What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

Sadly, I didn't do much today as I had to wrap presents and take care of other real life stuff. I only played on my mayor today.

- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Created another almost perfect Snowboy.
- Updated my dream address for the $5000 bells.
In Redwood, today was the winter solstice. I found Isabelle in the plaza and when I talked to her, she gave me a blue glow wand. I went to my snowman and got the number for today which was 50 and then I built a second snowman and the number for today was 38. Shep wanted any kind of perfect fruit so I got him a perfect apple and gave to him and he gave me a dharma. Bianca wanted me to deliver a package to Ruby so I found her and gave her the package and she gave me a dark polka tee. Fang wanted me to find Sprinkle and bring her to his house so he can talk to her about something so I found her and took her to Fang's house and he gave me a ranch wall rack.

In Tiramisu, It was the winter solstice so I went to Isabelle to talk to her in the plaza and she gave me a blue glow wand. Agnes pinged me saying she was moving but I asked her not to go. I went to both of my snowmen to get the the numbers for today which was 28 and 19. I built a third snowman and the number for today was 50. I am now 1 number away from bingo. Kiki suggested the brick bridge pwp.
- added some sets to my house’s back room cos i’m like 10k points away from getting the gold house medal
- ordered a ton of stuff from my catalogue that i didn’t even need
- tried for like an hour to catch scallops...and failed ;( still have 0 pirate furniture and it’s been on my wishlist for years
Main Town- Completed the villagers tasks. Dropped by Teddy house and the crayons that I sent are on the fireplace.
The night before Teddy told Yuka he used a blue crayon for his workout.

Casual Town- Found a pathway and added the water well. Sylvia pinged to move and for a scarecrow PWP.
Mayor fishing collection is done. Mayor/2nd player caught their fall bugs.
The new random villagers are moving into the opened spots. Started a villager list and plan on plot resetting as soon as the last houses move from bad spots.
*Added a bug to the museum.
*Beat Big Top and co. at hide-and-seek.
*Did a myriad of favors for the villagers, primarily Whitney.

Nothing too big today. Ive mainly been gearing up for Toy Day!
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Let my husband visit to buy a fortune cookie and pick up a painting for his museum.
- My husband gave me 4 gold nuggets!
- I had Cyrus customize 3 of the gold nuggets and got a golden table.
- I had Cyrus customize the white pot with the flower pattern as a gift for a villager.
- Removed the last of my plot resetting patterns and rearranged a bunch of flowers.
- Planted some more bushes.
- Updated my dream address for the $5000 bells.
- Got a new song from K.K.

- Updated my dream address for the $5000 bells.
- Got a new song from K.K.
i haven't played for a good few months so my town was riddled with weeds and all my hybrids died ):
so today i managed to water all my remaining flowers & pull up all 52 weeds!
In Redwood, Fang gave me a dracaena. Marshal invited me to his house. Stitches wanted any kind of fruit so I got a perfect apple and gave to him and he gave me a low screen. I went to the island with my third character to catch beetles to sell to get money to upgrade her house.

In Tiramisu, I bought turnips from Joan for 108 bells. Agnes suggested the caution sign pwp. I went to my snowman to get the number for today which was 18. I built a second snowman and the number for today was 24 and now I am 1 away from bingo three different ways. I talked to all my villagers but they just talked about what they wanted for toy day and didn't have any requests. I dug all the fossils and gyroids around town. I went to the island with my second character to catch beetles to sell so I can upgrade her house.
*Got two badges: Silver HHA and Bronze Diver.
*Bought 4,000 turnips.
*Got a couple pieces of ice furniture.
*Expanded my backroom at Nook's.
*Did a myriad of favors, mostly for Bunnie.
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Created another not-quite-perfect Snowboy.
- Let my husband visit and he gave me a new gyroid.
- Did some diving to complete a weekly Meow task and got a wallpaper from Pascal.
- Purchased some gifts for my villagers for Toy Day. (I know Jingle gives us gifts, but I like to send them something from myself as well.)
- Rearranged a bunch of flowers.
- Updated my dream address and finally posted it! Yay!

- Checked his mail.
- Updated my dream address for the $5000 bells.
Laid down paths on the lower half of my town to mark where i want the future villagers to move in. Took me abt 2 hours from planning to execution. :X but so. worth. it.
- collected two MEOW coupons from the CAT Machine.
- bought flower display case from Harvey and put it in my greenhouse room.
- planted two cherry trees.
- dug up all my fossils and gyroids (at least, all the ones I could find).
I've been a good secret santa and delivered all the correct presents to my villagers!!
I did all my dailies and bought some new exteriors for my house from Nook's Homes. I finally got to buy coffee-to-go from Brewster, and built a new bingo snowman (but no bingo as of yet lol)
Main Town- Stopped a mover and celebrated Toy Day. Took lots of pictures.

Casual Town-Players caught their winter bugs to complete their collections. Player 2 went diving and completed the fishing/diving collection for the museum.
Started adding amiibo villagers and Iggly finally moved out. His house was in a bad spot. Added the Cafe.
Dropped Artwork for 2 towns and picked a piece for the museum. Both players got their golden nets while visiting.

Town Pokemon-Donated the last statue and completed the museum.
Town Weeds-Donated the last 2 pieces of artwork and completed the museum.

All 15 towns have their fishing/diving completed.
in wakkanai: i delivered gifts to my villagers as santa (i?m happy i got them all correct my villagers are so cute TT u TT), did a little bit of landscaping around my bus stop since pashmina finally suggested it
in marimo: i?m working on where i want to place villagers as they move in so my town is just a mess of tiles everywhere lol
- Talked to all of my villagers.
- Dressed up as Santa and spread joy through my town by delivering the correct presents to everyone.
- Received the festive wreath and hung it up in my main room. I now have two flanking the back doorway.
- Sent letters and gifts to all of my villagers.
- Updated my dream address.

- Checked his mail.
- Talked to all of my villagers.
- Updated my dream address.
- dug up fossils and gyroids.
- removed a red rose and red pansy that were out of place.
- played hide-and-seek with Chrissy, Dizzy, and Del.
- gave Dizzy a river fish (pond smelt). Received a hanten shirt in return.
- updated my dream at the Dream Suite.
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Today instead of the money rock I found the ore-rock! (if that's what it's called lol)
I gave the okay to Olivia wanting to move & so she's set to go on the 4th of next month :0 Better make sure I get all snooty PWPs before that.
I got a few new bushes & did a bit of landscaping, I should be getting the golden axe from Leif soon hopefully! I also bought a new painting from Redd and played hide & seek with Antonio :)
Haven't been doing anything much in my own town besides placing some path for plot resetting. I've been in my buddy's town all day, to help her with landscaping and such!

- Talked to all my villagers and competed all but one request.
- Let my husband visit and he gave me a gold nugget and a new gyroid.
- Refurbished my gold nuggets and got the Golden Floor.
- Completed a weekly Meow task.
- Visited my husband's town to collect signatures for a petition for Chow.
- Updated my dream address.

- Woke up Gulliver and correctly guessed where he was headed.
- Updated my dream address.