november 14th
❁ checked the mail; received a letter from the HHA, yellow wrestling shoes from fuchsia, a red mini dharma from katrina and a large paradise planning rug from wardell

❁ dug up my daily fossils and money spot
❁ collected my daily weeds, tree branches, rock materials and mushrooms (found 2 skinny and 3 round)
❁ found and hit my daily money rock
❁ checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach and picked up 5 giant clams
❁ got a zen-style stone diy from my daily diy bottle and added it to my spare diys pile
❁ talked to all my villagers + gave wrapped fruit/giant clams to the ones i need pics from - got a silver cordless phone from frett and a navy blue baseball uniform from agnes
❁ did a treasure hunt with frett and found the treasure (an ant farm) in time!
❁ plucked 10 white lilies
❁ crafted and customized a few items and tools
❁ put some stuff into storage
❁ did a few trades
❁ transferred my spare diys from my alt character’s house to my island rep’s storage
❁ caught some bugs
❁ dug up and got rid of flowers that spawned from yesterday’s rain
❁ beau taught me how to make pear jam, sprinkle taught me how to make a golden urn, and agnes taught me how to make frosted cookies!
❁ welcomed ione to the island!!
❁ dug up a green whistloid and a blue bendoid
❁ watered my crops
❁ threw some stuff away
❁ dug up the gyroid fragment i buried yesterday; it turned into a blue wallopoid!
❁ shot down a balloon and got 30,000 bells
❁ got a cup of coffee and a takeaway coffee from the roost
❁ went on one of kapp’n’s mysterious tours; he took me to an island that had tomatoes, a gyroid fragment, and a cherry jelly recipe! i harvested the tomatoes, dug up the gyroid fragment, and learned the diy!
❁ buried and watered the gyroid fragment
❁ went to harv’s island and got 9 acorns from cornimer
❁ had katrina tell me my luck for the day; she told me my luck with belongings will improve
❁ invited frett, ione, tom nook, niko, celeste, orville, wilbur, and sable to harv’s island to unlock their posters
❁ went to work at paradise planning; i designed a little slice of fall for deirdre, was promoted to “breakout designer”, earned 12,000 poki, unlocked the ability to pay for my purchases later if i don’t have enough poki
(which came in handy today lol), bought myself a flowers retro ice-cream case, a natural wood bistro table and a floral piggy bank, gathered up all the vines and glowing moss that grew back, found and learned the woven-vines hat diy, and received a tropical vista from angus!
❁ checked the recycling bin; claimed a pair of blue holey socks
❁ collected my daily bonus nook miles and checked nook shopping
❁ ordered a yellow tank
❁ checked daisy mae’s turnip price and decided not to buy any this week
❁ checked the shops; bought a beige scrapbook and a green conveyor belt from nook’s
❁ sold stuff to the twins
❁ invited marlo to the campsite for the 2nd time, crafted him a barrel, and got a brown python-print jacket in return
❁ completed some nook mile achievements, including “come home to the roost” milestone #2!