Fell behind again due to an EXTREME wave of exhaustion that came out of nowhere, sorry everybody
12/7 (snowing again)
• Isabelle announced that Saharah was visiting today; as usual, I bought her out.
• Recieved another horseshoe door decoration in the mail from Katrina.
• Dug up the gyroid fragment from yesterday; retrieved a Ringoid. Also dug up a Clatteroid and a Bloopoid that had popped up because of yesterday's snowfall.
• Found a lost bag in Gayle's walkway; after asking around, I was able to bring it back to Pashmina, its owner.
• Chatted with Kitty (who decided I needed dinne denim painter's pants), Patty (cooking up some pull-apart bread), Rhonda (out for a stroll), Pekoe (chilling at home), and Pashmina (who had Mathilda over for a visit).
• Hung out with Pluck at her house for a little while. Played a card game, somehow won an athletic outfit. Since my inventory was full at the time, she decided to send my prize and a thank-you gift to me through the matil.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. Before I left, he gifted me a siphon as a token of his appreciation!
• Got to buy some new things from the Nooklings!
• Visited Harv's island and checked in with everyone. Got a fortune from Katrina (increased luck with money), 9 acorns from Cornimer, and customized a lot of items with Reese and Cyrus.
• Went on a trip with Kapp'n and retrieved another gyroid fragment. Found a recipe for making bread in a bottle that had washed ashore (and ended up reaching the final "Writing a Cookbook?" milestone)!
• There was a visitor at the campsite today; Tad the Frog.
• Dug up the gyroid fragment from yesterday; retrieved a Wallopoid. Also dug up a Whistloid and a Sproingoid that had popped up because of yesterday's snowfall.
• Removed some excess flower growth that had popped up because of yesterdays snowfall.
• Chatted with Kitty (crafting money flooring), Patty (busy fishing), Pekoe (chilling at home), Rhonda (out for a stroll), and Pashmina (staying warm by staying inside).
• Mathilda ward thinking about moving away... I wasn't feeling anywhere near ready to let her go, so I asked her to stay. Thankfully, she changed her mind. (Phew!)
• Later helped Rhonda return an item to Pekoe, who'd accidentally left it behind after lunch. Ended up with a hand-me-down worker's jacket in the end.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Label was also here today, back with a comfy-themed fashion challenge. Apparently, putting on something that's practically pajamas will let you pass with flying colors. I recieved a pair of Labelle Sunglasses as a reward.
• Finally made a cherry tart!
• Ended up not visiting Harv OR Kapp'n, due to outright exhaustion making everything spin
• Isabelle announced that Kicks was visiting today; I ended up paying him a pretty expensive visit later in the day.
• Took out some items from the mail that I'd ordered from NookLink. Also recieved two tailor's tickets in the mail from Label.
• Chatted with Rhonda (out for a stroll), Patty (walking along the beach), Kitty (making a peach smoothie) Pekoe (chilling at home), and Pashmina (staying indoors today).
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. Walked in and found Celeste already working her way through a cup! (Meanwhile, her brother was still conked out in the lobby

• Got to buy some new things from the Able Sisters and the Nooklings!
• Visited Harv's island and checked in with everyone. Got a fortune from Katrina (increased luck with money), 3 acorns from Cornimer, and customized a lot of items with Reese and Cyrus.
• Cleaned out some storage space.
• Went on a trip with Kapp'n and retrieved another gyroid fragment. It happened to be snowing on the island we reached, so I had to change into warmer clothing. Replenished some material stores and crafted things to sell.
• Later caught Rhonda a river fish, after she'd asked me for some help. She ended up with a dace.
12/10 (snowing)
• Isabelle announced that C.J. was visiting today; I eventually tracked him down near Mathilda's house.
• Dug up the gyroid fragment from yesterday; retrieved a Sproingoid.
• Chatted with Rhonda (crafting a floral swag), Kitty (chilling at home), Patty (staying indoors today), Pekoe (staying inside and staying warm), and Pashmina (also staying home; looks like no one wanted to go outside today!)
• Found a recipe for creating the cool hyacinth crown in a bottle that had washed ashore!
• Later helped Rex resolve an agreement with Plucky by delivering an apology gift.
• C.J. gave me a Big-Time fishing challenge; due to time constraints, I wasn't able to finish thre challenge, but I wad still ankle to bring him 3 daces for a collectible.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. Got to order with pigeon milk this time!
• Got to buy a few new things from the Able Sisters and the Nooklings!
• Didn't visit Harv OR Kapp'n due to time constraints...
12/11 (snow's finally fallen!)
• Marched back into the house to change into warmer clothing before checking the mail.
• Took the dace model out of the mail.
• Chatted with Rhonda (on walkabout, collecting sticks), Pekoe and Pashmina (the former was visiting the latter), Kitty (attending Slider's show), and Patty (out for a stroll).
• Got startled by LOTS of falling stars; I made wishes every chance I got!
• Ended up finding a Stelloid and a Tockoid that had appeared thanks to yesterday's snowfall.
• Made my first snowman off the year, ended up with a perfect Snowboy! As thanks, I was given a large snowflake, and also taught how to make a frozen mini snowperson!
• Removed some excess flower growth that had popped up from the snow.
• Later helped Rhonda return an item to Plucky, of which the latter had accidentally left behind after visiting for lunch.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Got to buy some new things from the Able Sisters and the Nooklings! (Also got myself a new hat for winter that looked better than what I'd had on previously).
• Attended Slider's show; he played K.K. Robot Synth.
• Was greeted with an impromptu visit from Patty while I was putting things into storage at home. She gave me an orange, and we played a card game (which I just barely won, as the number had been 4 and I guessed higher:5).
• Made a few frozen mini snow-people to put up around town, and put out some more winter and Toy Day decorations.
• Checked out some custom designs.
• Decided on not visiting Harv and Kapp'n today, which made me feel bad (I was tired, but it made me feel so guilty).
• Decided to pick out and wrap up some gifts of warmer clothing for my residents. I'll be delivering them tomorrow.
• There was a visitor at the campsite today: Gaston the Rabbit.
• Today's HHA S-rank puts us at 228,411 points (it may have only gone up a little bit, but I'm not complaining; I bet it'll go back up the closer we get to Toy Day).
• Took the loot I'd ordered from my IRL NookLink out of the mail.
• Chatted with Patty (busy fishing), Rhonda (out for a stroll, warm coffee in hand), Kitty (lounging in her garden despite the cold), Pashmina (crafting a wooden table), and Pekoe (staying warm by staying inside).
• Delivered all the gifts!
• Collected star fragments from the beach; at the end of the day, I'd gathered up at least 16 regular frags and 2 Sagittarius frags!
• Made another perfect snowman, but only recieved one large snowflake (the new snowman said he'd send me a gift through the mail instead).
• Ran into Wisp; it admittedly took me a while to find all of his missing pieces. Once I had, however, he gave me a ranch tea table as a reward.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Got to buy some new things from the Able Sisters and the Nooklings!
• Cleared out some storage space.
• Made LOTS of items to sell.
• Visited Harv's island briefly; I only customized a few items with Reese and Cyrus.
• Didn't go on a trip with Kapp'n, once again due to being tired (getting kinda sick of being tired all the time...).
12/13 (snowing)
• Recieved the Snowboy's gift in the mail: a frozen tree.
• Made another perfect snowman, got 2 large snowflakes, and another gift that'll arrive in the mail.
• Poor Rhonda was sick!

I made sure to pick up some medicine for her at the store.
• Chatted with Kitty (out for a stroll), Patty (walking along the beach), Pashmina (crafting an iron worktable), and Pekoe (shopping at Nook's Cranny).
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Got to buy some new things from the Able Sisters and the Nooklings!
• Helped Harry deliver a gift to Gayle, which he said was to thank her for always helping him out (he was blushing as he spoke...little crush, maybe???). It was a blue full-length Maid gown, which she tried on immediately (which did in fact make the blue in her eyes pop...looks like someone's been posting attention to detail

• Label was back again, this time with a Comfy-themed fashion challenge. The outfit I picked out liked pretty similar to last time's, but she still loved it anyway, and gave me a Labelle Dress.
• Plucky asked me for help in finding her missing notebook. Despite running around the island MULTIPLE times and screwing around with the camera to check behind buildings and trees, I couldn't find it anywhere I looked... Hopefully, I'll be able to find it tomorrow, once the sun's up...
• Kitty was thinking about moving away, but I was thankfully able to change her mind (phew! ).
• Visited Harv's island and checked in with everyone, bought pretty much everything that was new. Got a fortune from Katrina (decreased luck with belongings; I went ahead and did the purification ritual), pulled from Redd's Raffle, and customized some items with Reese and Cyrus.
• Went on a trip with Kapp'n and retrieved a gyroid fragment.
• Isabelle announced that Kicks was visiting today; as usual, I bought the esteemed skunk completely out.
• Recieved a mini dharma from Katrina, two tailor's tickets in the mail from Label, and some Ice flooring from yesterday's snowman.
• Dug up the gyroid fragment from yesterday; retrieved a Bendoid. Also found a Scatteroid and an Aluminloid that had popped up from yesterday's snowfall.
• Chatted with Rhonda (out for a stroll, warm coffee in hand), Patty (hanging out with Plucky), Pekoe (curled up with a book at home), Pashmina (who decided I needed a mountain parka), and Kitty (walking around in the plaza; she wasn't wearing a jacket, though, and looking at her made me feel chilly).
• Finally found Plucky's missing notebook (It was hidden in the shadow of a tree near Rex's house and blended in with the tiles)! She was thrilled to have it back!
• Made another perfect snowman, recieved 3 large snowflakes, and another gift that'll arrive in the mail.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster; I got to order it with pigeon milk today!
• Visited Harv's island and checked in with everyone. Got a fortune from Katrina (increased luck with friendship), pulled from Redd's Raffle, and customized some items with Reese and Cyrus.
• Went on a trip with Kapp'n and retrieved another gyroid fragment. Landed on a island with vines and glowing moss; I gathered it all up, and then found directions for making a ruined broken pillar in a bottle that had washed ashore!
• When I got back, Harry decided I needed some dinnerware.
• Attended a group stretching session (I still feel bad for skipping it so many times...).