What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.
- Won a game of hide-and-seek against Deirdre, Mint, and Naomi.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Found the ore rock.
- Updated my dream address for the 5000 bells.
- Ordered a present for Yuka's upcoming birthday.
- Bought all of the items I needed on Main Street except for Gracie's items.
- Bought both Fortune Cookies and got a 1-Up Mushroom and the Master Sword.
- Picked up my claw-foot tub from Cyrus and added it to my house.
- Started working on my bathroom. I mostly cleaned out some junk that I was storing in the room and I did place the tub and a few other items down, but it still needs a lot more work.
  • spoke to my villagers - stopped Cheri from moving away
  • gave Fang a cherry and received a Tall Lantern
  • visited Felicity's house and purchased her Birdhouse
  • shook trees - caught 3 bees, collected bells and a Stripe Chair
  • hit rocks - collected bells and an amethyst
  • had daily fossils assessed and sold
  • sold fruit and seashells
  • popped a balloon - received a Balloon Floor
  • purchased a yellow tulip bag and a Pachira from T.I.Y
  • purchased a Sno-Cone Tank and Thick Glasses from Able Sisters
  • purchased some Pink Sneakers from Kicks
  • planted the flowers
  • took part in Gracie's Iconic Fashion Check and received a Gracie Lamp
  • caught and sold some bugs
Hey all :) Today I did my dailies and spoke with the majority of my villagers. I also decided to pay Cyrus a visit and put to use some ore I had been storing up. I expelled escorted Katie to a town she was happily welcomed into before fitting in a few trades. I took a nap at Luna's and explored some more dream islands (people are so creative!). I tried my hand at some landscaping around town hall (I am pleased with the result) before ending my day by playing some island games with Tortimer. Overall, not a bad day.
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Stopped Mint from moving.
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.
- Completed a weekly Meow task by refreshing my TPC picture.
- Cleaned out some of the excess hybrids in my storage.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Found the ore rock.
- Updated my dream address for the 5000 bells.
- Bought all of the items I needed on Main Street except for Gracie's items.
- Bought both Fortune Cookies and got a Yellow Pikmin hat and the Master Sword.
- Had Cyrus refurbish the regal bookcase I bought for Yuka's birthday to royal blue.
  • opened the mail - received a Modern Wood Lamp from Felicity
  • spoke to my villagers - agreed to buy a Common Floor from Marty
  • gave Marshal the cherry he asked for and received a Vacuum Cleaner
  • buried a time capsule for Maple
  • spoke to Sahara and received a Modern Wood Wall and a Daisy Meadow Floor
  • shook trees - caught 4 bees, collected bells and a Ranch Armchair
  • hit rocks - collected bells and an emerald
  • had daily fossils assessed and sold
  • sold fruit and seashells
  • purchased a Imperial Chair from Harvey's Campground
  • popped a balloon - received a Balloon Chair
  • purchased a yellow violet bag, a white rose bag and a Holly Bonsai from T.I.Y
  • purchased a Chichi-Print Tee from Able Sisters and White Socks from Kicks
  • planted the flowers
  • caught and sold some fish
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.
- Woke up Gulliver and correctly guessed his destination: Mexico.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Completed a daily Meow task by hanging an item of clothing on my wall.
- Celebrated Yuka's birthday and she loved the refurbished regal bookcase!
- Found the ore rock.
- Updated my dream address for the 5000 bells.
- Bought all of the items I needed on Main Street except for Gracie's items.
- Bought both Fortune Cookies and got a New Nintendo 3DS and an exquisite rug.
- Ordered a chaise lounge and two classic tables from my catalog.
  • spoke to my villagers - visited Marshal's house and purchased his Cactus
  • Poncho asked for some fruit so I gave him a pear and received a Red Gym Tee
  • agreed to trade the Red Gym Tee with Felicity for a Candy Gingham Tee
  • shook trees - caught 3 bees, collected bells and a Boxing Barricade
  • hit rocks - collected bells and a sapphire
  • had daily fossils assessed and sold
  • sold fruit and seashells
  • found Gulliver on the beach and reminded him that he was travelling to Ireland
  • visited shops - T.I.Y was closed for refurbishment
  • purchased a Sunset Tank from Able Sisters and Leg Warmers from Kicks
  • caught and sold some more fish and bugs
  • started redecorating one of the bedrooms in my house
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Stopped Annalisa from moving.
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.
- Completed a daily Meow task by hanging an item of clothing on my wall.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Stopped Hans from moving.
- Found the ore rock.
- Updated my dream address for the 5000 bells.
- Completed a daily Meow task by paying 5000 bells towards my loan.
- Bought all of the items I needed on Main Street except for Gracie's items.
- Bought both Fortune Cookies and got a Mushroom Mural and a Fire Bar.
- Had Cyrus refurbish my classic table to violet brown.
- Did a little more work on decorating my bathroom.
  • opened the mail - received a Shamrock Clock from Gulliver, a Blue Wall from Marshal, a Happi Tee from Cheri and a Bath Mat from Mom
  • spoke to my villagers - agreed to sell a Cactus to Vivian
  • caught Poncho a Darner Dragonfly and received a Storage Case
  • Lolly asked for some furniture for her house so I gave her an Exotic Chair and received a Minimalist Sofa
  • shook trees - caught 4 bees, collected bells and a Bishop
  • hit rocks - collected bells and an amethyst
  • had daily fossils assessed and sold
  • sold fruit and seashells
  • popped a balloon - received a Balloon Bed
  • purchased a white pansy bag, yellow rose bag, Cuckoo Clock, Pink Tank and a White-Lace Skirt from T&T Emporium
  • planted the flowers
  • caught and sold some fish
  • continued redecorating inside my house
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.
- Completed a daily Meow task by selling at least 5 bamboo shoots at Re-Tail.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Found the ore rock.
- Got a wallpaper and carpet from Saharah.
- Updated my dream address for the 5000 bells.
- Bought all of the items I needed on Main Street except for Gracie's items.
- Bought both Fortune Cookies and got a Coin and the Master Sword.
- Opened up the first Exhibit Room on the second floor of the museum.
- Moved all of my non-current villager pictures to the Exhibit Room for storage.
- Ordered a caladium and potted ivy from my catalog to add to my bathroom.
- Scanned in Stella's Amiibo card and ordered the herringbone floor and 2 bowl sinks.
- Selected a song to play in my bathroom: Steep Hill.
  • spoke to Phineas - received the Village Leader Badge
  • spoke to my villagers - visited Lolly’s house
  • delivered a gift from Portia to Marty and received a Wrap Shirt
  • Maple gifted me a Splendid Tee
  • Poncho asked for something small for his house so I gave him a Mini Cactus and received a darner dragonfly
  • shook trees - caught 3 bees, collected bells and a Classic Desk
  • hit rocks - collected bells and a silver nugget
  • had daily fossils assessed and sold
  • sold fruit and seashells
  • visited Redd and purchased a Dynamic Painting
  • purchased a sun cosmos bag and a Butterfly Dress from T&T Emporium
  • purchased some Blue Pumps from Kicks
  • planted the flowers
  • popped a balloon and received a Tricycle
  • cleared out some items that I didn’t need from the storeroom
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Found the ore rock.
- Updated my dream address for the 5000 bells.
- Bought all of the items I needed on Main Street except for Gracie's items.
- Bought both Fortune Cookies and got a Fi Mask and the Varia Suit.
- Received all the furniture I ordered in the mail.
- Updated the flooring in my main room and my bedroom.
- Added some items to my bathroom.
- Got Cyrus started on refurbishing my Bowl Sink to dark wood.
  • opened the mail - received the Dynamic Painting from Redd and a Ranch Wall from Lolly
  • spoke to my villagers - visited Marshal’s house
  • stopped Lolly from moving away
  • Fang asked for a river fish so I caught him a sweetfish and received an Amethyst Tank
  • agreed to sell an angelfish to Cheri
  • shook trees - caught 3 bees, collected bells and a Tea Vase
  • hit rocks - collected bells and an emerald
  • had daily fossils assessed and sold and donated the Dynamic Painting
  • sold fruit and seashells
  • popped a balloon and received a Balloon Table
  • purchased a white violet bag, red pansy bag and some White Leather Shoes from T&T Emporium
  • purchased a Fluffy Dress from Able Sisters
  • planted the flowers
  • visited Tortimer Island and took part in an Elite Hammer Tour
  • caught and sold some bugs and fish
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Stopped Deirdre from moving.
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.
- Went to the island and caught a bunch of bugs and fish to sell.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Found the ore rock.
- Completed a daily Meow task by breaking the ore rock.
- Woke up Gulliver and correctly guessed his destination: Vietnam.
- Updated my dream address for the 5000 bells.
- Bought all of the items I needed on Main Street except for Gracie's items.
- Bought both Fortune Cookies and got a New Nintendo 3DS and a Wii U Console.
- Picked up my new dark wood Bowl Sink from Cyrus and added it to my bathroom.
- Had Cyrus refurbish my second Bowl Sink to gray for my future alt.
- Scanned in June's Amiibo card and invited her to the campsite.
- Ordered two Medicine Chests from June's RV.
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  • opened the mail and received a Shanty Mat from Marshal
  • spoke to my villagers - delivered a gift from Fang to Portia and received a Drinking Fountain
  • agreed to buy a Round Mini Cactus from Cheri
  • took Poncho round to Maple’s house and received a Sleek Clock
  • agreed to buy a Common Painting from Fang and donated it to the museum
  • Portia asked for an ocean fish so I caught her a blue marlin and received a Nine Lamp
  • sold the the remaining fish that I’d caught
  • shook trees - collected 4 bees, bells and a Science Table
  • hit rocks - collected bells and a ruby
  • had daily fossils assessed and sold
  • sold fruit and seashells
  • popped a balloon and received a Cupid Bench
  • purchased a Classic Bookcase and a Rococo Dresser from T&T Emporium
  • purchased a Blue Diamond Shirt from Able Sisters
  • scanned Caroline into town and asked for a gift - received a Tennis Table
  • had a surprise visit from Marty
  • started redecorating the main room of my house
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.
- Completed a daily Meow task by breaking the ore rock.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Found all 3 gyroids since it rained in my town yesterday.
- Added a buzzoid to my collection.
- Found the ore rock and the money rock.
- Updated my dream address for the 5000 bells.
- Bought all of the items I needed on Main Street except for Gracie's items.
- Bought both Fortune Cookies and got Midna's Mask and a juicy-apple TV.
- Received my Medicine Chests in the mail and added one to my bathroom.
  • opened the mail and received a Lemon Pack from Cheri
  • spoke to my villagers - stopped Maple from moving
  • delivered a gift from Lolly to Portia and received a Lovely Vanity
  • agreed to buy a Paw-Print Wall from Marshal
  • shook trees - collected 3 bees, bells and a Deluxe Range
  • hit rocks - collected bells and a ruby
  • had daily fossils assessed and sold
  • sold fruit and seashells
  • popped a balloon - received a Rocking Horse
  • purchased a Dollhouse from T&T Emporium
  • purchased a Loud Bloom Dress from Able Sisters
  • visited Tortimer Island and took part in a Bug Free-for-All Tour
  • caught and sold some bugs/fish
In Sakura:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Completed all daily maintenance in my town.
- Won a game of hide-and-seek against Colton, Mint, and Cole.

In Nocturne:
- Talked to all of my villagers and completed some requests.
- Completed a daily Meow task by talking to at least 5 villagers.
- Rearranged a few pieces of furniture in my bathroom.
- Found the ore rock.
- Updated my dream address for the 5000 bells.
- Bought all of the items I needed on Main Street except for Gracie's items.
- Bought both Fortune Cookies and got a Bad Bro's Stache and a Fire Bar.
- Rodeo gave me his picture! I now have pictures for all of my permanent villagers!
  • opened the mail and received some Beige Tights from Portia
  • spoke to my villagers - gave Marshal a pear and received a Citrus Tee
  • Vivian asked for a frog so I caught her one and received a Stepladder
  • sold the remaining fish that I caught
  • Maple gifted me a Cabin Dresser
  • spoke to Sahara and received a Modern Wood Wall and a Lunar Surface
  • shook trees - caught 4 bees, collected bells and a Green Bench
  • hit rocks - collected bells and an amethyst
  • had daily fossils assessed and sold
  • sold fruit and seashells
  • popped a balloon and received a Balloon Poodle Lamp
  • purchased a white pansy bag and a Hawthorn Bonsai from T&T Emporium
  • purchased a Gray Tartan Shirt from Able Sisters
  • planted the flowers
  • visited Tortimer Island and took part in the Elite Ore-Hunter Tour
  • caught and sold some bugs and fish