What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

My goal for 2022 is to get to 300 villager photos and I'm at 255 now. I'm sure I'll make it. There are lots of villagers I didn't like when I started the game but it turns out they are all pretty cute in their own ways. Some houses I don't like, but I made areas on my island where I can stick the unappealing villager houses so I don't have to see them often unless I'm visiting to give a gift or check for a DIY. Right now that villager is Plucky. I like Plucky and I think she's adorable but I don't like her house exterior at all. Unfortunately, it's in a space previously occupied by Colton. For his lovely home, I made gardens all around it that looked nice with his house. Plucky's house looks...less nice in that area.
Ended up falling behind again...but this time, not out of laziness.
No no no, THIS time (TMI), I hurled, for the first time in over a DECADE, and then discovered my stomach did this so to tell me that I was actually sick. I've spent the whole past week recuperating, and I'm feeling much better now, but that still SUCKED. A LOT.
As a result, I was completely unable to make the 12th's report...but I do have the 11th and the 13th-20th! 👍

• Isabelle mentioned that Saharah was visiting today; as usual, I bought her out.
• Took the tadpole model out of the mail, and also recieved a frozen sculpture from yesterday's snowman.
• Collected star fragments from the beach, and also found a gyroid fragment in the process!
• Found a lost book in the neighborhood; after asking around, I was able to return it to its owner, Harry.
• Chatted with Patty (chilling at home), Kitty (out for a stroll), and Rhonda (wandering around the plaza), but didn't run into Pekoe at all...
• Got to buy new things from the Nooklings!
• Failed to make a perfect snowman today, but still got 2 large snowflakes from the others.
• Visited Harv's island, customized some items with Reese and Cyrus.
• Headed off to work and added on to a job I'd finished prior. Whitney got a roommate today: Gwen the Penguin! (Another of my old WW villagers!!!) Together, they now run the Silken Snowflake Salon, and live in the loft apartment upstairs (I only realized afterwards that I'd forgotten to place the ceiling items, so I'll have to come back at another date).

<Record Not Available>
(I got hellaciously sick for no apparent reason the night before, and only got 4 hours of sleep as a result. I never got around to playing due to how much pain I was in...)

2/13 (very short day)
• Today's HHA S-rank puts us at 227,202 points, the same as last week.
• Dug up the gyroid fragment I'd buried on Friday; retrieved a Ringoid!
• Helped Mathilda apologize to Kitty after an arguement by acting as the messenger.
• Visited Paradise Planning briefly, checked out a few custom designs, and then ended up quitting early...
<I was still sick and in pain, and looking at any screen was making me woozy>

2/14 (yup, still sick)
• Isabelle announced that Flick was visiting today; I brought him three evening cicadas for a collectible.
• Opened my mailbox to find a LOT of Valentine's gifts (which made me feel bad, because I hadn't gotten any for anyone else... 😓 )
• Chatted with Rhonda (out for a stroll), Kitty (chilling at home), Patty (who'd somehow dozed off while standing), and Pekoe (staying warm by staying inside).
• Got to buy new stuff from the Nooklings!
• Made a perfect snowman! 💙 I was assured that a gift would be arriving in the mail tomorrow.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster...and was surprised to see that it was truly hot chocolate this time! 😃 Now THAT'S a special Valentine!
• Witnessed Gayle try to catch a tiger beetle; she missed, sadly.
• Plucky was thinking about moving away, but I wasn't ready to see her go yet, so I convinced her to stick around for a little while longer.
• Visited Harv's island and customized some items with Reese and Cyrus.
• Briefly visited Paradise Planning; Merengue showed me how to make carrot-tops curry.
• Remembered at the last minute I still needed to get a present for Kitty (I remembered! It's a miracle! ), and so I ordered an Antique Vanity (I thought it would go nicely with her decor).
• It started to snow when I logged out... ❄.

• Literally only logged on to take the evening cicada model out of the mail, meet sincesome in the campsite (Moe the Cat), and attend Kitty's birthday party.
<Finally got seen by the doctor today; it was still a LONG wait, but now I have medicine to help me get better>

• Isabelle warned of the risk involved with buying art from shady sources; Redd was docked on the north beach. While I didn't get any art, I did get to buy a stage flame machine.
• Cleared out some space in my mailbox. Recieved a snowperson head from Sunday's snowman.
• Dug up an Arfoid and a Clatteroid that popped up from Sunday's snow.
• Chatted with Kitty (chilling at home), Patty (staying warm by staying inside), and Pekoe (busy fishing), but didn't run into Rhonda at all...
• Made a perfect snowman, recieved a large snowflake, and a gift will be arriving in the mail.
• Accidentally wasted too much time IRL (I'd paused myself in the museum), and came back to find all the shops were closed for the night 😖
• Visited Paradise Planning; was immediately informed by Niko that the music festival was underway. Got some nice pictures.

• Isabelle announced that Saharah was visiting today; as usual, I bought the esteemed camel out.
• Recieved a frozen sculpture in the mail from yesterday's snowman.
• Did things a little bit different today; I visited Harv's island first. Customized a few items with Reese and Cyrus.
• Visited Paradise Planning afterwards, bought some new clothing from Ostara Noir, and found a bottle on the beach with instructions inside for making a suspicious cauldron. Found Alli in the crowd on the beach; I resolved to come back later today for her.
• Returned home, bought some new things from the Nooklings.
• Chatted with Patty (Wandering around the plaza with a net) and Rhonda (on her way home, as I'd accidentally kept her out too late). Everyone else was asleep by the time I reached their houses.
• Failed to make a perfect snowman... (Still got 2 large snowflakes from the others, though)
• Went back to work and completed Alli's Mushroom Forest!

• Isabelle gave us advice on what to do should you see someone passed out on the beach; Gulliver had washed up on shore again. Luckily, it didn't take very long to find the missing phone components.
• Got to buy new stuff from the Able Sisters!
• Chatted with Rhonda (chilling at home), Kitty (wandering around the hybrid gardens), Pekoe (sitting under a tree in the snow for some reason), and Patty (sitting on a bench in the plaza, enjoying some warm soup).
• Hit rocks to gather materials; found a gold nugget!
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Made a perfect snowman, recieved a large snowflake, and was assured that a gift will be arriving in the mail tomorrow .
• Headed off to work. Chrissy and Cheri both popped up on the beach today; Francine and Bluebear both got roommates today! Both projects were renamed; the siblings' residence is "Twin-Lapin Fashion Co.", and the bear cubs' is "Berries & Cherries Confectionery" (the last word wouldn't fit, but that's still what I'm calling it).

• Isabelle announced that Slider was here today; I attended the show, and he played K.K. Lovers.
• Found Kitty exercising...in my yard... immediately after starting up. I did chat with her, but I still have no idea why she decided to work out in MY yard...
• Recieved a kaffiyeh in the mail from Gulliver, along with a frozen sculpture from yesterday's snowman.
• Chatted with Rhonda (who showed me how to make mushroom pizza), and Patty (attending Slider's snow), but never ran into Pekoe...
• Made a perfect snowman, recieved 2 large snowflakes, and a gift will be arriving in the mail.
• Visited Harv's island, customized some items with Reese and Cyrus.
• Visited Paradise Planning; bought some new things from Ostara Noir and checked out some custom designs.

• Today's HHA S-rank puts us at 227,202 points, the same as last week.
• Recieved a three-tiered snowperson in the mail from yesterday's snowman.
• Ended up getting an impromptu visit from Gayle while putting some things into storage. I let her stick around for a little, she gave me an orange, and we played High-Card-Low-Card (I won a toy box).
• Bought a headband from the Able Sisters so I could catalogue the variant I was missing.
• Rex was thinking about moving away... I wasn't feeling ready for him to leave yet, so I asked him to stay (besides, I think Pekoe would be heartbroken if he left).
• Chatted with Kitty (chilling at home) and Patty (staying warm by staying inside), but didn't run into Pekoe or Rhonda at all...
• Later helped Kitty return a forgotten item to Patty...who'd already bought a duplicate, so I was the one who ended up with a flower sweater.
• Made a perfect snowman, recieved 2 large snowflakes, and another gift will be arriving in the mail.
• Had a LOT of stored-up fossils assessed... (and then they only sold for about 30k 😖 bummer)
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Visited Harv's island, customized a lot of items with Reese and Cyrus.
• Visited Paradise Planning, found a bottle on the beach with instructions inside for making a vine outfit.
I cleaned up flowers around my island. I was digging up ALOT. They were areas that were more or less completed, I just needed to fix up the flower aspect. I finally decorated the areas with some matching flowers, and all is complete. It should also help prevent lag. The game has been pretty unlaggy though, which is good.
I accomplished something pretty major today! I deleted my save file. I'm restarting on the 1st of March, and I am really looking forward to it.

Hopefully I can accomplish the next major thing: thinking of a name...
2/21 (short day, bad time management)
• Isabelle mentioned that Flick was visiting today, buuuuut... (I'll get to that in a moment)
• Made a mad dash to Able's to check out their inventory before closing. Accidentally lost track of time, ended up returning to the game at 10:40pm (no Nook's Cranny time for me).
• An announcement appeared on the bulletin board; looks like it's time to bring out the Festivale decorations!
• Got helped by a dung beetle in making a snowman (made my job easier, he did). That being said, I made another perfect snowman, recieved 3 large snowflakes, and another gift will be arriving in the mail.
• Headed off to work; Ava got a fellow foodie chef as a roommate today. Goldie moved in with her, turning the Gastronomy Garden into their "Golden Fields Kitchen" (best thing I could come up with.
• Also Merengue tried to teach me how to make pretzels for the second day in a row... but I learned the recipe days/weeks ago.
• Logged off for the night... only to realize I'd forgotten to track down Flick (see, told ya I'd get back to it). So I went back and brought him three cicada shells for a collectible. Crisis averted!
• Also checked my mailbox; recieved a frozen pillar from yesterday's snowman.
Finally found a Venus flower basket~! Was worried I wouldn't have gotten it in time. planning to help a friend get his since he forgot to put it in his museum.

I removed all my furniture and put it in storage. I'm slowly selling things to get more money to get the full storage. Just having a nice little sort out.

I still don't really know how to design my island, but I'm planning to revisit some dream addresses for ideas and tips. :)
Fell behind again, my bad 😖

• Isabelle announced that Shione was experiencing a meteor shower; I made sure to stop and make wishes whenever I had the chance.
• Took the cicada shell model out of the mail. Also recieved a frozen pillar from yesterday's snowman.
• Found a gyroid fragment on the beach!
• Ran into C.J. near the campgrounds. Today's fishing challenge was Freestyle; upon completion, I brought him three frogs for a collectible.
• Chatted with Kitty (chilling at home), Patty (staying warm by staying inside), Pekoe (out for a stroll), and Rhonda (playing with Gayle in the plaza).
• Kitty also warned me that Mathilda was sick today, so I made sure to swing by the store and pick up some medicine for her.
• Made a perfect snowman, recieved 3 large snowflakes, and another gift will be arriving in the mail.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Ran into Celeste, who gave me a recipe for making a crewed spaceship.
• Visited Harv's island and checked in with everyone, bought everything new/not yet catalogued (finally got my hands on some skull rugs, thanks to Saharah), and customized some items with Reese and Cyrus.
• Headed off to work, got one new project done: Flora's Fortress (as Flush as she is). Due to there being HIGHLY expensive items on display at the souvenir shop today, I ended up running around doing multiple remodeling jobs to pull together extra funds; I ended up visiting Whitney & Gwen (since I stil needed to fix their ceiling), Pango (I'd found a new pattern to try out for her spa), Alli, Victoria, Maddie, Celia, and Vesta. I ended up working late into the night, and was exhausted by the time I finished, but I was still able to get what I wanted.

2/23 (snowing!)
• Isabelle made an official announcement about Festivale; I did some island decorating in preparation.
• Took the frog model out of the mail. Also recieved another frozen pillar from yesterday's snowman.
• Gathered star fragments from the beach; found a Pisces frag!
• Chatted with Patty (out for a stroll), Rhonda (wandering around with a net...), Kitty (chilling at home), and Pekoe (who'd somehow managed to doze off while standing up).
• Found Gullivarrr passed out on the beach; found his phone near the southeast corner of the safety nets.
• Dug up yesterday's gyroid fragment; retrieved a Dootoid!
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Made a perfect snowman, recieved 3 large snowflakes, and another gift will be arriving in the mail.
• Visited Harv's island and customized some items with Reese and Cyrus.
• Headed off to work, completed one new project: Dotty's Fair Floral Greenhouse (in the process, I discovered she'd make for an adorable hedge witch). Also got to buy new things from Ostara Noir. I did start a project for Friga, but was dozing off while I worked, and so I had to table it and get some sleep.

2/24 (short day due to poor time management)
• Isabelle announced that Saharah was visiting...but I never got around to seeing her myself 😖 Also ended up not getting to visit Nook's before closing.
• Recieved a Pirate eyepatch in the mail from Gullivarrr, asking with a snowperson head from yesterday's snowman.
• Decided to just head straight to work, finished Friga's Movie-Projection Palace! It turned out a lot better than I'd expected (even despite the struggle I had making her loft apartment on the second floor)!

I'll post today's report later!
Here's today's report, as promised!

2/25 (goodbye, snow...)
• There was a visitor at the campsite today; Annalisa the Anteater! (Honestly, she seems really sweet and adorable; but since I already have Gayle, Pekoe, and Rhonda as residents, she'd upset the villager balance even further. Shame, I kinda like her. Guess I'll just have to make her a vacation home the next time I see her)
• Checked out some custom designs before tabling the game until later (I had a PT appointment to go to).
• Around 7pm, it apparently started to rain; upon returning, I made a mad dash for Able's and Nook's to check out stock before closing. Got to buy new stuff from both of them! (And then it stopped raining at 9pm)
• Began putting all of my frozen decor back into storage...
• Discovered that two of the snowmen were still standing! Recieved two large snowflakes. (Looks so weird without snow around them!)
• Chatted with Kitty (sitting in the grass) and Patty (out for a stroll), but never once ran into Pekoe or Rhonda...
• Visited Harv's island and customized a few things with Reese and Cyrus.
• Cleared a lot of excess winter clothing out of storage (I'd been planning to gift it to my villagers, but never got around to it...oops 😖 ).
• Visited Paradise Planning, but didn't get any work done today. Still, I ran into Dotty, and she gifted me a yellow rose rug. And I also bought some new things from Wardell.
I finally decided to convert some of my (much too big) orchard into a little decorated area for the yuzu bath. I’m in the southern hem so I caved in and time travelled to winter!
Im in love with my new little spot
• Isabelle announced that young spring bamboo had started popping up on the island.
• Discovered that K.K. Slider was here today. I attended his show; he played K.K. Country.
• Chatted with Rhonda (shopping at Able's), Kitty (attending Slider's show), Patty (chilling at home), and Pekoe (crafting a natural garden table).
• Swapped out my winter clover pattern for the greener version.
• Ran around to gather up weeds and remove excess flower growth from yesterday's rain.
• Recieved a large snowflake, and bade one final farewell to the last snowman of the season.
• Visited Paradise Planning, but no work was done today. Instead, I scrolled through some more custom designs.
So much. I took a very long break. Now I'm back and iv changed almost everything in the past 3 days. I'm planning on getting molly soon, so Iv made an area for her house with a pond and bridge in front. I just need to add some ducks now.
So much has happened this week! The snow has finally gone, only to be replaced by dirt, or whatever it is! When will I see proper grass?
I finally achieved a 3-star island on Tuesday, and K.K Slider performed the following day. I went on a boat trip with Kapp'n and found Brewster. He opened his coffee shop in the museum yesterday, and today I invited Margie there for a coffee! Oh and I also saw Pascal for the first time!
2/27 (raining)
• Today's HHA S-rank puts us at 227,202 points, the same as last week.
• Dug up multiple gyroids, due to the past week's plentiful precipitation; found a Drummoid, a Babbloid, a Bubbloid, and a Petaloid.
• Chatted with Kitty (chilling at home) and Pekoe (making bread), but I never ran into Patty or Rhonda...
• Got to buy new stuff from the Able Sisters!
• Caught a tarantula that was lurking around the plaza. Found another one later that scared the crap outta Harry, but it disappeared into the brush before I could capture it. Harry was still relieved to see it gone.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Visited Harv's island and customized some items with Reese and Cyrus.
• Headed off to work, got one new project done: Ione's Diva Dwelling! Since she also asked for me by name, Lottie paid me a little bit extra after the job was done. I'll admit, I had fun designing it, and she's an adorable villager (potential new resident considered). I also found a bottle on the beach with instructions inside for making a golden vase, and got to buy some new things from Ostara Noir.
Not so much of an accomplishment, but something I'm looking forward to accomplishing later tonight. But,

I am REALLY looking forward to midnight tonight, going to be starting up my new island and I cannot wait to start fresh and play the year all over again.
Well, since it will likely take me at least a week to set up my island journal thread, I figure I might as well post here in the meantime!

March 1st on Ecruteak:

Brand new island! My starting villagers are Quinn and Billy. Quinn will likely be a permanent villager, but I'm going to move her out once I unlock the campsite and move her back in with her card to get her original house, even though I could just make it myself once I unlock that ability.

But the smaller stuff to happen,
  • I paid off my fees and have my house ready to be built tomorrow.
  • I've set up Blathers' tent.
  • Caught a lot of fish and bugs.
  • Did a lot of stuff to grind out Nook Miles for unlocks in the future.
  • Made about 60,000 Bells.
First day, so not much I can do, but I've made some decent progress.
I caught my 5,000th bug today. I still have have almost 2,000 fish left to catch for 5,000 fish, so I doubt I'll ever get there.