What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

-checked mail
-island clean up (hit rocks, pick up sticks and weeds, find beach bottle, dig up fossils)
-stopped at nooks cranny to sell goods
-checked resident services recycling bin
-Abd nook shopping (working on cataloging clothes )
-took a kappn tour (wheat farm island)
-coffee at Brewster's
-morning stretch
-took some items to Cyrus to get recolored for redecorating my Island
-update trade list and check forums

After work today...
-check Mabel's for clothes I need
-start bugging Sable for patterns
-get another storage clean out
December 8th <3

- Checked my mail, recently Ive been ordering the most expensive items in my catalog simply for the fact of it means I get to spend some of my bells.
- Dug up all the fossils. I've donated them all and Im almost at max bells so I dont see the value in assessing them and selling them, so they're just collecting dust in my inventory. Maybe I'll sell them on here.
- Finally buried the six gyroid fragments I have been hoarding. We'll soon see what they get me
- Hit all the rocks. Since I now have a rock garden doing this sucks 10x less.
- Additionally found the money rock
- Collected all the tree branches and weeds. They love to spawn in the most stupid spots, like ON my farm or on my paths. Drives me insane.
- Went on the Kapp'n Island trip. It was a pretty mediocre island but I got the gyroid fragment from it and got the DIY from the island - it was an ironwood one lol.
- In HHP I did two homes - Glayds and Coco, they both had somewhat similar outcomes given the themes they gave me but Im really proud of both houses so I shared them on the HHN and online. I think I will go back to Coco's house if unlocking gyroids is an option in HHP (I would assume it is)
On this day December 8th, 2021, I took down an entire area and rebuilt it from the ground up. The new area would become Magicant Farm, bigger and butter than ever. I also crafted a bunch of stuff as well as customize, which includes fences, decoy ducks, bunny garden decorations, tools, glowing-moss pond and statue and giant vines. Here's everything else I did:
  • Picked weeds​
  • Went to Harv's Island to prioritize unlocking Reese's and Cyrus's shop so that I can customize a few things​
  • Dug up trees, destroyed rocks​
  • Added vines/olive bushes to the mountain area where Annalisa and Shino live​
  • Made a Zen pond for ducks near Ken's house​
  • Had a camper today, Chops, visiting the campsite. Totally ignored him​
  • Ordered a few things from the catalog to add to the farm​
  • Went to the Able Sisters for the first time in months to use the kiosk to download some new custom designs​
  • Carrie invited herself over to my house. She gifted me a knit hat, just in time for winter​
  • Ken also tried to come visit but since I was really busy I had to decline​
  • Had a chat with Shino, and I saw Boots running around near the Moon Shrine which I rarely see him around that area​
  • I spruced up the plaza garden a bit, added a plaza bench and a fine vase which I had Cyrus customize to the "Dragon" design​
  • Took lots of pics of the farm, before and after, so that I could monitor my progress​
  • Did lots of terraforming, mainly adding dark dirt pathways and tweaking the cliffside, and made a pond​
  • I added the "panda backpack" to one of my wand outfits​
  • Learned a new hairstyle from Harriet​

-checked mail
-island clean up (hit rocks, pick up sticks and weeds, find beach bottle, dig up fossils)
-checked resident services recycling bin
-Abd nook shopping (working on cataloging clothes )
-coffee at Brewster's
-morning stretch
-kicks was on the island so I bought a couple bags of him
-took a kappn tour (normal island)
-stopped at nooks cranny to sell goods

After work today...
-check Mabel's for clothes I need
- bugging Sable for patterns
For the longest time, I haven't really given my 2nd character a properly decorated house since his primary purpose is just storage.

Today, I have renovated the main room into a proper living room. It even ended up better than my main rep's. Only 5 rooms left.
Ione also gave me her photo today. Only 95 more photos to get to 300. Annalise showed up in my campsite and at first, she wanted to boot Friga who is fairly new. So I closed quickly and redid the conversation. Then she asked to replace Jitters which is okay since I have his photo. He was a fun villager to have around (I love jocks!) but it's also fun to invite new villagers.

I'm going to have to find a villager database and identify a bunch more villagers I'd like to invite over the next year.
I made a double waterfall, it took me an embarrassingly long amount of time to figure out, I'm not good with terraforming 😅

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First snowfall on Avalon! ( although it was just flurries)

-checked mail
-island clean up (hit rocks, pick up sticks and weeds, find beach bottle, dig up fossils)
-checked resident services recycling bin
-Abd nook shopping (working on cataloging clothes )
-coffee at Brewster's
-morning stretch
-took a kappn tour (moss and vine island)
-stopped at nooks cranny drop box to sell goods
-I had about 2 weeks worth of gyroid fragments stored so I decided to plant them all at once

Unfortunately Able sisters are going to have to be skipped today because I'm leaving straight from work to a Christmas party and then spending the night at the hotel.
Did some more decorating on my island today, and I really love what I've done now I have a clear vision of what my island theme will look like. Hopefully this creative streak will continue as I've been procrastinating over my island in general for far too long even though I've found so much inspiration from others lately.
December 10 🌨

-Isabelle announced a visitor at the campsite, it was Cally the squirrel! She's cute but I just got Pecan very recently so I didn't invite her
-Checked the mail, got a nice letter from Axel
-Talked to my villagers
-Gave wrapped fruits to Ken, he gave me a soft serve hat in return
-Went and checked out both shops, I bought a hanging cube light from Nooks
-Dug up all the fossils from around the island
-Found and smashed a couple of rocks that I'm trying to move
-Got a coffee at The Roost
-Went on my daily Kapp'n tour, went to a potato island so I gathered those up and found a recipe for peach jelly
-Came home, planted and watered my gyroid fragment
-Completed a bunch of Nook Miles tasks

Today was also the first day I played where Rainshine actually had snow! I am so excited for the winter season

(I'm a little late getting started today cuz I just got home from the hotel and a very late night at the Christmas party)

-update trade list and check forums

-checked mail

-island clean up (hit rocks, pick up sticks and weeds, find beach bottle, dig up fossils)

(Returned the Lost book to Willow)

-checked resident services recycling bin

-Abd nook shopping (working on cataloging clothes ) and sell goods

(sold all the gyroids I planted yesterday, I'm not particularly attached the little buggers)

-coffee at Brewster's

(Got the siphon and a visit from Tom nook)

-morning stretch

(Cannot lie I sat and played on my phone and drank coffee while the characters stretched)

-took a kappn tour (moss and vine island, 2nd day in a row!)

-check Able Sisters for clothes I need And bug Sable for patterns
I went to Harv’s Island so he could change up the colour of all my topiary and string lights now we’re in winter. The muted green (of the topiary) and the pink string lights look gorgeous against the snow. I also decorated around Able Sisters with the large and small mushroom platforms and added a nova light and large star fragment on top of either platform. So far it’s looking really whimsical without it being too OTT which I’m loving. Up next is decorating Nook’s Cranny with the same aesthetic. 🤞🏻
I talked to all of my villagers on my new island, and reached the 20 consecutive days mark!

I've been working on filling my clothing catalogue (for my own "I need to 100% everything" reasons, and because I'm slowly helping out some people), so I raided the able sister's.

I dug up my fossils and gyroids, and got the 40+ unassessed fossils from storage, got them all assessed, and sold a few of them (the rest are in storage, in case anyone needs them)

After that I went around my island and cleared some flowers, collected and sold fruit and shells, before heading over to Brewster's.
Megan moved out so I decided to continue my quest for Quinn and while searching I ran into Shino and took her home.
I also got the frozen fence diy and covered my island in my new favorite fence 💜
I redecorated Hopper's house. I kept the ice theme he already had, but made it look so much better.

Decorated a bit for Christmas. Today was the first day with snow on the ground. This got me in the mood to put up some festive decor.

I built a perfect snowman.
Perfect snowman on the first day! (Though I smashed one of the snowballs first because it didn’t look close to the fence) I had so much trouble with this last year, didn’t realize until the last week or so of snow that I have much more success if I just estimate if it looks right rather than trying to count steps and stuff.
🎄 December 1st 🎄

Main Island Life:

🎄 Checked the mail.
🎄 Did group stretching.
🎄 Dug up all daily fossils and got them assessed. Since I already donated all fossils, I sold them.
🎄 Dug up the gyroid I buried and watered yesterday; it turned out to be a thwopoid.
🎄 Dug up the daily shining spot and planted the 1,000 bells I got from it back into it.
🎄 Collected all tree branches and weeds.
🎄 Hit all rocks and picked up the materials that came out.
🎄 Hit the daily money rock and picked up the bells that came out.
🎄 Picked up daily Message Bottle; had the Skateboard Wall Rack recipe in it, which I did not have!
🎄 Went diving for scallops to get Pascal to make his daily visit.
🎄 Talked to all my villagers and gave them all wrapped gifts.
🎄 Got a Peach Rug recipe from Chevre, which I already have.
🎄 Got my daily cup of coffee from Brewster at The Roost; drank it while it was hot! Isabelle stopped by for a quick cup as well.
🎄 Completed some Nook Miles+ achievements.
🎄 Collected bonus daily Nook Miles at the Nook Stop.
🎄 Checked Nook Shopping.
🎄 Checked the recycle bin, claimed a rusted part.
🎄 Flick was visiting my island, so I sold him so bugs I had in storage.
🎄 Went on Kapp'n's Boat Tour. Arrived at a pumpkin crop island.
🎄 Picked all pumpkin crops on the island.
🎄 Dug up the gyroid fragment at the island.
🎄 Looked for the Message Bottle, which had the Minestrone Soup recipe in it, which I did not have!
🎄 Hit all rocks at the mysterious island and picked up the materials that came out.
🎄 Planted and watered the gyroid fragment I found once I got back home.
🎄 Visited Harv's Island.
🎄 Spoke with Cornimer, got 7 acorns in return.
🎄 Bought a Moving Painting from Redd.
🎄 Bought 5 Holly Starts from Leif.
🎄 Bought the Lobby Flooring from Saharah.
🎄 Bought a Pleather Handbag from Kicks.
🎄 Got my fortune told by Katrina; my luck with friendship will diminish.
🎄 Had purification done by Katrina.
🎄 Had friendship with Sylvana divined by Katrina.
🎄 Added all my duplicate DIYs from the day to my shop area.

Happy Home Paradise Life:

🎄 Checked the daily exchange rate on the AB&PD, it was 100 Poki = 243 Bells.
🎄 Bought some Beach Chair with Parasol, Bubble Machine, and Short File Cabinet from Wardell.
🎄 Picked up daily Message Bottle; had the Stone Lion-Dog recipe in it, which I did not have!
🎄 Spoke to my restaurant's head chef, Cube, and got my daily recipe from him. He gave me the Pizza Margherita recipe, which I did not have!
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🎄 December 2nd 🎄

Main Island Life:

🎄 Checked the mail.
🎄 Did group stretching.
🎄 Dug up all daily fossils and got them assessed. Since I already donated all fossils, I sold them.
🎄 Dug up the gyroid I buried and watered yesterday; it turned out to be a Dootoid.
🎄 Dug up the daily shining spot and planted the 1,000 bells I got from it back into it.
🎄 Collected all tree branches and weeds.
🎄 Hit all rocks and picked up the materials that came out.
🎄 Hit the daily money rock and picked up the bells that came out.
🎄 Picked up daily Message Bottle; had the Magazine Rack recipe in it, which I did not have!
🎄 Went diving for scallops to get Pascal to make his daily visit.
🎄 Talked to all my villagers and gave them all wrapped gifts.
🎄 Got a Log Extra-Long Sofa recipe from Marina, which I already have.
🎄 Got my daily cup of coffee from Brewster at The Roost; drank it while it was hot!
🎄 Got some Coffee Beans from Brewster.
🎄 Completed some Nook Miles+ achievements.
🎄 Collected bonus daily Nook Miles at the Nook Stop.
🎄 Checked Nook Shopping.
🎄 Checked the recycle bin, claimed two Cardboard Boxes.
🎄 Redd was visiting my island. Purchased a fake Academic Painting from him.
🎄 Went on Kapp'n's Boat Tour. Arrived at a Sakura island.
🎄 Dug up the gyroid fragment at the island.
🎄 Looked for the Message Bottle, which had the Sakura-wood flooring recipe in it, which I already have.
🎄 Hit all rocks at the mysterious island and picked up the materials that came out.
🎄 Planted and watered the gyroid fragment I found once I got back home.
🎄 Visited Harv's Island.
🎄 Spoke with Cornimer, got 9 acorns in return.
🎄 Bought 5 Holly Starts from Leif.
🎄 Bought the Lobby Flooring from Saharah.
🎄 Bought some Kimono Sandals from Kicks.
🎄 Got my fortune told by Katrina; my luck with friendship will improve.
🎄 Had friendship with Sylvana divined by Katrina.
🎄 Added all my duplicate DIYs from the day to my shop area.

Happy Home Paradise Life:

🎄 Checked the daily exchange rate on the AB&PD, it was 100 Poki = 212 Bells.
🎄 Bought a Crane Game and Popcorn Snack Set from Wardell.
🎄 Picked up daily Message Bottle; had the Vine Garland recipe in it, which I did not have!
🎄 Spoke to my restaurant's head chef, Cube, and got my daily recipe from him. He gave me the Coconut Milk recipe, which I did not have!