What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?


As y'all have probably guessed, I fell behind on posting my daily reports--AGAIN 😖 Lesson Learned: do NOT put off writing everything down until the end of the day. You'll likely end up putting it off until the next day, and then the next, and then it will all snowball downhill from there. Record as you play and post when you're done, trust me. Future You will appreciate it.

I do have them all written down, but I'm gonna post in segments so that I don't drown anyone in text (as these recent entries have been much longer than previous reports). So, here's November 5th-8th:

• Was startled by the sudden appearance of the Island 101 tips appearing on the loading screen.
• Was surprised by Isabelle; she actually announced who was visiting today! (It was C.J.!)
• Recieved a thank-you letter from Rhonda (a copy of K.K. Ballad)
• Chatted with Pashmina (out for a stroll), Rhonda (chilling at home), Patty (busy fishing), Pekoe (out and about), Mathilda (enjoying a nice sandwich), and Kitty (hanging out in the plaza).
• Ended up receiving a new shirt from Pashmina: a cook's coat!
• Realized I'd forgotten to tell Blathers that I'd found Brewster yesterday, so I made sure to stop by and tell him. That being said, the museum's gonna be closed tomorrow for the remodel.
• Ran into C.J. near Resident Services. After finishing his fishing challenge (Small-fry), I brought him three squids for a collectible.
• Got to buy new stuff from the Able Sisters! (I friggin love the steampunk dresses and hats!!!)
• Got to buy new stuff from the Nooklings! (The current availability of the pitfall seed recipe made me laugh 😆 )
• Caught bitterlings, yellow perches, and a blowfish for collectible specimen storage! (My fishing rod broke in the process, though, so I had to craft a new one)
• Learned a lot of new cooking recipes from catching fish! (Ie. Aji fry, sautéed olive flounder, sea-bass pie, barred-knifejaw carpaccio, karei no nitsuke, pesce all'acqua pazza)
• Put away more Halloween decorations, started bringing out mushroom items.
• Popped a balloon, got five lumps of clay out of it.
• Cleared out a LOT of storage space...
• Crafted some items I hadn't made yet.
• Hit rocks to replenish my material stores.
• Dug up the gyroids I'd buried yesterday; got a whistloid and a flutteroid!
• Went on a trip with Kapp'n and retrieved a gyroid fragment. Also, accidentally learned how to clap during his shanty! (Then discovered I was only allowed one trip per day. Bummer.)
• Made three of the new dishes I learned how to make! (If only cooking were so easy in real life... 😅 )

• Took the squid model out of the mail.
• Ended up finding all of today's fossils in the small field outside Rhonda's house...
• Chatted with Kitty (out for a stroll), Patty (who was actually cooking, to my surprise), Pashmina (walking along the beach), Mathilda (on walkabout, gathering sticks), Pekoe (shopping at the Able Sisters), and Rhonda (who had dozed off while standing in her home).
• Patty showed me how to make pumpkin pound cake!
• Dug up the gyroid fragment I buried yesterday; retrieved a stelloid!
• Later helped Mathilda deliver a package to Patty (it had ended up at the former's house on accident).
• Got to buy new stuff from the Able Sisters! Was also overjoyed to see that the maximum custom-design limit had increased!
• Discovered I could customize some fences!
• Popped a balloon, got five chunks of iron from it.
• Attended Slider's Show; he played K.K. Hop (a new track I didn't have yet!). Also discovered I could clap during the show!
• Deposited some bells into savings.
• Bought some more new things from the Nook kiosk.
• Went on a trip with Kapp'n, retrieved a gyroid fragment...and nine wheat plants!!! (My farm preparations begin now!) Also found a bottle on the beach with a recipe for pickled vegetable inside, and hit the first "Set Sail for Adventure" milestone!
• Finally got to make some flour, along with some dishes I hadn't been able to make before, and hit my first "Mmm-Mmm-Miles" milestone!
• Hung Brewster's picture up in the kitchen (I felt it was a fitting spot).
• Found a temporary spot to plant the wheat sprouts, and also watered them.
• FINALLY got around to visiting Harv, and was surprised by the appearance of Harriet. After Harv had explained his idea to me, I was more than happy to lend a hand. That being said, each one of those Gyroids ended up with with a huge chunk of change (25k bells each).
• Decided to see what a group stretching session would be like (I started with buttons). It took me a little to get the hang of the motions, but I did enjoy seeing everyone who'd decided to join in.
• Completed the daily NM+ bonus offers.

11/7 (Café Grand opening!)
• Today's HHA S-rank puts us at 236,617 points (I expected the drop, since October's over now).
• Found a lost notebook near where I'd deposited the wheat plants. After asking around a bit, I was able to return it to its owner: Pashmina.
• Watered the wheat!
• Dug up the gyroid fragment I buried yesterday; retrieved an Oinkoid!
• Gayle was cooking today; she taught me how to make a mixed-fruits crepe!
• Chatted with Rhonda (who decided I needed a pair of tweed pants), Pashmina (out for a stroll), Patty (chilling at home), Pekoe (out and about), and Mathilda (wandering around the plaza).
• Almost everyone expressed their excitement at the Roost opening up 😃
• Kitty was thinking about moving away, but I was thankfully able to change her mind (phew! ). Afterwards, I chatted with her for a bit, and then she wandered off to go work out.
• Visited Brewster at the Roost (I love what he did with the place!). I ordered a cup; although, since I don't actually like coffee, I'm just pretending it's hot chocolate instead. I tried to chat with him, but didn't get very far 😅
• Went on a trip with Kapp'n and retrieved a gyroid fragment.
• Cleared out some more storage space.
• Bought some more wrapping paper.
• Changed one of my wand outfits up so that I'd have something proper to work out in. (That being said, I was playing late, so no group stretch happened today)
• Picked out and wrapped gifts to deliver tomorrow.

• Recieved a piece of artwork in the mail from Rex... Not only was it a fake, but I also already had the real one on display at the museum. Better luck next time, Rex-y boy.
• Dug up the gyroid fragment I buried yesterday; retrieved a xylophoid! Also reached the first "Gyroid Getter" milestone!
• There was a visitor at the campsite today: Sterling, the Avian Knight (I couldn't tell what kind of bird he was...). Seemed like a cool guy, in all honesty.
• Chatted with Kitty (out for a stroll), Patty (chilling at home), Pekoe and Mathilda (singing and dancing together in the plaza), Pashmina (who decided I needed a viking helmet), and Rhonda (shopping at the Able Sisters).
• Gulliver washed up on shore again. It took me a while to find the missing pieces of his phone.
• Delivered the gifts! (It took me a little while to track everyone down, I'll admit)
• Pashmina was cooking up a storm; she taught me how to make potato potage!
• Got to buy a lot of new stuff from the Able Sisters!
• Got to buy some new stuff from the Nooklings!
• Later helped Kitty acquire a wharf roach; it took me a little while to find and catch one.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. Not much difference in his expressions yet.
• Attended a group stretching session.
• Went on a trip with Kapp'n and retrieved a gyroid fragment. Found a bottle on the beach with a recipe for pull-apart bread inside!
• Visited Harv's island again; each gyroid recieved another big chunk of change (each one is now halfway to their donation goals!)
• Picked the wheat, watered the plants, and made flour with it (regular and whole-grain). Ended up hitting the first "Executive Producer" milestone!
• Made more dishes I hadn't prepared yet!
• Picked out and wrapped new gifts to deliver tomorrow.
• Completed the daily NM+ bonus offers.
still a bit behind as i’ve been too tired and busy to play. 😅

november 10th
checked the mail; received a mama panda from audie and the twinkling painting i bought from redd
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected my daily weeds, tree branches, rock materials (including a gold nugget!) and mushrooms (found 1 round, 2 skinny and 2 flat)
found and hit my daily money rock
checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach and picked up a giant clam
got a tall garden rock diy from my daily diy bottle and added it to my spare diys pile
talked to all my villagers + gave wrapped fruit/giant clams to the ones i need pics from - got a black dynamic tank top from raymond and a blue subway-tile wall from agnes
crafted an acoustic guitar and a shovel
put some stuff into storage
did a few trades
caught some bugs and deep-sea creatures
threw some stuff away
made some bamboo-shoot soup
welcomed frett to the island!! 💛
dug up and got rid of an unwanted flower
bought a cup of coffee and a takeaway coffee at the roost, and brewster gave me the roost sablé cookie recipe!
went on one of kapp’n’s island tours; he took me to an autumn island that had maple leaves, acorns, a gyroid fragment and a red-leaf pile diy! i caught 3 maple leaves, picked up 6 acorns, dug up the gyroid fragment and added the diy to my spare diys pile!
dug up the gyroid fragment i buried yesterday; it turned into a yellow petaloid!
buried and watered the new gyroid fragment
shot down a balloon and got a purple terry-cloth nightgown
went to harv’s island and got a new hairstyle from harriet
had katrina tell me my luck for the day; apparently my belongings luck will improve, which is ironic since my shovel broke lol
bought 4 white european-style walls from saharah
went to work at paradise planning and leif came to give a talk about flowers at the school i designed, and i’m now able to use hybrid flowers to decorate!! i also designed a slugger’s dugout for tybalt that he liked, and bought myself a black cool dining table, a black modern cash register and a natural wooden pendant light, gathered up all the vines and glowing moss that grew back and found a glowing-moss hood diy and learned it!
fuchsia taught me how to make fruit pizza, and agnes taught me how to make fruit scones!
received a random gift (a pink toy box) from margie
hung out with raymond at my place! he brought me an orange fast-food uniform, we played a card game (i won a chick kids’ smock), and i showed him all my rooms!
checked the recycling bin; claimed 3 iron nuggets
collected my daily bonus nook miles and checked nook shopping
ordered a white projection screen
bought a yellow simple tote bag, a blue checkered backpack and a black instrument case from kicks
checked the shops; bought a silver salad bar, a red card tower and 10 pieces of green wrapping paper from nook’s, and warrior armours (all except brown) from able’s
sold stuff to the twins
invited ione to the campsite for the 1st time, crafted her a natural square table, and received a red conductor’s jacket in return
completed some nook mile achievements
Today I....
  • Checked my Mail and got the items I ordered the day before
  • Cleaned up my island and beaches of shells sticks rocks and weeds
  • Dug up my fossils
  • Found my money spot and planted my tree
  • Harvested the previous Money tree
  • Found the money rock
  • donated fossils
  • Bought 410 Turnips for 92 bells a bunch
  • Checked in with Tinmy and Tommy bought a deep freezer and an outdoor table
  • Participate in Opening Ceremony for Sable and Mabel
  • Visited the Tailors shop
  • Visited the Nook Miles to get my daily Miles and purchase an assortment of DIYs and check the daily shoping catalog
  • Found out K.K will be finally visiting tomorrow now that I have my island is. 🌟 🌟 🌟
  • Visited HHP to work and completed my 10th house. Had my party. Bought an Ash Tree with Poki.
I’m finally designing different themed areas in my town, and making paths.
I’m working on making fenced areas for hybrids to grow.
I’m also halfway through building the inclines and bridges I want. I had to demolish them all and re build them because the inclines didn’t match up evenly with the buildings.
So far today I actually remembered to buy turnips since the price was decent.
I got fossils assessed and sold them.
I had coffee at Brewsters and will finally be able to get coffee to go starting tomorrow.
I did a mystery island tour, but sadly it is not one of the rare islands.. it was the same island I've seen the last few times I've done it.
I cleaned up some of the island and sold items.
Today I'm working more on my island layout! My house is now approximately in the right spot, and my yard and the valley next to my house are coming into shape. The entrance to my island is what I'm working on now, I'm trying to make the path to my resident services nice like one on my old island. We'll see how it comes out! 😅
sly sent me such a wholesome letter!! i watered my crops, found a couple of gyroids and i went to work for the first time in a little while ! i designed holiday homes for pudge, claude and maple. also found quinn on a mystery tour and invited her to my island - she's rlly cute!! uwu
8th November
  • opened the mail - received some Leopard-Print Flooring from Vivian
  • chopped wood, hit rocks and had daily fossils assessed and sold
  • watered the flowers
  • picked up the mushrooms around the island
  • collected a message bottle from the beach and learnt a recipe for Fish and Chips
  • spoke to Kicks and purchased some Embroidered Shoes
  • purchased a Key Tray from Nook’s Cranny
  • purchased a Checkered Sweater Vest and some Plaid Shorts from Able Sisters
  • popped a balloon and received a Lovely Chair
  • caught and sold some bugs
  • visited Harv’s Island;
    • spoke to Cyrus and had a Plaza Bench customised
    • purchased some sugarcane starts from Leif
    • learnt a new hairstyle from Harriet
    • donated the full amount to fund Redd’s RV
  • spoke to my villagers - Julian gifted me a Stache and Glasses
  • picked up the Wooden End Table DIY from Diana which I already knew
  • crafted and customised some items
  • went on a boat tour;
    • collected materials
    • dug up a gyroid fragment
    • caught some cherry-blossom petals
    • picked up a message bottle from the beach and received the Sakura-Wood Wall DIY which I already knew
  • checked the recycling bin but didn’t pick anything up today
  • completed some daily Nook Miles tasks
I finally had time to invite my friend over for coffee to try the water trick but did not know you have to empty your pocket of all bells. I had 157 bells on me so it did not work till I emptied it at my ABD.

Then she got stuck in her seat since she wanted to sit on the stool but I was exiting the Roost at the same time as her talking to Brewster & that trapped her there lol.

Had to kick her out to release her :p
november 11th
checked the mail; received a letter from agnes, raymond’s photo and a chitose ame from @Rairu (glad to see you’re playing again!)!! 🖤
dug up my daily fossils and money spot
collected my daily weeds, tree branches, rock materials and mushrooms (found 1 rare, 1 round, 1 skinny and 2 flat)
found and hit my daily money rock
checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach and picked up 2 giant clams
got a steel-frame wall diy from my daily diy bottle and added it to my spare diys pile
talked to all my villagers + gave wrapped fruit/giant clams to the ones i need pics from - got a blue nurse’s dress uniform from agnes
returned a lost pouch to whitney and got a light blue tiny party cap in return
threw some stuff away
shot down 2 balloons and got 5,000 bells and green fragrance sticks
caught some deep-sea creatures
harvested my pumpkins, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots and sugarcane
put some stuff into storage
dug up the gyroid fragment i buried yesterday; it turned into a brown bwongoid!
margie taught me how to make apple tarts!
got a cup of coffee and a takeaway coffee from the roost; brewster offered me pigeon milk for the first time, and tommy came by for a takeaway coffee as well!
went on one of kapp’n’s mysterious tours; he took me to an island that had cosmos, a gyroid fragment and a leaf umbrella diy (which i already know)
buried and watered the gyroid fragment
went to harv’s island and got 4 acorns from cornimer!! 🥺
had katrina tell me my luck for the day; she told me that my luck with health will diminish 😳, so i allowed her to purify me
went to work at paradise planning and designed a restroom refuge 😂 for lionel that he loved, unlocked the partition wall diy, earned 9,000 poki, bought a black short file cabinet, white moroccan lights and a red shopping basket, gathered up all the vines and glowing moss that grew back, found a spare vine hanging chair diy and got an elegant brown rug from lucy!
got a yellow star rug diy from celeste and learned it!
customized raymond’s photo and added it to my photo wall
checked the recycling bin; claimed a cardboard box
collected my daily bonus nook miles and checked nook shopping
invited ione to the campsite for the 2nd time, crafted her a cutting board and got a coral plain do-rag in return
helped out gulliver
checked the shops; bought a green dreamy hanging decoration from nook’s
sold stuff to the twins
completed some nook mile achievements
Today I did quite a few auctions along with some town cleaning.
Sold a whopping 500 of each flour and sugar type (made em all within the hour, here's a tip. Don't try and craft 2000 cooking ingredients in an hour, it really sucks especially when its all an auction).

Outside of that I hit random visitors with nets. That's all the excitement my farm gets nowadays :p
I'll be trying to be posting daily on this thread! I hope some of you do too!

Let us know what you did today! Even minor things such as plant new trees if you want! Anything is welcome!
managed to snatch a new diy hehe
So today (November the 15th) I got a fair bit done:
  • I removed items/trees/rocks from an area in my island where I’m gonna put in a big lake. I don’t have any ideas for shapes yet but I got the area ready for when I start terraforming it
  • I planted another money tree/hit all my rocks
  • Dug up my gyroids
  • Went to HHP and did some jobs there
  • Created the school and made Willow my teacher
  • Bought some items from the HHP shop (I really like the other furniture sets especially elegant/ranch)
  • Went to harvs island and looked at the new stock/bought some flowers/bushes from lief
  • Did some terraforming for my entrance (trying to find something that I’m happy with)
    And that’s pretty much it so far. Atm I’m still messing around with my entrance and trying to track down diys/furniture I’m gonna use

Here's the rest of my missing reports--
And here's also hoping I stop falling so far behind... 😅

• Isabelle announced that C.J. was visiting today. After running into him, he gave me a Big-Time fishing challenge; upon completion, I brought him three bitterlings for a collectible.
• Recieved a yellow veil in the mail from Gulliver.
• Watered the wheat.
• Found a bottle on the beach with a recipe for a wooden low table inside!
• Chatted with Rhonda (crafting a pansy table), Kitty (out for a stroll), Mathilda (walking along the beach), Patty (busy fishing), and Pekoe
• Rhonda warned me that Pashmina was sick, so I made sure to swing by the store and pick her up some medicine.
• Delivered the gifts! (I waited until Pashmina was feeling a little better before delivering hers)
• Dug up the gyroid fragment I buried yesterday; retrieved a wallopoid!
• It started raining at 4pm...
• Got to buy some new stuff from the Nooklings! Also bought more wrapping paper and customization kits.
• Got to buy a lot of new stuff from the Able Sisters!
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. He informed me that I'll be able to start ordering "to-go" tomorrow; I'll take that as progress!
• Went on a trip with Kapp'n and retrieved a gyroid fragment. Found a bottle on the beach with a recipe for a wooden field sign inside! (Also figured out how to skip the shanty by mashing B) After I got back, I waved at him as usual--and he waved back this time! 😃 yay!
• Customized some items to get them catalogued.
• Helped Rex solve an arguement with Gayle by delivering an apology gift to her: an after-school jacket (I was surprised to see it was in a color she liked).
• Picked out and wrapped new gifts to deliver tomorrow.

• Isabelle announced that Kicks was here today; I made sure to pay him a visit.
• Took the bitterling model out of the mail.
• Dug up the gyroid fragment I buried yesterday; retrieved an arfoid! Also dug up a sprongoid that appeared from yesterday's rain!
• Delivered the gifts!
• Chatted with Patty (chilling at home), Kitty (out for a stroll), Mathilda (out and about), Pashmina (hanging out in the plaza with Kicks), Rhonda (admiring the butterfly exhibit), and Pekoe (hanging out at the aquarium)
• Got to buy a lot of new stuff from the Able Sisters!
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. Ordered an extra to go. When I left, I noticed he had a happier expression on his face.
• Rex showed me how to make minestrone soup... (I don't think he even knows how to spell 'minestrone', lord love him; how does he know how to cook it?)
• Poor Pashmina had fleas! :(
• Went on a trip with Kapp'n and retrieved a gyroid fragment. Ended up finding vines, glowing moss, and plumeria shrubs (of which I took ten home and planted), and found a bottle with a recipe for a glowing-moss rug inside!
• Cleared out some excess flower growth from yesterday's rainfall.
• Joined a group stretching session (I used buttons). Ended up reaching the first "Stretch to Refresh" milestone!
• Made a hot item, chopped some wood to replenish my material stores, and crafted a lot of items to sell.
• Plucky decided I needed a workout top...
• Found Kitty sweeping the plaza while wearing the maid dress I gave her 😆
• Popped a balloon and ended up with a helping of curry with rice... weird.
• Got to buy some new stuff from the Nooklings! Also bought more wrapping paper.
• Completed the daily NM+ bonus offers.
• Went diving; found a scallop, gave it to Pascal, ended up with a pearl. Also cornered a Venus' flower basket against the safety nets (seriously, why is the dang thing so fast?!).
• Ordered new things from the Nook Kiosk!
• Actually ended up withdrawing from my account today (I know that's what I've been saving it up for, in case I needed it, but still...)
• Visited Harv's island again; each gyroid recieved another big chunk of change (each one is now ¾ of the way to their donation goals!)
• Picked out and wrapped new gifts to deliver tomorrow.

11/11 (raining)
• Recieved a thank-you note in the mail from Nook for getting everyone to start stretching. Also recieved a Nook Inc. Leotard.
• Delivered the gifts!
• Chatted with Rhonda (walking along the beach), Patty (chilling at home), Mathilda (crafting a golden toilet, which she then showed me how to make), Pekoe (wandering around), Pashmina (working out in the plaza), and Kitty (on a shopping spree at the Able Sisters').
• Dug up the gyroid fragment I buried yesterday; retrieved a boomoid!
• Redd was visiting today; not only did I get new items, but I also walked out with a moody painting for the museum!
• The rain stopped at about 7pm...
• Pashmina reminded me that Mathilda's birthday was tomorrow! (... I'm a horrible person, I completely forgot 😓 )
• Got to buy some new stuff from the Nooklings! Also bought more customization kits.
• Went on a trip with Kapp'n and retrieved a gyroid fragment. For SOME REASON, it was SNOWING on the island here took me to. After charging into warmer clothes, I ran around replenishing my material stores and catching snowflakes. Found a recipe for frozen floor tiles in a bottle that had washed ashore!
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. He's starting to be friendlier :) I also reached the second "Come Home to the Roost" milestone!
• Attended another group-stretch session.
• Made TONS of items to sell, including lots of hot items.
• Ordered a chitose-ame from the Seasonal Selection, because why not.
• Completed the daily NM+ bonus offers.
• Ran into Wisp; after helping him out, I recieved a Nordic pendant light as a reward.
• Ordered new stuff from the Nook kiosk, also withdrew some bells from savings.
• Visited Harv's island again; each gyroid WOULD have gotten their final donation chunks...if you weren't only able to finish one donation goal at a time. Yup, I learned that one the hard way.
• Went home and put my excess bells back into savings.
• Finally got around to celebrating the completion of the Roost!
• Was redecorating my back room for Turkey Day when Harry showed up at my door, asking to hang out. He gave me an orange. I got to take a few photos of the two of us sitting at my kotatsu 😆

11/12 (Mathilda's b-day, & raining again!)
• Isabelle announced it was Mathilda's birthday...and I realized with steadily rising panic that I FORGOT TO GET HER GIFT READY YESTERDAY! 😱
• Took the moody painting out of the mail and brought it straight to Blathers.
• Chatted with Pashmina (out for a stroll), Patty and Pekoe (the latter was visiting the former), Rhonda (shopping at Nook's), and Kitty (out and about).
• Dug up the gyroid fragment I buried yesterday; retrieved a Squeakoid!
• Found a recipe for peach jam in a bottle that had washed up on shore! (And as a result, I reached the second "Writing a Cookbook?" milestone!)
• Ended up finding a Sproingoid and a Rattloid thanks to yesterday's rainfall.
• Removed some excess flower growth from yesterday's rainfall.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. Today marks the first he offered to make a cup with pigeon milk (I accepted). When I was getting ready to leave, he stopped me, and gave me a recipe for making the Roost's sablé cookies! I'm so happy to know he's finally feeling at home here!
• Label was back, this time with a vacation- themed fashion challenge. I dug my summer outfit out of the closet again, and once again passed with flying colors. She gave me a pair of Labelle sneakers as thanks.
• Hit rocks to replenish my material stores.
• Hurriedly tried to find an appropriate gift to give Mathilda, feeling like a horrible friend as I did 😖 I ended up grabbing a velvet stool from storage (I'd been planning to eventually gift it to her, but I didn't plan on this), wrapping it, and hoping for the best...
• Attended Mathilda's birthday party with Harry! Luckily for me, she seemed to love the gift; I still felt like trash, but I was happy she was happy. I made sure to take more than a few pictures.
• Went on a trip with Kapp'n and retrieved a gyroid fragment. Used the opportunity to gather more materials.
• Visited Harv's island again; Katrina was finally here! 😃 I had my fortune read (she said I'd have luck with money) and asked her to check my friendship with Kitty, just to see how it worked (apparently, Kitty considers me a very close friend). Maybe she can help me figure out how to get more villager photos? 😅
• Helped another of Lloid's buddies reach their donation goal, so there'll be a new shop tomorrow!
• Discovered that Harriet wanted to brush up on her hairdresser skills; I was willing to oblige. The end result was...err, not to my tastes... but I was relieved when she said that was okay, and then gave me my long hair back.
• Went home and made some peach jam, reaching the second "Mmm-Mmm-Miles" milestone!
• Picked out and wrapped gifts to deliver tomorrow.

• Isabelle announced that Slider was here!
• Recieved two tailor's tickets in the mail from Label, as well as a thank-you letter from Mathilda.
• Chatted with Pekoe (who, for some reason, was wandering around in my yard...), Kitty (busy fishing), Mathilda (doing an indoor workout), Pashmina and Rhonda (the latter was visiting the former), and Patty (attending Slider's show).
• Delivered the gifts!
• Rex showed me how to make orange pie (This one's a little more believable for him 😆 )
• Later helped Pashmina return an item she'd borrowed from Mathilda. It turned out to be a nightgown. My guess is that Pashmina slept over one night but had no pajamas, so Mathilda let her borrow it, and then Pashmina brought it home to wash it and then forgot about it. At least, that's my theory.
• Bought some more wrapping paper
• Dug up the gyroid fragment I buried yesterday; retrieved a Jingloid!
• Ended up finding an Aluminoid and a Rattloid thanks to yesterday's rainfall.
• Deposited a LOT of bells into savings.
• Ordered new things using Nook Miles.
• Ordered a new music track, K.K. Khoomei, from the daily Selection.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. He was a lot quieter today...
• Went on a trip with Kapp'n and retrieved a gyroid fragment, also found more vines and glowing moss! After finding a bottle on the beach with a recipe for a full-body glowing-moss suit inside, I used the opportunity to gather up more materials. (Also ended up reaching the second "Set Sail for Adventure" milestone)
• Attended Slider's show; he played a new song today: Chillwave.
• I had to wait until after Slider's show to give Patty her gift, but she accidentally shut her door in my face when I caught up to her. To be honest, I thought it was hilarious.
• Visited Harv's island again; Saharah was here! 😃 As tradition dictates, I completely bought get out for the day 😆
• Helped another of Lloid's buddies reach their donation goal, so there'll be a new shop tomorrow!
• Decided to ask Katrina for a fortune; she believes my health will improve... (IRL, that'd actually be great 😆 )
• Allowed Harriet to brush up on her skills... unfortunately, the end result was even worse than yesterday's! 😱 Only Kapp'n can pull off the kappa look, I'm afraid...
• Attended a group-stretch session; this time, I used motions. It took a little while to get the hang of it, but I think that'll improve with practice.

• Today's HHA S-rank puts us at 228,214 points... (I was NOT expecting a drop like that, geez...) I'm gonna have to put a lot more work into that back room...
• Chatted with Kitty (who showed me how to make gnocchi di carote), Rhonda (visiting Harry), Pekoe (out for a stroll), and Mathilda (shopping at Nook's), as well as Pashmina and Patty (who were chilling in the plaza and gossiping over coffee).
• Went to dig up the gyroid fragment I buried yesterday...only to realize I'd completely forgotten to water it 😖 back in the dirt it went!
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. He's starting to sound much more comfortable.
• Went on a trip with Kapp'n and retrieved a gyroid fragment; it was also raining with no end in sight on the island we ended up on (good thing I had a raincoat!). Even found a Xylophoid thanks to the rain, as well as a recipe for a golden decorative plate in a bottle that washed ashore!
• Visited Harv's island again; this time, Tortimer had arrived! 😃 I've missed him, it was great to see him again!
• Helped another of Lloid's buddies reach their donation goal, so there'll be a new shop tomorrow!
• Tried to buy Saharah out, only to find that her stock hadn't changed from yesterday's.
• Decided to ask Katrina for a fortune; once again, she believes my health will improve.
• Allowed Harriet to brush up on her skills... and once again, I wasn't thrilled with the result 😖 I'm starting to wonder if she even knows any long hairstyles... I love her dearly, but that's her third strikeout...
• Put some more decorative work into my back room once I got back. It's finally starting to look more appropriate for Turkey Day, and I even got to put some gyroids on display!
• Ran into Wisp; after helping him out, I recieved a corner clothing rack as a reward.
• Only realized after turning in for the day that I'd forgotten to attend a group stretch sesh. Oops. 😓
9th November
  • opened the mail - received some Rhinestone Shades from Diana
  • chopped wood, hit rocks and had daily fossils assessed and sold
  • watered the flowers
  • picked up the mushrooms around the island
  • collected some seashells and a message bottle from the beach - learnt the Wooden Field Sign DIY
  • found Gulliver on the beach and agreed to find his communication parts for him
  • visited Pashmina who was staying at the campsite
  • popped a balloon and received some bells
  • caught and sold some fish
  • purchased a Bunny Garden Decoration from Nook’s Cranny
  • purchased some Dotted Shorts from Able Sisters
  • visited Harv’s Island;
    • donated the full amount to fund Sahara’s RV
    • purchased some tomato starts from Leif
    • learnt a new hairstyle from Harriet
  • spoke to my villagers - Fauna gifted me some Rose-Print Slacks
  • returned a lost item to Raymond and received a Long Chenille Cardigan
  • picked up the Shell Table DIY from Rosie which I already knew
  • crafted and customised some items
  • went on a boat tour;
    • collected materials
    • dug up a gyroid fragment
    • collected a message bottle from the beach and received the Cherry Lamp DIY which I already knew
  • checked the recycling bin but didn’t pick anything up today
  • completed some daily Nook Miles tasks
I spent the whole of Sunday on mystery islands looking for a replacement for Henry. I'll miss his cute little froggy face and slightly regretted letting him leave.

Although I didn't start off looking for him, I ended up taking Marshal. I was hoping for OHare or Zell but was quite happy! I made a ton of bells along the way, selling all the fruits, picking weeds, fishing up sturgeon but I hope I don't have to do that again soon!

Other than that I continued with my island renovations, planting bushes around the museum and building another incline.

I also completed a HHP plot for Pudge :)
I went villager hunting and found Ione and immediately took her home.

I then took a mystery island tour and fittingly enough ended up on the shooting star island right after getting Ione. 🌟
  • I did some nook mile farming
  • Bought stuff from Kicks, Ables, Nooks
  • Got to customize an air conditioner thanks to reese and cyrus
  • Did the motion version of the aerobics for fun
  • Went to roost 2 times
  • Went sea diving for scallops to get a pearl
  • Went to moss/vineisland
  • And so on
10th November
  • opened the mail - received a Camo Wall from Bill and an Alpinist Hat from Gulliver
  • chopped wood, hit rocks and had daily fossils assessed and sold
  • watered the flowers and picked up some weeds
  • picked up the mushrooms around the island
  • collected a message bottle from the beach and received the Brown Herringbone Wall DIY which I already knew
  • purchased a Hanger Rack from Nook’s Cranny
  • purchased a Corte Skirt from Able Sisters
  • popped a balloon and received some bells
  • caught and sold some bugs
  • visited Harv’s Island;
    • purchased a Blue Medium Round Mat and a Fluffy Rug from Sahara
    • learnt a new hairstyle from Harriet
    • donated the full amount to fund Katrina’s RV
  • spoke to my villagers - stopped Molly from moving
  • picked up the Acoustic Guitar DIY from Raymond which I already knew
  • did a bit of island decorating
  • went on a boat tour;
    • collected materials
    • picked up carrots and dug up some carrot sprouts
    • dug up a gyroid fragment
    • collected a message bottle from the beach and learnt the recipe for an Orange Smoothie
  • checked the recycling bin but didn’t pick anything up today
  • completed some daily Nook Miles tasks