but for some reason never tried to get perfect town or anything. So for the past few days I've been working on it. I'm on Day #2 of 15 for the Golden Watering Can!
Completed some villager requests, worked in Brewster's, and almost paid off another PWP (Flower Clock).
I'll probably also head over to the island later and catch some bugs/fish for Bells.
Oh and my 'Mom' mailed me a Perfect Orange (my town fruit is Pear) so I planted that outside Tangy's house.
*Caught the Stringfish + five other fish for my museum.
*Got another K.K. Slider song for my collection.
*Sold a bunch of beetles/sharks from the island.
*Got the silver Fish Encyclopedia badge.
I re-colored my simple brick path today to match the future snow. I worked on my campground. I got impatient and used a Velma Amiibo to move out Tipper from in front of Re-Tail.
I have been playing more often again recently and I decided that it is time to use my amiibo cards that I have. I will have ten villagers in my town for a while and that feels very strange!