Determined Designer

As y'all have probably guessed, I fell behind on posting my daily reports--AGAIN

I do have them all written down, but I'm gonna post in segments so that I don't drown anyone in text (as these recent entries have been much longer than previous reports). So, here's November 5th-8th:
• Was startled by the sudden appearance of the Island 101 tips appearing on the loading screen.
• Was surprised by Isabelle; she actually announced who was visiting today! (It was C.J.!)
• Recieved a thank-you letter from Rhonda (a copy of K.K. Ballad)
• Chatted with Pashmina (out for a stroll), Rhonda (chilling at home), Patty (busy fishing), Pekoe (out and about), Mathilda (enjoying a nice sandwich), and Kitty (hanging out in the plaza).
• Ended up receiving a new shirt from Pashmina: a cook's coat!
• Realized I'd forgotten to tell Blathers that I'd found Brewster yesterday, so I made sure to stop by and tell him. That being said, the museum's gonna be closed tomorrow for the remodel.
• Ran into C.J. near Resident Services. After finishing his fishing challenge (Small-fry), I brought him three squids for a collectible.
• Got to buy new stuff from the Able Sisters! (I friggin love the steampunk dresses and hats!!!)
• Got to buy new stuff from the Nooklings! (The current availability of the pitfall seed recipe made me laugh

• Caught bitterlings, yellow perches, and a blowfish for collectible specimen storage! (My fishing rod broke in the process, though, so I had to craft a new one)
• Learned a lot of new cooking recipes from catching fish! (Ie. Aji fry, sautéed olive flounder, sea-bass pie, barred-knifejaw carpaccio, karei no nitsuke, pesce all'acqua pazza)
• Put away more Halloween decorations, started bringing out mushroom items.
• Popped a balloon, got five lumps of clay out of it.
• Cleared out a LOT of storage space...
• Crafted some items I hadn't made yet.
• Hit rocks to replenish my material stores.
• Dug up the gyroids I'd buried yesterday; got a whistloid and a flutteroid!
• Went on a trip with Kapp'n and retrieved a gyroid fragment. Also, accidentally learned how to clap during his shanty! (Then discovered I was only allowed one trip per day. Bummer.)
• Made three of the new dishes I learned how to make! (If only cooking were so easy in real life...

• Took the squid model out of the mail.
• Ended up finding all of today's fossils in the small field outside Rhonda's house...
• Chatted with Kitty (out for a stroll), Patty (who was actually cooking, to my surprise), Pashmina (walking along the beach), Mathilda (on walkabout, gathering sticks), Pekoe (shopping at the Able Sisters), and Rhonda (who had dozed off while standing in her home).
• Patty showed me how to make pumpkin pound cake!
• Dug up the gyroid fragment I buried yesterday; retrieved a stelloid!
• Later helped Mathilda deliver a package to Patty (it had ended up at the former's house on accident).
• Got to buy new stuff from the Able Sisters! Was also overjoyed to see that the maximum custom-design limit had increased!
• Discovered I could customize some fences!
• Popped a balloon, got five chunks of iron from it.
• Attended Slider's Show; he played K.K. Hop (a new track I didn't have yet!). Also discovered I could clap during the show!
• Deposited some bells into savings.
• Bought some more new things from the Nook kiosk.
• Went on a trip with Kapp'n, retrieved a gyroid fragment...and nine wheat plants!!! (My farm preparations begin now!) Also found a bottle on the beach with a recipe for pickled vegetable inside, and hit the first "Set Sail for Adventure" milestone!
• Finally got to make some flour, along with some dishes I hadn't been able to make before, and hit my first "Mmm-Mmm-Miles" milestone!
• Hung Brewster's picture up in the kitchen (I felt it was a fitting spot).
• Found a temporary spot to plant the wheat sprouts, and also watered them.
• FINALLY got around to visiting Harv, and was surprised by the appearance of Harriet. After Harv had explained his idea to me, I was more than happy to lend a hand. That being said, each one of those Gyroids ended up with with a huge chunk of change (25k bells each).
• Decided to see what a group stretching session would be like (I started with buttons). It took me a little to get the hang of the motions, but I did enjoy seeing everyone who'd decided to join in.
• Completed the daily NM+ bonus offers.
11/7 (Café Grand opening!)
• Today's HHA S-rank puts us at 236,617 points (I expected the drop, since October's over now).
• Found a lost notebook near where I'd deposited the wheat plants. After asking around a bit, I was able to return it to its owner: Pashmina.
• Watered the wheat!
• Dug up the gyroid fragment I buried yesterday; retrieved an Oinkoid!
• Gayle was cooking today; she taught me how to make a mixed-fruits crepe!
• Chatted with Rhonda (who decided I needed a pair of tweed pants), Pashmina (out for a stroll), Patty (chilling at home), Pekoe (out and about), and Mathilda (wandering around the plaza).
• Almost everyone expressed their excitement at the Roost opening up

• Kitty was thinking about moving away, but I was thankfully able to change her mind (phew! ). Afterwards, I chatted with her for a bit, and then she wandered off to go work out.
• Visited Brewster at the Roost (I love what he did with the place!). I ordered a cup; although, since I don't actually like coffee, I'm just pretending it's hot chocolate instead. I tried to chat with him, but didn't get very far

• Went on a trip with Kapp'n and retrieved a gyroid fragment.
• Cleared out some more storage space.
• Bought some more wrapping paper.
• Changed one of my wand outfits up so that I'd have something proper to work out in. (That being said, I was playing late, so no group stretch happened today)
• Picked out and wrapped gifts to deliver tomorrow.
• Recieved a piece of artwork in the mail from Rex... Not only was it a fake, but I also already had the real one on display at the museum. Better luck next time, Rex-y boy.
• Dug up the gyroid fragment I buried yesterday; retrieved a xylophoid! Also reached the first "Gyroid Getter" milestone!
• There was a visitor at the campsite today: Sterling, the Avian Knight (I couldn't tell what kind of bird he was...). Seemed like a cool guy, in all honesty.
• Chatted with Kitty (out for a stroll), Patty (chilling at home), Pekoe and Mathilda (singing and dancing together in the plaza), Pashmina (who decided I needed a viking helmet), and Rhonda (shopping at the Able Sisters).
• Gulliver washed up on shore again. It took me a while to find the missing pieces of his phone.
• Delivered the gifts! (It took me a little while to track everyone down, I'll admit)
• Pashmina was cooking up a storm; she taught me how to make potato potage!
• Got to buy a lot of new stuff from the Able Sisters!
• Got to buy some new stuff from the Nooklings!
• Later helped Kitty acquire a wharf roach; it took me a little while to find and catch one.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. Not much difference in his expressions yet.
• Attended a group stretching session.
• Went on a trip with Kapp'n and retrieved a gyroid fragment. Found a bottle on the beach with a recipe for pull-apart bread inside!
• Visited Harv's island again; each gyroid recieved another big chunk of change (each one is now halfway to their donation goals!)
• Picked the wheat, watered the plants, and made flour with it (regular and whole-grain). Ended up hitting the first "Executive Producer" milestone!
• Made more dishes I hadn't prepared yet!
• Picked out and wrapped new gifts to deliver tomorrow.
• Completed the daily NM+ bonus offers.