What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

Today I filled up my catalog with more items I needed to unlock.

Yet another 10th villager moved in unexpectedly and decided to skip plotting her home in the only open area that doesn't have qr pattern scattered over it and instead chose to destroy more of my trees and bushes. Hooray ☺

and that's about it. Couldn't play for too long today.
I did almost everything this morning, happened so fast it felt like nothing, then afternoon hit and I was SO stressed !

Today I:

- Watered all plants
- Shook all trees
- Replaced a bunch more with perfect oranges, and did more fruit farming
- Found all fossils/pitfall, fake rock and money rock
- Went to Shrunk to receive a new emote
- Bought out Main Street, along with several of my friends', in turn filling more of my catalog ! SO MANY TOWNS THOUGH
- Conducted several trades
- Donated a villager to my friend <3
- Sent Gulliver to Italy
- Got a new badge from Phineas, I believe the one for diving a lot...
- Worked at Brewster's, had a coffee together
- Completed meow coupons
- Celebrated the second solar panel being established
- Phineas just gave me a shopping badge too !!
- Bought a new pavement from Nook
- Hamphrey suggested drilling rig lol....
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.
- Let my husband visit my town to sell his turnips.
- Visited my husband's town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Completed a daily Meow task on my alt.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Got a new wallpaper and carpet from Saharah.
- Found all 4 fossils, the gem rock and the money rock.
- Completed a weekly Meow task.
- Caught a pike and a scorpion and donated both to the museum!
- Bought out all of the shops on Main Street.
- Got a new emotion from Shrunk.
- Watered my purple tulips and black tulips to breed more.
- Placed and paid off my seventh street lamp.
I got a Jacob’s Ladder today! Completely unexpected because all I have are the police station, campsite, stone tablet, log bench, yellow bench and the light house then just today the cafe... unless the museum upgrade, dream suite and club lol count but I didn’t think Main Street stuff were included. Now to just keep it for two weeks.
In Fiore:
- Caught a butterfly fish for Felicity
- Got all my Meow Coupons things done
- Redid my hair into a ponytail
- Bought out everything I needed in the shops that wasn't in the catalog
- Got Zen Lamp iirc as new PWP suggestion from Vic.
- Visited Kyle's home and had Caroline visit mine.
- Stopped Caroline from moving.

In Hadiri:
- Began the town of Hadiri with Mayor Dayglo
- Placed my tent down for Dayglo.
-Got all starter tasks done and got watering can.
- Watered all flowers and added some bugs to museum.
- Sold some stuff and paid off down payment for Dayglo.
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Today I:

- Watered all plants
- Shook all trees, not a single bee :confused:
- Planted a bunch of persimmons
- Found all fossils/pitfall, fake rock and money rock
- Worked for Brewster, had a coffee together after work
- Went to Shrunk and learned a new emote, and replaced all of his gyroids with Brewster's
- Bought out Main Street, only a couple catalog fill ins :c
- Conducted several trades, perfect fruit farming involved
- I think Annalisa suggested the pwp today, the drinking fountain
- Completed all Meow Coupons
- Sold off all my turnips, made multiple millions, excited for Phineas tomorrow !
- Just had the best trade ever with Azrael, got so many lucky clovers and rare dlc items I needed for the catalog !!
- Welcomed Katie into my town
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I got some pink roses and spread them across my river. <3 need plenty more, though.
Today in my new reset town (reset it about a week or less ago idk) I got more villagers (trying to fill it up again so that I can giveaway villagers) I got my approval percentage up to 100 percent (yay), I watered pretty much every flower in town to do so :), I talked to all of my villagers, I gave Quillson a delivery from Bam, I also gave Quillson a puffer fish to decorate his house at this request, I gave Bam a peach because ya know, that's what he wanted, donated to the museum, bought items from both nooks and clothing store, recycled, weeded, got a watering can by getting all of Isabelle's tips and I paid off my first home loan. Pretty productive morning if you ask me :)
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.
- Woke up Gulliver and correctly guessed his destination.
- Let my husband visit my town to bring Katie over.
- Visited my husband's town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Got a golden nugget from my husband.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Said good-bye to Roscoe.
- Found all 4 fossils, the gem rock and the money rock.
- Donated a painting to the museum.
- Bought a statue from Redd.
- Bought out all of the shops on Main Street.
- Got a new emotion from Shrunk.
- Celebrated the completion of my seventh street lamp.
- Placed and paid off my eighth street lamp.
- Visited Sakura to sell my turnips for a decent profit.
Today, Muffy moved out of my town, Melba and Miranda came to my house, I went to Sly's house, Gulliver was here once again, and there was another meteor shower.
Today in both Eureka and TickTock, I watered the flowers, plucked weeds, and spoke to villagers after not playing for a month.
Today I:

- Watered all plants
- Found all fossils/pitfall, fake rock and money rock
- Shook all trees
- Completed the fossil section of the museum !!!
- Conducted several trades
- Did a few errands for villagers, accepted gifts
- GRACIOUSLY accepted defeat in the Bug Off, coming in third, Gigi second, Hamphrey first
- Got to catalog the bronze trophy ;)
- Kuri helped me complete more of my catalog <3
- Had a coffee with Brewster and KK, and received a new emote from Shrunk.
- K.K. lifted me a copy of K.K. Moody, after an amazing performance
- Bought out Main Street

Also, upon losing at the Bug Off, Hamphrey informed me to not be jealous that he's buggiful and I was a loser, which is probably my new favorite thing ever said to me.
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed all requests.
- Attended the Bug-Off ceremony to cheer for my villagers who won.
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Visited a dream town to work on the dreamer badge.
- Let my husband visit my town and I visited his town to work on the host/visitor badges.
- Got a new song from K.K. on both my mayor and my alt.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers.
- Attended the Bug-Off ceremony to see which of my villagers won.
- Found all 4 fossils, the gem rock and the money rock.
- Got a new emotion from Shrunk.
- Bought out all of the shops on Main Street.
- Watered my blue pansies and blue roses to breed more.
- Donated a new statue to the museum.
- Got a new song from K.K.
*Caught a Birdwing butterfly worth 129, getting gold at the Bug Off.
*Added a new KK Slider song to my jukebox.

Quiet day in Historia.
Well, not a ton happened today, though I did buy 5,000 Turnips on a whim for 98 each. Probably going to regret it.
Literally nothing yet but I'm waiting on this order of plants and things to get started on landscaping my new town! I had restarted a new town a couple days ago on my 1st copy so I'm tryna live out my lemonade town theme fantasy! It's gonna be in the more natural, forest-y aesthetic, but hopefully it works out.
Today I:

- Watered all plants
- Found all fossils/pitfall, fake rock and money rock ( was gems ! )
- Shook all trees
- Got a new emote from Shrunk
- Went to Cyrus to obtain another gold item, golden table was given
- Had him refurbish other items for the badge as well
- Worked for Brewster and had a coffee after work with K.K. again
- Conducted several trades, got to complete a massive trade and now can use my beach again !
- Perfect fruit farming day as well, planted more and filled a lot of my storage
- Did errands for the villagers, Annalisa visited me, and Hamphrey suggested the zen street lamp
- Bought out Main Street, lots of new items to catalog
- Completed all Meow Coupons, sent off letters to my villagers, and forgot to update that I got three new badges !