Senior Member
- spoke to my villagers - stopped Lolly from moving
- Felicity asked for a rainbow stag so I caught her one and received an Orange Jacket
- caught and sold some more bugs
- spoke to Sahara and received a Windflower Floor and a Pastel-Dot Wall
- shook trees - caught 3 bees, collected bells and a Tabletop Game
- hit rocks - collected bells and a sapphire
- had daily fossils assessed and sold
- sold fruit and seashells
- popped a balloon and received a Balloon Chair
- purchased an Alpine Low Table, white cosmos bag and white lily bag from T&T Emporium
- purchased a Pastel-Stripe Dress from Able Sisters
- planted the flowers
- scanned Caroline into town and asked for a gift - received a Ranch Chair
- cleared out some of my home storage as it was getting quite full and continued redecorating my house interior