What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

Today I didn't play much, only did some trading. . . I don't think I even spoke to a single villager unless I was pinged:
- Watered all plants
- Money rock (was gems) and fake rock found
- All fossils found and stored
- Finally caught the snail and coelacanth !!!! :D
- Completed multiple trades, gave hybrids away.
- Custom Design Sign was built, made a custom for it to place trading items around.
- Did two pings for Sterling, and like four for Annalisa ! Kept having to run past her when coelacanth hunting.
- Avery is moving in tomorrow in a horrible spot ! Got flowers to put around his home regardless.
Yeah so, I’m terrified of jinxing myself so I’m just going to say so far so good and that I never thought I’d fall for Cyrano but I did. I was just going to keep him for a while to help get the zen PWPs and maybe some art but he’s a keeper. And my first camper was Flurry who was a starter in my first town so it was nice seeing her again.
Today in Mist I:

celebrated Boone's birthday
Found my second lucky clover
Found all the fossils and gyroids buried underground
Stopped Rocket from moving
Earned 7 MEOW coupons
Bought a greenhouse and put it in my study
Planted some holly and sweet olive bushes
Fixed my messy hair after a 3 month nap
Ran into KK Slider at The Roost
Moose suggested a solar panel
Caught two villager conversations (Peewee's heroic tale of carrying an old woman 5 miles to the store, and Rocket's views on saying cute and cool).
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Today's accomplishments in Aeiou :

-Got a full patch of hybrid blue roses to finally spread all around one of my character homes
-Got Olivia to move in! She's one of my dreamies! Oh. And I guess Mac is here too...
-Bred a hybrid blue violet
-Finished a room on my 4th playable character: Rinko.
Today I:

-Found out Avery came out of the void from one of my trades ! Makes his poor placement a little more forgivable.
-Wrote him a welcome letter and introduced myself
-Shook all trees
-Watered all plants
-Found money rock (believe it was gems again) and fake rock
-Found all fossils/pitfall
-Bought from Redd's
-Donated a painting Hamphrey gave me !
-Did tons of errands, I genuinely think multiple ones for each villager...and SO many for Sterling, he wouldn't stop.
-Annalisa gave me the flower arch pwp :blush:
-Accomplished what was needed for two new badges
-Got all meow coupons
-Conducted several trades, gave away a bunch of hybrids
-Obtained more perfect fruit, planted more, and bred more blues and golden roses
-Going to figure out what I want for my Standee now, along with organizing my inventories.... *shudder*
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Stopped Hugh from moving.
- Anicotti gave me her picture!
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.
- Let my husband visit my town and I visited his town to work on the host/visitor badges.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Welcomed Bertha to town.
- Found all 4 fossils, the gem rock and the money rock.
- Picked up my refurbished stained glass from Cyrus and added it to my house.
- Added a painting to my house.
- Watered my purple pansies to breed more.
- Bought out all of the shops on Main Street.
- Got Cyrus started on refurbishing a regal vanity.
- Celebrated the completion of my first street lamp.
- Placed and paid for my second street lamp near the event plaza.
- The Super T&T and Leif's shop will be closed tomorrow for remodeling. I'm kind of sad to lose Leif's separate shop, though. It's so cute!
*Gave Lucky a Blue Marlin.
*Gave Samson a perfect peach.
*Gave Lucky a Birdwing Butterfly.
*Talked to Molly at my campsite.

Quiet day in town after the massive turnip day yesterday.
Started tanning my character and I FINALLY unlocked the fortune tell shop, completing my shopping area! I also bought a bit of furniture from Gracie and am currently decoring my house
Today in Mist:

Gave Moose his birthday present
Put a triceratops skull in my study
Customized a corkboard
Switched out a tatami bed to a cabin bed
Placed and funded a Moai statue
Found all my fossils
Bought KK Marathon
Bought bushes and saplings for later landscaping
Talked to everyone
Got the gem rock and money rock
Cesar suggested a caution sign
Landscaping around the Moai site
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In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.
- Got a new wallpaper and carpet from Saharah with both my mayor and my alt.
- Let my husband visit my town and I visited his town to work on the host/visitor badges.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers.
- Iggly gave me a peach and I planted it.
- Woke up Gulliver and correctly guessed his destination.
- Picked up my refurbished regal vanity from Cyrus and added it to my house.
- Found all 4 fossils, the gem rock and the money rock.
- Got a new emotion from Shrunk.
- Bought out all of the shops on Main Street.
- T&T and Leif's were closed for remodeling.
- Celebrated the completion of my second street lamp.
- Placed and paid off my third street lamp near the event plaza.
- Roscoe suggested the stone tablet PWP.
Today I:

- Watered all plants
- Found money rock, all fossils/pitfall/gyroids, and fake rock
- Shook all trees
- Did pings for Hamphrey, Avery and Annalisa
- Flora gave me a pwp (I think totem pole?)
- Gave a bunch of stuff away/did trades
- Received a needed bug, fossil, and tons of things for my catalog from the wonderful BluebearL
- Got all Meow coupons
- Planted a bunch of perfect oranges
- Found Gulliver and took him to Japan
- Received another gyroid from Brewster
- Bought out two friends' stores
- Am now working on future trade items
Today in Mist:

  • Found all fossils, gyroids, and pitfall seeds buried in the ground
  • Found the fake rock and got gems from my money rock
  • Talked to everyone and did their requests
  • Returned Peewee's lost book
  • Got a wheat bundle from Isabelle in the Plaza
  • Took a selfie at the standee
  • Bought the bushes and tree sapling from Leif (Need Leifw to start carrying things beyond hydrangeas. Feels like he has a fetish.)
  • Got 10 yellow hibiscus starters from the island
  • Planted a new sapling and some bamboo by the Moai garden (want to get a special stump from the tree)
  • After trapping everyone else I went to push Nana into her prison when she pinged for the outdoor chair project. Clever girl!
  • Customized some cabin furniture and continued to work on rooms in the house
  • Still trying to get more orange pansies and breed my first purple pansy
  • Did an island tour for a few medals
  • Earned what MEOW coupons were available
  • Made some money on fish and bugs from the island
  • Played supermarket with the flowers leftover from my gardening tour
  • Got a coffee at Brewter's
  • Bought a bunch from Timmy (can't remember if Gracie's ever been here for a fashion check, so trying to meet bell requirement in case)
  • Got a new emotion from Dr Shrunk
  • updated dream for a little money and to reflect latest changes
  • bought a box-shaped seat from Harvey

Went back in to get my song from K.K. Slider. Went with K.K. Calypso

(Also, not in town technically but backed up all my screenshots and deleted on the 3ds so I can finally take screenshots again.)
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In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.
- Got the wheat bundle from Isabelle on both my mayor and my alt.
- Got a song from K.K. on both my mayor and my alt.
- Let my husband visit my town and I visited his town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Got a gold nugget from my husband.
- Had Cyrus refurbish my gold nuggets and got a golden wall torch.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Got the wheat bundle from Isabelle.
- Watered my purple pansies to breed more.
- Found all 4 fossils, all 3 gyroids, the gem rock and the money rock.
- TIY opened up on Main Street.
- Bought out all of the shops on Main Street.
- Got a new emotion from Shrunk.
- Chester suggested the Jungle Gym PWP.
- Did some minor redecorating in my house.
- Got a new song from K.K.
- Scanned in a single QR code to replace the default pattern so my paths match my intended theme better. I won't be able to get my full path scanned in until I create my second character.
I came so late today, and forgot it was a holiday! :(
Today I:

- Watered all plants
- Shook all trees
- Found money rock, fake rock, gyroids/pitfall/fossils
- Rejoiced that the rain had finally stopped
- Got my gift from Isabelle and watched the moon with my villagers
- Conducted trades, set my train station up for a massive future trade
- Bought out all of Main Street
- Missed Shrunk today, but K.K. played me "Love Song" and now it's in my main room
- Missed out on meow coupons, but bought my max items at the campground
- Missed out on working for Brewster, we had a coffee together instead
- Did the few pings that came up
- Wrote Kidd a welcome letter, found out he came from the void, but he hasn't told me which Mayor it was yet.
- Phineas rewarded me with I believe three badges today!
- Cyrus is working on my stain glass, went with the bird design
- Went to Resetti's workplace, he sang and danced around, talking about his kids lol
- Am still playing/waiting on trades atm, so possibly more updates soon.
- More perfect fruit framing, went to Cyrus a few more times, and did trade cleanups. Hamphrey suggested the zen clock !!
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Today, I found all four fossils, went to a few Dream Towns, watered my flowers, had Melba visit me, went to Shep's house, saw the Autumn Moon event, and got K.K. Milonga from the live show.
-Watered all my plants
-Managed to get a purple rose
-Finished up my bug collection in the museum

Not a lot, but I'm proud of what I did.
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all but one request.
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.
- Sent letters and gifts to half of my villagers.
- Saw my first ever double rainbow and took a bunch of pictures in different areas of my town!
- Let my husband visit my town and I visited his town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Completed a weekly Meow task on my alt.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Bought 2000 turnips from Joan.
- Found all 4 fossils, the gem rock and the money rock.
- Bought out all of the shops on Main Street.
- Watered my purple pansies and purple tulips to breed more.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Celebrated the completion of my third street lamp.
- Placed and paid off my fourth street lamp near the event plaza.
- Reworked one of my paths and chopped down a few trees that were in the way.
Today I:

- Watered all plants
- Found all fossils/pitfall, along with fake rock and money rock
- Did every ping that came up
- Conducted several trades
- Ordered a ton off the catalog for later trades, along with setting more things up for them
- Did some perfect fruit farming
- Bought out Main Street
- Purchased SO MANY turnips
- Helped Katie make it to Clairyb's town <3
- Completed meow coupons
- Annalisa suggested another pwp