What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

9/20 (late & slow day)
• Gullivarrr washed up on shore again; I found the phone submerged near the fishing hole.
• Pretty much everyone was inside today side from Pashmina, but I did still go around and chat with them all. Patty was also busy building a wooden-block wall clock.
• Checked out some more custom designs.
september 20th
checked the mail; received a navy blue áo dài from fuchsia and a caramel mocha papa bear from sprinkle
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected my daily weeds, tree branches and rock materials (including a gold nugget!)
checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach and collected a giant clam
got a bamboo stool diy from my daily diy bottle
talked to my villagers + gave wrapped fruit/giant clams to the ones i need pics from - got a blue dreamy dress from carmen and a green chef’s outfit from midge
delivered a package to fuchsia for midge; i didn’t get a reward, but fuchsia was wearing the dazed dress that i gave her for her birthday! 🥰
caught a banded dragonfly for carmen and got a red top hat in return
caught some bugs and deep-sea creatures
threw some stuff out
changed audie and i’s secret greeting
received a random gift (a green curry soup kettle) from whitney
put some stuff into storage
checked the recycling bin
collected my daily bonus nook miles and checked nook shopping
bought grey sheer socks and orange spider-web tights from kicks!
checked the shops
completed some nook mile achievements
Kinda lazy to update nowadays, so most of the detailed updates will go into my island thread... whenever I get around to it. :LOL:
  • The Able Sisters shop is now opened, so I got to download a bunch of custom designs.
  • Decorated quite a bit; placed lots of flower path tiles across the island, custom design created by Elle.
  • Planted more pansies around the island.
  • Changed the island flag to a Singapore flag.
  • Changed the island tune to "Concerning Hobbits" from Lord of the Rings, but it's a temporary placeholder. I'm actually requesting on Reddit for the "Alola Oe" tune to be created.
Will update this post should anything changes.
  • opened the mail - received a Facial Mask from Diana
  • chopped wood, hit rocks and had daily fossils assessed and sold
  • watered flowers and picked up some weeds
  • collected some seashells from the beach
  • went diving and picked up a pearl from Pascal
  • purchased a Sewing Project and a Modern Tearoom Wall from Nooks Cranny
  • purchased a Fancy Party Dress from Able Sisters
  • popped a couple of balloons - received a Bear Costume and an Elephant Slide
  • caught and sold some bugs
  • spoke to my villagers - picked up the Natural Square Table DIY from Fauna but I already knew it
  • took part in a treasure hunt with Molly and received some Drinking-Straw Glasses
  • gave gifts to Julian and Vivian - received a Cat Dress and another Track Jacket
  • crafted and customised some items
  • did a bit more decorating around part of the beach
  • checked the recycling bin but didn’t pick anything up today
  • completed some daily Nook Miles tasks and redeemed some miles
• Recieved a red sea captain's coat in the mail from Gullivarrr.
• Chatted with Pekoe (out hunting bugs), Mathilda (visiting Harry), Kitty (who decided I needed some round shades), and Pashmina (just chilling at home), but I couldn't find Patty anywhere...
• Dug up more clams, made more bait.
• Noticed that the sweet-olives were starting to bloom!
• Ran into Wisp again; after helping him out, he gave me some orange-camo flooring as thanks.
• Went fishing, but due to a ridiculous overabundance of sea bass and baffling butterfingers, all I managed to catch was a ray. Now I have to replace all of those 50+ bags I used 😡
• Leif was here, although I didn't buy anything.
• An announcement appeared on the bulletin board; Marshal's birthday is coming up on the 29th!
• Checked out some more custom designs.
september 21st
checked the mail; received a watermelon umbrella from fauna (along with a cute letter!)
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected my daily weeds, tree branches and rock materials
checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach
got a wooden full-length mirror diy from my daily diy bottle
talked to all my villagers + gave wrapped fruit/giant clams to the ones i need pics from - got a red raincoat from midge and carmen’s photo! <3
caught a dorado and a piranha for midge and got a pink figure-skating dress and a white áo dài in return
caught a flea off of sprinkle
caught some fishes, bugs and deep-sea creatures
harvested my pear trees
added a piranha, a tiger beetle and a flea to my stash of critters i’m saving to commission models of/give to villagers
threw some stuff away
shot down a balloon and got a wood-burning stove
crafted a bamboo shelf
customized carmen’s photo and added it to my photo wall
sold stuff at nook’s
put some stuff into storage
checked the recycling bin; collected 3 pieces of clay
collected my daily bonus nook miles and checked nook shopping
checked the shops
completed some nook mile achievements
Moved Dom in, cleaned up some unruly windflowers and gave wrapped fruit to my villagers. Oh and caught a whale shark. :)
  • opened the mail and placed some orders
  • chopped wood, hit rocks and had daily fossils assessed and sold
  • watered the flowers and rearranged some of them
  • caught and sold some bugs
  • collected some seashells from the beach
  • picked up a message bottle and received a Lily Crown DIY
  • purchased a Purple Dotted Wall from Nook’s Cranny
  • purchased a Heart Apron and some Cute Sneakers from Able Sisters
  • popped a couple of balloons - received some bells and some clay
  • crafted and customised a few more items
  • spent some time playing as my second islander and did some interior redecorating inside the house
  • cleared out some of the items in the storage of both my island homes
  • spoke to my villagers - picked up the Wooden-Mosaic Wall DIY from Fauna but I already knew it
  • gave gifts to Julian and Vivian - received a White-Brick Wall and a Sewing Machine
  • spoke to C.J. who was back visiting the island and completed his seasports challenge - catch 3 small fry fish once again
  • caught and sold some other fish to C.J. and gave him 3 puffer fish for a collectible
  • checked the recycling bin and picked up a Simple Parka
  • completed some daily Nook Miles tasks and redeemed some miles
been easing myself back into playing! finally finished terraforming a section of the river near my museum so that i can have a cliff behind my RS (might need to alter it a little bit later to squeeze in a bridge but that's a problem for later me). also been clearing up the weeds that've gathered over my month of inactivity, placed an incline that i've been slowly paying off, and caught a bunch of bugs/fish for both the museum and to help fundraise
  • Built my first bridge between two lands on the west side of the island.
  • Held a ceremony for the opening of the Able Sisters shop and the building of the bridge (will try and post pictures in my island thread in the future).
  • Redeemed five streetlights with my Nook Miles.
  • Began moving Nook's Cranny aside for future relocation.
After Nook's Cranny is moved, I should have enough space to finally design my first house layout. Will try to set up fences later tonight if I get the time.
• There was a visitor at the campsite today...Elise the monkey... (look, I'm sorry, but I've never been outright disturbed by a villager's appearance until now--I know she's still someone's favorite, and I don't mean to be rude...but those lips creep me right the heck out...)
• Chatted with Pekoe (helped her deliver an apology gift to Pashmina after the two had gotten into a fight), Pashmina (crafting an apple hat), Kitty (with Gayle in the plaza, listening to Plucky singing), and Mathilda (out shopping at Nook's); once again, however, I was unable to find Patty, despite looking virtually everywhere for her...
• Dug up more clams and started making more bait.
• Label was visiting today, this time with a "comfy" fashion change; I dug my summer outfit out of the closet and passed with flying colors. She gave me a pair of Labelle shorts in thanks.
• Picked out and wrapped gifts to deliver tomorrow, mostly just to clear out some storage space (but hey, who doesn't enjoy random presents? ).
september 22nd
checked the mail; received a letter from fauna
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected my daily weeds, tree branches and rock materials
found and hit my daily money rock
checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach and picked up a giant clam
got a tea table diy from my daily diy bottle
talked to all my villagers + gave wrapped fruit/giant clams to the ones i need pics from - got a blue western shirt from midge
tt’d carmen out
dug up and got rid of a bunch of unwanted flowers
crafted a shovel
threw some stuff out
harvested my pear trees
caught some fishes and deep-sea creatures
convinced fuchsia that our current secret greeting is fine
shot down a balloon and got 5,000 bells
deposited some bells into the ABD
went island hopping and invited zell on my 26th ticket!! 🥺🖤
put some stuff into storage
cleared out one of my alt characters’ mailbox and stored some spare diys in her house
checked the recycling bin; claimed some simple white flooring, a moldy dress, 6 pieces of clay, a colourful-tile wall, brown and grey torn pants, a cedar sapling, some jointed-mat flooring, a magazine and a table lamp
collected my daily bonus nook miles and checked nook shopping
checked to see what kicks was selling; he sadly didn’t have anything i need today 😅
checked the shops
completed some nook mile achievements
  • opened the mail - received my Nook Shopping orders and the puffer fish model from C.J.
  • chopped wood, hit rocks and had daily fossils assessed and sold
  • watered the flowers and picked up a couple of weeds
  • collected some seashells from the beach and picked up the message bottle - received the Pear Wall DIY which I already knew
  • Gulliver had washed up on the beach again so I took pity on him and found his communicator parts so he could return to the sea
  • purchased an Antique Bed and some Brown Argyle-Tile Flooring from Nook’s Cranny
  • purchased a Dotted Raincoat and a Loose Fall Dress from Able Sisters
  • caught and sold some bugs
  • popped a balloon and received a Toilet
  • spoke to my villagers - picked up the Orange Rug DIY from Sherb but I already knew it
  • gave gifts to Julian and Vivian - received an Astro Dress and a Bath-Towel Wrap
  • crafted and customised some more items
  • did a bit more decorating around the island
  • checked the recycling bin and picked up a 50in LCD TV
  • completed some daily Nook Miles tasks and redeemed some miles
I haven’t played yet today, but yesterday I got a thank you card from Henry for attending his Birthday party, and he gifted me his photo. and hasn’t even been on my island very long. Also, Genji finally gifted me his photo yesterday.
9/23 (late day)
• (Saw the direct before playing; I'm so hyped to see Brewster again!!!)
• Recieved two tailor's tickets in the mail from Label.
• Made a mad dash to the Able Sisters to check out their inventory before closing time.
• Delivered the gifts! (It took a little while to track everyone down, but in the end, everyone seemed happy with what they got! )
• Chatted with Pekoe (chilling at home), Kitty (who asked me if I'd buy something of hers for side change; I ended up with a maid dress), Pashmina (also hanging out at home), Patty (out for a stroll, and Mathilda (doing yoga in her hard). (Side note: still no pictures yet...)
• Ran into Saharah after running around the island. As usual, I completely bought her out.
• Almost cleared out the recycle bin at Resident Services, also put some bells into savings.
Post automatically merged:

Also today, something I found noteworthy; I've now logged at least 1,000 hours in the game. Never thought that'd happen, but hey 👍
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september 23rd
checked the mail; received a letter from fuchsia
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected my daily weeds, tree branches and rock materials
found and hit my daily money rock
checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach and picked up 2 giant clams
got a log dining table diy from my daily diy bottle
talked to all my villagers + gave wrapped fruit/giant clams to the ones i need pics from - got a sepia puzzle wall from midge
delivered a package to whitney for midge
did a trade
caught some fishes
crafted a shovel
threw some stuff out
welcomed zell to the island!! 🖤
invited zell to harv’s island to unlock his poster
put some stuff into storage
cleared out one of my alt characters’ mailbox and put a painting into her storage
checked the recycling bin
collected my daily bonus nook miles and checked nook shopping
woke gulliver up and found his 5 missing communicator parts
checked the shops; bought 10 pieces of brown wrapping paper from nook’s
completed some nook mile achievements
It's Bug-Off Day! Caught quite a few new ones today thanks to the event. Redeemed my points for quite a few spiffy items too. I kinda enjoyed how everyone's just having fun catching bugs. lol Well, everyone except Blathers. Heh... must be his favorite holiday of the year...
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9/24 (today was an important day, so I didn't get much done)
• Startled by falling stars, made wishes where I could.
• Ran into Celeste, who gave me a recipe for the Libra Scale! (I missed that one last year! )
• Chatted with Patty (chilling at home), Kitty (taking a break on one of the benches near Resident Services), Pekoe (out for a stroll on the beach), Mathilda (working out again; must be Gains-O'-Clock), and Pashmina (crafting a broken herringbone wall).
• Kicks was here, so as usual, I paid him a visit. Bought some things that I didn't have yet so that I could catalogue them.
• Stopped by the cemetary to pay my respects; IRL, today would've been my Poppop's birthday, and I miss him a lot.

(I'll post the picture I took tomorrow)