What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

In Zen today:

- Attended the grand completion ceremony for the Zen station upgrade. Boone, Merry, Olaf and Tabby in attendance.
- Had coffee at the Roost. Had the usual. No one at the cafe.
- Checked beaches for anything unusual. Nothing unusual.
- Checked Police Station and asked Booker if there's anything unusual in town today. Joan is in town.
- Checked all the shops on main street to see if there are any items to add to my catalog.
- Checked on the bush starts and tree saplings I planted the day before for growth.
- Checked campground, Saharah's RV was parked. Ordered nothing.
- Checked campsite, no one set up camp.
- Checked Re-tail to see if any of my villagers put their furnitures for sale. Nothing on sale.
- Checked Harvey's shop (duck and garden faucet). Nothing to buy.
- Checked the island shop (mermaid wall, red hisbiscus bush start & life ring). Nothing to buy.
- Checked the notice board for a new message (T.I.Y. will be closed for expansion tomorrow into the T&T Emporium.).
- Dug up bamboos to avoid new unwanted growth.
- Dug up fossils to be assessed by Blathers and sold at Re-tail for bells.
- Found the ore rock, got sapphire ore.
- Found the money rock. Got only seven hits.
- Found Joan and got turnips.
- Found Phineas and got the Gardening Specialist badge and the Master Shopper badge.
- Welcomed Chops to Zen.
- Anchovy wanted a furniture. Ordered tabletop game for him.
- Diana wanted me to catch her a shark! Have yet to catch one for her, will find time later.
- Caught Tabby in Boone's place. What's going on there, a budding romance?! Saw them two together at the grand completion ceremony standing next to each other too :oops:
- Merry loves the orange trees in town and would love an orange. Gave her a perfect orange.
- Olaf pinged me and ask me to drop everything and go over to his place. Went over to his place to hangout for a bit and checked out the blue marlin I gave him.
- Tabby wanted me to dig up her time capsule because it's time she read it. Dug it up and gave it to her. She buried a kanji tee.
Figured I'd make one of these posts. So, what did you accomplish in your town today!?
I finally finished creating my paths. It took forEVER but it looks beautiful. :blush:
Got stitches to move in, T.I.Y is being remodelled into t and t emporiam, hit the bell rock and got golden nuggets two days in a row, and joan is in town
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.
- Completed a daily Meow task.
- Visited my husband's town to help him work on the Host badge.
- Replanted one of my perfect cherry trees because it died when I got a cherry for Mint.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Found the ore rock.
- Updated my dream address for the 5000 bells.
- Bought all of the items I needed on Main Street except for Gracie's furniture.
- Planted another cedar tree near the plot I made for Hans.
In Flowert:

- Scanned in Lottie for some easy MEOW coupons.
- Checked up on and talked to my villagers.
- Cleaned up the ground in that pesky tent opening spot.
- Checked GracieGrace to see if there was anything I was looking for.
- Checked the Dream Suite for any new visitors.
- Checked Harvey's shop to see if there was anything I was looking for.
- Checked with Booker for who was in town.
- Sold a couple junk items in my pockets.
- Checked the island shop to see if there was anything I was looking for.
- Collected a StreetPass item to see if there was anything I was looking for.

In Ressant:

- Collected a StreetPass item to see if there was anything I was looking for.
- Checked Re-Tail to see if there was anything I was looking for.
- Checked Harvey's shop to see if there was anything I was looking for.
- Checked the island shop to see if there was anything I was looking for.
- Did a bit of landscaping.
- Sold a couple junk items in my pockets.
- Time traveled and re-ordered some items I was looking for.

I do a lot of the same things, but I still like posting these.
It is still nice to reflect on your daily accomplishments, no matter how menial you think they are.
In Zen today:

- Had coffee at the Roost. Had a little milk with the coffee today. No one at the cafe.
- Checked beaches for anything unusual. Nothing unusual.
- Checked Police Station and asked Booker if there's anything unusual in town today. Nothing unusual in town.
- Checked all the shops on main street to see if there are any items to add to my catalog. Construction going on for the T&T Emporium.
- Checked on the bush starts and tree saplings I planted the day before for growth.
- Checked campground, Pave's RV was parked. Ordered nothing.
- Checked campsite, no one set up camp.
- Checked Re-tail to see if any of my villagers put their furnitures for sale. Merry put the hammock I gave her up for sale.
- Checked Harvey's shop (wood display stand and green net). Nothing to buy.
- Donated eel, nibblefish, piranha and a firefly to the museum.
- Dug up bamboos to avoid new unwanted growth.
- Dug up fossils to be assessed by Blathers (apato torso, coprolite, tricera tail & didn't find one) and then sold at Re-tail for bells.
- Found the ore rock, got amethyst ore.
- Found the money rock. Got only seven hits.
- Found Katie and brought her to another town.
- Found Phineas and got the Pro Turnip Trader badge.
- Sent a mail to Merry with the hammock attached for her to put it in her house. Cats love hammocks.
- Boone found something from Tabby left in his house when he was doing a house cleanup. Returned it to Tabby for him.
- Diana wanted me to fetch Colton. Brought him to her house and she thought he could fix a light in her house lol :LOL:
- Sally wanted a dorado. Caught one for her and she placed it in her room.
- Tabby wanted me a furniture. Caught a firely for her and she placed it in her room.
In Flowert:

- Scanned in Lottie for some easy MEOW coupons.
- Checked up on and talked to my villagers.
- Cleaned up the ground in that pesky tent opening spot.
- Checked GracieGrace to see if there was anything I was looking for.
- Checked the Dream Suite for any new visitors.
- Checked Harvey's shop to see if there was anything I was looking for.
- Checked with Booker for who was in town.
- Sold a couple junk items in my pockets.
- Checked the island shop to see if there was anything I was looking for.
- Collected a StreetPass item to see if there was anything I was looking for.

In Ressant:

- Collected a StreetPass item to see if there was anything I was looking for.
- Checked Re-Tail to see if there was anything I was looking for.
- Checked Harvey's shop to see if there was anything I was looking for.
- Checked the island shop to see if there was anything I was looking for.
- Did a bit of landscaping.
- Sold a couple junk items in my pockets.
- Time traveled and re-ordered some items I was looking for.

I do a lot of the same things, but I still like posting these.
It is still nice to reflect on your daily accomplishments, no matter how menial you think they are.
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Found all 3 gyroids since it rained in my town yesterday.
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.
- Completed a daily and a weekly Meow task.
- Visited my husband's town about 10 times to finally get him to the gold Hosting badge.
- Visited Nocturne to drop off a bunch of bushes that I had been gathering and a rotten cherry.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Found the ore rock.
- Updated my dream address for the 5000 bells.
- Bought all of the items I needed on Main Street except for Gracie's items.
- Cut down an orange tree in my residential area and replaced it with a regular sapling.
- Caught a firefly and an ant and donated them both to the museum.
- Planted a bunch of bushes around my topiary garden.
In Zen today:

- Raining today. Changed into black rain boots and carried a leaf umbrella.
- Had coffee at the Roost. Had the usual. No one at the cafe.
- Checked beaches for anything unusual. Nothing unusual.
- Checked Police Station and asked Booker if there's anything unusual in town today. Redd's Gallery is in town.
- Checked all the shops on main street to see if there are any items to add to my catalog. Construction going on for the T&T Emporium.
- Checked on the bush starts and tree saplings I planted the day before for growth.
- Checked campground, Zipper's RV was parked. Ordered nothing.
- Checked campsite, Sheldon set up camp.
- Checked Re-tail to see if any of my villagers put their furnitures for sale. Colton put his music stand for sale.
- Checked Harvey's shop (basketball and lectern with mic). Nothing to buy.
- Checked the island shop (yellow hisbiscus start, wetsuit & cabana lamp). Nothing to buy.
- Checked the notice board for a new message (today marks the grand opening of T&T Emporium).
- Dug up bamboos to avoid new unwanted growth.
- Dug up fossils to be assessed by Blathers (megacero tail, spino tail, ichthyo & diplo hip) and then sold at Re-tail for bells.
- Found the ore rock, got sapphire ore.
- Found the money rock. Got only seven hits.
- Got Boone to propose the fire pit PWP.
- Sent a mail to Colton with the music stand he sold at Re-tail attached to retain the design of his house interior.
- Anchovy wanted an apple. Got him a perfect apple.
- Boone wanted to collect signatures for his 'Free Protein Bars for All' petition. Collected it for him.
- Colton wanted a furniture. Ordered a regal clock for him since I already sent his music stand by mail back to him before the request.
- Diana wanted to play a game of hide and seek. Chops and Sally the other two participants.
- Muffy wanted a cicada. Had to travel to another town to catch it. Caught a robust cicada for her.
- Sally wanted to return a package to Anchovy. Returned it for her.
- Tabby invited me to her place for a visitation. Visited her house at 5PM.
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Found all 3 gyroids since it rained in my town yesterday.
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.
- Completed a daily Meow task.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Completed a daily and a weekly Meow task.
- Found the ore rock.
- Updated my dream address for the 5000 bells.
- Bought all of the items I needed on Main Street except for Gracie's items.
- Cut down an orange tree in my residential area and replaced it with a regular sapling.
- Caught the pop-eyed goldfish, piranha, nibble fish, and gar and donated them all to the museum.
In Flowert:

- Scanned in Lottie for some easy MEOW coupons.
- Checked up on and talked to my villagers.
- Cleaned up the ground in that pesky tent opening spot.
- Checked GracieGrace to see if there was anything I was looking for.
- Checked the Dream Suite for any new visitors.
- Checked Harvey's shop to see if there was anything I was looking for.
- Checked with Booker for who was in town.
- Sold a couple junk items in my pockets.
- Checked the island shop to see if there was anything I was looking for.
- Collected a StreetPass item to see if there was anything I was looking for.

In Ressant:

- Collected a StreetPass item to see if there was anything I was looking for.
- Checked Re-Tail to see if there was anything I was looking for.
- Checked Harvey's shop to see if there was anything I was looking for.
- Checked the island shop to see if there was anything I was looking for.
- Did a bit of landscaping.
- Sold a couple junk items in my pockets.
- Time traveled and re-ordered some items I was looking for.

I do a lot of the same things, but I still like posting these.
It is still nice to reflect on your daily accomplishments, no matter how menial you think they are.
This was yesterday but still pretty proud of myself, I made a new town flag for my second town: Fernweh! Might make a new one for my first town!
In Zen today:

- Had coffee at the Roost. Had the usual. Dr. Skunk was at the cafe.
- Checked beaches for anything unusual. Nothing unusual.
- Checked Police Station and asked Booker if there's anything unusual in town today. Katrina is in town.
- Checked all the shops on main street to see if there are any items to add to my catalog.
- Checked on the bush starts and tree saplings I planted the day before for growth.
- Checked campground, Franklin's RV was parked. Ordered nothing.
- Checked campsite, no one set up camp.
- Checked Re-tail to see if any of my villagers put their furnitures for sale. Colton put his music stand for sale.
- Checked Harvey's shop (metal flagpole and garden table). Nothing to buy.
- Checked the island shop (red hisbiscus start, aloha shorts & cabana bed). Nothing to buy.
- Checked the notice board for a new message (today marks the grand opening of T&T Emporium).
- Dug up bamboos to avoid new unwanted growth.
- Dug up fossils to be assessed by Blathers (Peking man, T.rex skull, spino skull & parasaur skull) and then sold at Re-tail for bells.
- Dug up gyroids since it rained yesterday (poltergoid x2, mini plinkoid) and then sold at Re-tail for bells.
- Found the ore rock, got amethyst ore.
- Found the money rock. Got only seven hits.
- Anchovy wanted a furniture. Gave him my Virtual Boy and he goes and put him on the tabletop game I gave him awhile ago *sighs*.
- Chops wanted a frog. Caught him one.
- Muffy wanted me to pass a congratulatory gift to Sally. Passed it for her
- Tabby invited me to her place for a visitation. Visited her house at 5PM.
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Completed a weekly Meow task.
- Found the ore rock.
- Updated my dream address for the 5000 bells.
- Bought all of the items I needed on Main Street except for Gracie's items.
- Woke up Gulliver and correctly guessed his destination.
- Went to the island and caught a full basket of fish and bugs to sell.
- Caught the scarab beetle and giant stag and donated them to the museum. Only 1 more bug and 1 more fish to go!
- Cut down an orange tree in my residential area and replaced it with a regular sapling.
- Planted some holly bushes around what will become my graveyard.
- Had coffee at the Roost. Had the usual. Sat next to Colton at the cafe.
- Checked beaches for anything unusual. Gulliver got washed up. Guessed the country he was going to correctly, South Korea.
- Checked Police Station and asked Booker if there's anything unusual in town today. Someone washed up on the beach.
- Checked all the shops on main street to see if there are any items to add to my catalog.
- Checked on the bush starts and tree saplings I planted the day before for growth.
- Checked campground, Joan's RV was parked. Ordered one tatami flooring in case someone on Re-tail that was looking for it wants it.
- Checked campsite, no one set up camp.
- Checked Re-tail to see if any of my villagers put their furnitures for sale. Chops put his moth orchid up for sale.
- Checked Harvey's shop (rice bales and wooden bucket). Got the rice bales for the future Japanese restaurant in the exhibition room at the museum.
- Checked the island shop (kappa-costume pants, aloha shorts & cabana bed). Nothing to buy.
- Checked the notice board for a new message (today marks the grand opening of T&T Emporium).
- Dug up bamboos to avoid new unwanted growth.
- Dug up fossils to be assessed by Blathers (spino torso, iguanodon skull, stego tail & didn't find one) and then sold at Re-tail for bells.
- Found the ore rock, got ruby ore.
- Found the money rock. Got only seven hits.
- Sent a mail to Chops with the moth orchid he put up for sale in Re-tail attached in it so that he can retain his house interior design.
- Stopped Muffy from moving out.
- Went on Easy Balloon Hunt tours to get white tulips for my town.
- Anchovy wanted a furniture to replace the Virtual Boy I gave him! Gave him a birdwing butterfly instead.
- Boone wanted a butterfly. Caught him a yellow butterfly.
- Chops wanted a perfect fruit. Gave him a perfect peach.
- Chops also invited me to his house for a visitation. Had a 2PM visitation.
- Olaf wanted me to deliver a package to Colton for him. Delivered it for him.
In Flowert:

- Scanned in Lottie for some easy MEOW coupons.
- Checked up on and talked to my villagers.
- Cleaned up the ground in that pesky tent opening spot.
- Checked GracieGrace to see if there was anything I was looking for.
- Checked the Dream Suite for any new visitors.
- Checked Harvey's shop to see if there was anything I was looking for.
- Checked with Booker for who was in town.
- Sold a couple junk items in my pockets.
- Checked the island shop to see if there was anything I was looking for.
- Collected a StreetPass item to see if there was anything I was looking for.

In Ressant:

- Collected a StreetPass item to see if there was anything I was looking for.
- Checked Re-Tail to see if there was anything I was looking for.
- Checked Harvey's shop to see if there was anything I was looking for.
- Checked the island shop to see if there was anything I was looking for.
- Did a bit of landscaping.
- Sold a couple junk items in my pockets.
- Time traveled and re-ordered some items I was looking for.

I do a lot of the same things, but I still like posting these.
It is still nice to reflect on your daily accomplishments, no matter how menial you think they are.
In Faebrook,
  • Checked mail
  • Dug up all fossils and gyroids
  • Watered flowers
  • Went island hopping to find items in the shop for my house
  • Caught beetles to sell to earn some bells
  • Paid off current house loan and upgraded house
  • Checked Nookling junction and bought anything new
  • Checked Able Sisters and bought anything new
  • Donated anything new to museum
  • Visited some dreams in dream suite
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.
- Woke up Gulliver and correctly guessed his destination.
- Logged on with my alt to check his mail and store some extra hybrids.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Both Clay and Bruce gave me their pictures!
- Naomi gave me a vintage camera that I don't think I had before.
- Found all 3 gyroids since it rained in my town yesterday.
- Found the ore rock.
- Updated my dream address for the 5000 bells.
- Bought all of the items I needed on Main Street except for Gracie's items.
- Cut down an orange tree near Antonio's house and replaced it with a cedar sapling.
- Logged back on after 9pm and caught a saddled bichir, completing my fish encyclopedia.
- Donated the saddled bichir to the museum.
- Got the gold Professor of Icthyology badge from Phineas!
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