What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Let my husband visit to drop off Katie.
- Created another Snowboy that was oh so close, but not perfect.
- Updated my dream address for the $5000 bells.

- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Played around with some flower arrangements.
- Updated my dream address for the $5000 bells.
I got my first mil after a reset and a break of almost a year!
Also, while writing this I'm at the tutorial for the HH designer GUI thingy so I want to go back to playing ASAP I'm just really excited


Throu alot of perseverance and patience I was finally able to decorate Flurry's house fully. If I can find a way to replace the minimalist table with the iron garden redone white, her house will be perfect. However bc animals are stubborn, I don't think it will happen.
*Added two new deep sea items to my museum.
*Gave a scallop to Pascal (I love me some pirate furniture).
*Added a new K.K. Slider to my jukebox.
*Ankha requested a Modern Clock PWP.
*Ankha requested the Hot Spring PWP (this technically happened yesterday, but it was at like 2am).
*Did a few favors, mostly for Whitney.
Main Town- Completed villagers tasks and order Pink Pajamas/slippers for the casual town.

Casual Town- Picked up Pajamas from Main Town.
Player 2 planted more trees and caught the tarantula.
Got the 2nd mannequin from Mabel and ordered another set of Pajamas.
Caught a mosquito and donate it to the museum.
Removed the last of Player 3 items and deleted her. Plan on using her spot for the Cafe.

Closed all my other towns until the holidays are over.
Today I:

- Fully funded a new bridge (and let *a lot* of beetles fly away in the process :<).
- Made my first snowmam and obtained some ice furniture!
- Fulfilled all villager requests.
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Sold my turnips for a profit.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Created another almost perfect Snowboy.
- Rearranged some flowers.
- Updated my dream address for the $5000 bells.
- Let my husband visit to pick up an orange and he gave me a gyroid and a jingle piano for my catalog, plus 2 gold nuggets.
- Had Cyrus refurbish my gold nuggets and got a golden table.

I didn't play on my alt at all today.
In Redwood, As I was crossing my bridge to go to main street, I noticed a paper bag lying on the ground so I picked it up and it was a lost item so I immediately went to each villager asking if it belonged to them. I was just about to give up ever finding the owner when Ketchup said that it belonged to her and she gave me a red-check tee as a thank-you gift. Since I only had one snowman left and still hadn't gotten bingo yet, I built another snowman and the numbers for today was 48 and 49. When I talked to Felyne, she informed me that Sprinkle was thinking about moving so I searched for her and asked her not to move.

In Tiramisu, Katrina was in town so I decided to get my fortune told. She told me cute bottoms is my lucky item. I got the Good Samaritan badge. I also had only one snowman left in this town and still hadn't got bingo so I built another snowman and the numbers for today was 42 and 14. Lionel suggested the parabolic antenna pwp. Bangle pinged me saying she was moving but I asked her to stay. Benjamin wanted me to deliver a package to Lionel so I found him and gave him the package and he gave me a sleek chair. Ellie asked me if I wanted to play hide-n-seek so I said that I would and I found them all and she gave me some slate flooring.
completed the fossil part of my museum!! finally omg i was thinking about buying the last one bc i couldnt find it since like... may of this year? im going to focus on fish or bugs now heh
*Funded the Lighthouse PWP (decided it was finally time to build it).
*5 new deep sea creatures added to the museum.
*1 fossil added to the museum (now one away from completing that portion).
*Samson requested the instrument shelter PWP.
*Gave a perfect fruit to Bunnie.
*Whitney did a surprise visit to my house. So close to her picture!
I completed my very first bingo ever. I got Lily to move to my town. I'm redecorating my house and not really liking my main floor or kitchen.
I think I finally have a set theme for Secret. I've been going throu themes, paths and villagers for the past 2 hours or so. I still need to know what the exterior of Epona's house looks like. I can't tell in a Google search.
I think I finally have a set theme for Secret. I've been going throu themes, paths and villagers for the past 2 hours or so. I still need to know what the exterior of Epona's house looks like. I can't tell in a Google search.

I use this site for villager house exteriors. It has all of them. I filtered it on peppy villagers for you.

A Forest Life
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Rearranged some more flowers.
- Let my husband visit to buy a fortune cookie.
- Updated my dream address for the $5000 bells.

- Talked to all my villagers, but didn't receive any requests.
- Finally got the last two clues I needed for Toy Day!
- Updated my dream address for the $5000 bells.
It's been over a month, but a few days ago I finally found the time to play again! I missed Halloween :( Since I came back, Joey, Grizzly and Tammy have been dropping in uninvited. I wonder if they missed me? :p

I finally unlocked the male hairstyles today!
Still cycling through! Finally got Hamphrey moved out so I can start shifting some land plots, and my next move in was Marshal of all villagers! Might let him hang around a while while I shift around a couple others...
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Main Town- Stopped Lolly from moving.

Casual Town-Mayor and 2nd player caught their scorpions last night.
Added the fountain and placed tiles for villagers plots. Mayor got her golden shovel and used it to do some landscaping.
Orange and pink hybrids have appeared in town.
**Added a new fish to the museum.
*Stopped Alice from moving.
*Retrieved Samson's time capsule.
*Whitney requested the brick bridge PWP.
*Did a myriad of favors for villagers, primarily Bunnie.
*Caught/sold a large number of beetles from the island (gotta build back my spare money!)