What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

-This technically happened last night, but I redid Mitzi's default normal house. I'm surprised that I'm content with how it came out. Except for the diy table. Today, I saw that she didn't use the one that I placed for her. Nope, she brought out another one.:cautious:

-Found a sloppy bed in light blue again.

-Gathered the items for an upcoming trade.
i time travel (sue me) for my cycling shop so last i played was valentines day. i didn't know Muffy's bday was valentines day!! went to the shop and grabbed some purple wrapping paper and got her a pair of purple studded glasses. she really liked them!

after that, i finally finished the pathing by my small residential area on the right side of the island. tonight after my exam, i'm cycling diana back in and i'm going to move fang's house somewhere that he can have his own personalized yard, like everyone else in town has! i'm also going to work on the 2nd player house in my island, which is going to be like a strip mall. i'm putting a convenience store, a small nail salon, and some sort of restaurant in it. i might also put a gym. i'm trying to think of what else you could find in a strip mall to put in the basement and back room...

but anyways i have a LOT of decorating to do later, and i've already done so much decorating. thank goodness i love to doll up my town lol.
january 8th
🎨 dug up my daily fossils and money spot
🧚🏻‍♀️ made french fries
🌿 put some stuff into storage
🌈 collected my daily weeds, tree branches, and rock materials
🎨 caught some bugs
🧚🏻‍♀️ talked to all my villagers + gave wrapped fruit/giant clams to the ones i need pics from - got a pink hawaiian-print apron from lolly
🌿 checked able’s to see what they were selling today
🌈 withdrew bells from the ABD
🎨 checked nook’s morning turnip price and bought a blue double-edged sword
🧚🏻‍♀️ checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach and picked up a giant clam
🌿 dug up the gyroid fragment i buried yesterday; it turned into a green whistloid
🌈 found and hit my daily money rock
🎨 caught some deep-sea creatures and got a pearl from pascal
🧚🏻‍♀️ got a dark bamboo rug diy from my daily diy bottle and added it to my spare diys pile
🌿 caught a sea bass
🌈 collected a gyroid fragment off of the beach
🎨 checked the recycling bin; claimed a chain-link fence and a cardboard box
🧚🏻‍♀️ collected my daily bonus nook miles
🌿 checked nook shopping and ordered a leafy baobab
🌈 threw some stuff away
🎨 went on one of kapp’n’s mysterious tours and he took me to vine/glowing moss island. i gathered up all the vines and glowing moss, dug up a gyroid fragment, checked the beach for giant clams, and found and learned the full-body glowing-moss suit diy!
🧚🏻‍♀️ buried and watered my 2 gyroid fragments
🌿 went to paradise planning and bought a natural wood counter chair, checked today’s bells to poki exchange rate, gathered up the vines and glowing moss that grew back, found a cave diy, and got a spare cherry jelly recipe from my restaurant’s chef
🌈 went to harv’s island and had cyrus customize the counter chair and double-edged sword to the variants i’m missing
🎨 had katrina tell me my luck for the day; she told me my luck with money will improve
🧚🏻‍♀️ scanned cyd’s amiibo to invite him to the campsite for the first time, crafted him some jail bars and got grey squared browline glasses in return
🌿 checked nook’s afternoon turnip price and sold stuff to the twins
🌈 completed some nook mile achievements
  • dailies: fossils, rocks, money & item trees, recipe bottle etc.
  • 3 new DIYs
  • dug up gyroids
  • watered plants
  • caught wasps
  • s t r e t c h e d
  • coffee @ Brewster's
  • Label gave me a coat
  • Kapp'n island tour; returned with acorns & maple leaves
  • Zucker visited my house and I lost at cards
  • donated Tremendous Statue to museum
  • bought Moody Painting from Redd
  • Skye asked about leaving (answer: NOPE)
  • ordered Kerokerokeroppi items
january 9th
🎨 checked the mail; received a letter from the HHA, a navy blue college cardigan from whitney and the leafy baobab i ordered yesterday
🧚🏻‍♀️ collected my daily weeds, tree branches, and rock materials
🌿 talked to all my villagers + gave wrapped fruit/giant clams to the ones i need pics from - got a green steampunk dress from lolly
🌈 welcomed tiansheng to the island!
🎨 bought open track jackets (black, green, navy blue) from able’s
🧚🏻‍♀️ bought blueback fish fresh-food trays and a natural wood large magazine rack from nook’s, and sold stuff to the twins
🌿 crafted a wave breaker
🌈 checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach and picked up 3 giant clams
🎨 caught some bugs
🧚🏻‍♀️ harvested my crops and pear trees
🌿 put some stuff into storage
🌈 caught some deep-sea creatures
🎨 dug up the gyroid fragments i buried yesterday; they turned into a red rattloid (the last rattloid i needed!) and a purple boomoid
🧚🏻‍♀️ dug up my daily fossils and money spot
🌿 deposited bells into the ABD
🌈 lolly asked me for a saltwater fish, so i gave her a pre-caught great white shark and got a pink/black tee and towel in return
🎨 got a bamboo basket diy from whitney, and a brown-sugar pound cake recipe from audie, and added them to my spare diys pile
🧚🏻‍♀️ checked daisy mae’s turnip price for this week
🌿 got a steel-frame wall diy from my daily diy bottle and added it to my spare diys pile
🌈 found and hit my daily money rock
🎨 shot down 2 balloons and got a natural mrs. flamingo and 30,000 bells
🧚🏻‍♀️ collected a gyroid fragment off of the beach
🌿 checked the recycling bin; claimed 3 iron nuggets
🌈 collected my daily bonus nook miles
🎨 checked nook shopping
🧚🏻‍♀️ threw some stuff away
🌿 went on my daily mysterious tour and kapp’n took me to vine/glowing moss island for the second day in a row. i gathered up all the vines and glowing moss, dug up a gyroid fragment, checked the beach for giant clams, and found a cave diy
🌈 buried and watered my 2 gyroid fragments
🎨 went to work and bought a vivid patchwork sofa chair, exchanged 68,100 bells for 29,964 poki, gathered up the vines and glowing moss that grew back, found a vine crown diy, and learned how to make mushroom pizza from my restaurant’s chef!
🧚🏻‍♀️ went to harv’s island and invited tiansheng to unlock his poster
🌿 had cyrus customize the baobab, fresh-food trays, large magazine rack and patchwork sofa chair to the variants i’m missing
🌈 had katrina tell me my luck for the day; she told me my luck with belongings will diminish, so i asked her to purify me
🎨 beau taught me how to make a golden altar
🧚🏻‍♀️ caught a few fishes and added a football fish to the pile of critters i’m saving to commission models of
🌿 listened to k.k. slider perform “k.k. fugue” with fauna, whitney and sprinkle
🌈 scanned cyd’s amiibo to invite him to the campsite for the 2nd time, crafted him a gong and got a blue windbreaker in return
🎨 completed some nook mile achievements
I finished a butterfly garden layout in progress, and started to make space to breed blue roses because I am desperately trying to get them along with purple tulips. I want to make everything pretty and set up nicely for when spring arrives :)
I missed a day due to exhaustion and VERY poor time management skills, my bad 😅
Here's Missing Report Segment 8, January 25th-29th!

• Isabelle warned us of fake art, which meant Redd was visiting (unfortunately, he had nothing I wanted/needed...)
• Hauled absolute tail to make it over to the Able's before closing (the lights in the building turned off as I was shutting the door; made it just in time! XD)
• Recieved a thank-you letter from Rhonda!
• Chatted with Rhonda (chilling at home), Kitty (out for a stroll) and Patty (who was thinking about moving away, but I was able to change her mind), but I couldn't seem to find Pekoe anywhere...
• Found a bottle on the beach with instructions inside for making a decayed tree!
• Did not make a snowman today (I was feeling lazy, sorry).
• Headed off to work, only did one project today: Fang's Chic Chair Chalet (I gave him a lofty apartment/workshop on the second floor). According to Lottie, that makes my 50th house! (I opted out of celebrating though, as it was 5am by that point, and I really needed some sleep...) Also found a bottle on the beach with instructions inside for making a green bamboo mat.

• There was a visitor at the campsite today; Rizzo the mouse.
• Hit rocks, found a gold nugget!
• Chatted with Rhonda (chilling at home), Patty (crafting a hanging terrarium), and Kitty and Pekoe (the latter was visiting the former).
• Label was back, this time with a Theatrical Outfit Challenge. I decked myself out in steampunk clothing, which thrilled Label to no end. I recieved a Labelle Hat in thanks.
• Failed to make a perfect snowman (they're starting to sound really passive aggressive about it, and it's aggravating me; is this how parents feel when they're annoyed with their kids?). Recieved one large snowflake.
• Visited Harv's island, customized a lot of items with Reese and Cyrus.
• Visited Paradise Planning, gathered up some vines and glowing moss, bought a simple wall shelf.

• Isabelle gave a short talk about how to help people passed out on beaches; it turned out that Gullivarrr had washed up again. Finding his phone took a lot more time than I felt was necessary (found it all the way up the shoreline near Gayle's house)
• Recieved two tailor's tickets in the mail from Label.
• Chatted with Rhonda (sitting in a flowerbed for some reason), Kitty (making apple jam), Patty (chilling at home), and Pekoe (out for a stroll).
• Gathered up materials and made a shell music box!
• Made a perfect snowman! He assured me a gift will be arriving in the mail tomorrow.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. Got to order with pigeon milk today!
• Headed off to work, only completed one project today: Flurry's House of Flurries (which actually turned out a lot better than I'd expected). Gathered up some vines and glowing moss, and Merengue taught me how to make a peach tart.

1/28 (short day)
• Isabelle announced that Shione was experiencing a meteor shower when I logged on! I made sure to make wishes whenever I could.
• Recieved a black sea captain's coat in the mail from Gullivarrr, along with a frozen bed from yesterday's snowman.
• Chatted with Rhonda (out for a stroll), Kitty (working out in the plaza), Patty (chilling at home), and Pekoe (apparently out hunting for bugs).
• Thanks to Rhonda, I learned that C.J. was visiting today. I'd had every intention of seeking him out to do a collectible, but ultimately, I ended up forgetting entirely 😖
• Made a perfect snowman, recieved a large snowflakes, and another gift will be arriving in the mail.
• Went straight to work, was immediately scouted out by Ava the hen and asked about vacation homes. A few moments later, Ava's Gastronomy Garden was finished.

• Isabelle mentioned that K.K. was visiting again; I attended his show later on, and he played K.K. Bashment.
• Recieved a frozen sculpture in the mail from yesterday's snowman (...and then went inside to put away the tadpoles I'd planned on giving to C.J. and then forgot about...)
• Collected star fragments from the beach!
• Chatted with Kitty (crafting a rustic-stone wall), Patty (out for a stroll), Pekoe (chilling at home), and Rhonda (attending Slider's show).
• Found a lost bag outside Pekoe's house... After asking around, I was able to return it to its owner: Gayle.
• Made a perfect snowman, recieved 2 large snowflakes, and another gift will be arriving in the mail.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. Got to order with pigeon milk today!
• Headed off to work, but didn't actually get any work done... Later found a bottle on the beach with instructions inside for making a ruined arch!
I gave all of my islanders their door decoration for February...the fossil doorplate. :)
january 10th
🎨 checked the mail; received a letter from beau and a power stone from katrina
🧚🏻‍♀️ caught some bugs
🌿 collected my daily weeds, tree branches, and rock materials
🌈 talked to all my villagers + gave wrapped fruit/giant clams to the ones i need pics from - got green squared browline glasses from lolly and a light blue snowflake sweater from lucky
🎨 dug up my daily fossils and money spot
🧚🏻‍♀️ checked able’s and nook’s to see what they were selling today
🌿 checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach and picked up a giant clam
🌈 dug up the gyroid fragments i buried yesterday; they turned into a silver aluminoid and a yellow flutteroid
🎨 got a shell lamp diy from agnes, an orange wall diy from lucky and a fruit cupcakes recipe from sprinkle, and added them to my spare diys pile
🧚🏻‍♀️ found and hit my daily money rock
🌿 delivered a package to fauna for lolly and got a black wrestler uniform in return
🌈 shot down a balloon and got a falling-snow wall diy
🎨 collected a gyroid fragment off of the beach
🧚🏻‍♀️ got a potato curry recipe from my daily diy bottle and added it to my spare diys pile
🌿 checked the recycling bin; claimed a white-hyacinth bag and a cardboard box
🌈 collected my daily bonus nook miles
🎨 checked nook shopping
🧚🏻‍♀️ put some stuff into storage
🌿 threw some stuff away
🌈 went on my daily mysterious tour and
kapp’n took me to vine/glowing moss island for the THIRD day in a row. i gathered up all the vines and glowing moss, dug up a gyroid fragment, found and learned the glow-in-the-dark stickers diy, and checked the beach for giant clams
🎨 buried and watered my 2 gyroid fragments
🧚🏻‍♀️ went to work and bought a black winnowing machine, checked today’s bells to poki exchange rate, gathered up the vines and glowing moss that grew back, found a glowing-moss dress diy, and got a spare pear smoothie recipe from my restaurant’s chef
🌿 went to harv’s island and had cyrus customize the winnowing machine and afternoon-tea set to the variants i’m missing
🌈 bought a brown clasp purse from kicks
🎨 bought a genuine valiant statue from redd
🧚🏻‍♀️ bought an outdoor-window wall and restaurant-kitchen flooring from saharah
🌿 had katrina tell me my luck for the day; she told me my luck with money will improve
🌈 lolly asked me for a freshwater fish, so i gave her a pre-caught arowana and got a red steampunk dress in return
🎨 completed some nook mile achievements
After taking a week long break from the game I returned today to continue tackling my idea of revamping my island again. Mostly it was adding new cliffs and extending the land in general. However so far I’m loving what I’ve done and can’t wait to spread my villagers out instead of keeping them in a neighbourhood.
I got my dreamie villager Teddy from someone today! 😊

All I did was buy almost everything in Ables Sisters that wasn't in my catalog, which was most of their inventory so that took awhile. It's so annoying having to walk in and out of the dressing room each time.
I recently reset my island and finally got it to 3 stars to unlock terraforming. Woot. I paid Leif to get rid of the weeds. I used amiibo and mystery island hopping to bring on 10 villagers whose photos I don't have: Apple, Norma, Filbert, Scoot, Kitty, Flo, Maelle, Broffina, Wendy and Hornsby.

On my other island, I received a photo from Sparro.
Fell a little behind again; our recent ice storms have my sleep schedule all messed up. Then again, I can barely keep track of what day it is anyway, so who am I kidding 😅
Here's Missing Report Segment 9, January 30th-February 3rd!

• There was a visitor at the campsite today: Lucky the mummy dog! I heavily debated on inviting him to live on Shione...but then decided I didn't feel like dealing with the hassle, and decided against it... (I still have no idea why I chose that...)
• Today's HHA S-rank puts us at 227,202 points, the same as last week.
• Recieved an ice wall in the mail from yesterday's snowman.
• Got to buy some new things from the Able Sisters and the Nooklings!
• Chatted with Rhonda (chilling at home), Patty (out for a stroll), and Pekoe (making tomates al ajillo), but couldn't seem to find Rhonda anywhere...
• Was startled by the sudden appearance of shooting stars! I made a few wishes when I saw them.
• Failed to make a perfect snowman (UGGHHH), but still recieved 3 large snowflakes.
• FINALLY WENT TO TALK TO NOOK (I don't know why I put it off for so long, that was weird). Long story short, I've been asked to help my residents decorate their homes on Shione! It'll cost bells, but it still sounds like it'll be fun!
• Visited Harv's island and checked in with everyone. Ended up going on a shopping spree to catalogue a lot of new items, and then customized a few items with Reese and Cyrus.
• Headed off to work, immediately got a GORGEOUS picture of the sky from the pier. And...I still didn't get ant work done. I think I've gotten a bit lazy...

• Isabelle mentioned that Flick was visiting today; after tracking him down at the campgrounds, I brought him three walker cicadas for a collectible.
• Collected a few star fragments from the beach, and found an Aquarius fragment!
• Chatted with Rhonda (doing something at her vanity), Patty (chilling at home), Kitty (who was thinking about moving away, but I was thankfully able to change her mind), and Pekoe (staying warm by staying indoors).
• Made a perfect snowman! I was assured a gift will arrive in the mail tomorrow, and recieved 2 large snowflakes from the others.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. Got to order with pigeon milk today!
• Found a gyroid fragment on the beach!
• Later helped Pekoe solve a mailing mishap by delivering the package to its actual recipient, Patty...but then it turned out that Patty had actually ordered it as a surprise gift for me, so I ended up with a yellow flower sweater.
• Visited Harv's island, bought everything that was new, and customized a few items with Reese and Cyrus.
• Headed off to work; when I arrived, Niko mentioned that it was almost time for the next music festival. While I still didn't get any work done, I still found a bottle on the beach with instructions inside for making a glowing-moss wreath, Merengue taught me how to make a sugar crepe, and then I decided to check out some custom designs.

2/1 (Happy Lunar New Year!)
• Isabelle went into detail regarding what to do when one finds someone passed out on the beach, which meant Gulliver had washed ashore again.
• Took the walker cicada model out of the mail, along with a frozen-treat set from yesterday's snowman.
• Realized I'd forgotten to bury the gyroid fragment I found yesterday, so I made sure to do so this time.
• Chatted with Rhonda (chilling at home), Kitty (wandering around the hybrid gardens), Patty (staying warm by staying indoors), and Pekoe (out for a stroll).
• Later helped Patty fix a mailing mishap by delivering a package to its actual recipient: Gayle. However, she couldn't remember why she bought a bolero coat in the first place, so I ended up with it instead.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Made a perfect snowman, recieved 2 large snowflakes, and another gift will be arriving in the mail.
• Visited Gayle, she showed me how to make spaghetti napolitan!
• Headed off to work (the music festival had started!), ended up inviting Francine to go dancing for a bit. I STILL didn't get any work done, buuuut I bought some new things from Ostara Noir, and found a bottle on the beach with instructions inside for making glowing-moss-jar shelves!
• I'd almost forgotten to help Gulliver out entirely, and would've if I hadn't been reminded what time it was. I rushed back home and gathered up the missing pieces, which luckily didn't take very long.

2/2 (Happy Groundhog Day!)
• Isabelle announced that Label was visiting today. I was given a Vacation-themed challenge, which I pulled off in spades with my red summer outfit. I recieved a Labelle Dress in thanks.
• Recieved some embroidery in the mail from Ingame Mom, as well as an alpinist hat from Gulliver, and a three-tiered snowperson from yesterday's snowman.
• Dug up the gyroid fragment from yesterday; retrieved a Xylophoid!
• Found another gyroid fragment on the beach!
• Chatted with Pekoe (checking out the flowers around the plaza), and Patty (out for a stroll), but never once ran into Kitty or Rhonda...
• Later, Pekoe asked me if I would be willing to catch her a saltwater fish; she ended up with a red snapper. (This also caused me to reach the final "Smile Isle" milestone!)
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Witnessed a conversation between Patty and Pashmina about silly popularity tips from decades past.
• While a I'd wanted to make a snowman today...I couldn't figure out where the snowballs went, as they didn't pop up in the field next to the Museum, where they usually do, so no snowmen were made today 😖
• Headed off to work (thanks to my IRL doctors appt., I finally got to see what the island looks like during daylight hours for the first time; it's so pretty! ), completed 2 projects: Ankha's Ancient Oasis and Spork's Wee Library in the Fall Woods! Freya also took over Bluebear's position as assistant chef to Merengue today!

• Isabelle announced that Kicks was visiting today, which meant I ended up dropping quite a few bells on him to catalogue new items.
• Recieved two tailor's tickets in the mail from Label.
• Found a bottle on the beach with instructions inside for making a gear tower!
• Chatted with Kitty (out for a stroll), but didn't run into anyone else, which was really weird...
• Dug up the gyroid fragment from yesterday; retrieved a Rumbloid!
• Made a perfect snowman, recieved 2 large snowflakes, and another gift will be arriving in the mail.
• Helped Mathilda resolve an arguement with Pashmina by delivering an apology gift. Now normally, you'd think someone sending you a jester costume after a falling-out would actually be a thinly-veiled and passive-aggressive insult, but Pashmina liked the colors, so I guess all's well that ends well
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Got to buy some new things from the Nooklings!
• Headed off to work, but once again lazed about. Still, I did at least get to buy some new things from Ostara Noir...
Here's Missing Report Segment 10, February 4th-6th!

• Isabelle warned of the risk involved with buying art from shady sources, which meant Redd was visiting today. I got lucky today; I walked out with a genuine ancient statue!
• Recieved a frozen chair in the mail from yesterday's snowman.
• Chatted with Kitty (out for a stroll), Patty (crafting a cardboard table), Rhonda (shopping at Able's), and Pekoe (tending to the flowers around Resident Services).
• Later helped Kitty get her hands on a saltwater fish; I caught her a football fish.
• Found a gyroid fragment on the beach!
• Hit a rock looking for bells, found a gold nugget!
• Later, Pekoe asked if I'd be willing to visit her house. I decided to visit tomorrow.
• Failed to make a perfect snowman by a hair 😡 ...but I did still get 2 large snowflakes from the others.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. Got to order with pigeon milk today!
• Ordered a few gears to make the gear tower tomorrow.
• Went around town gathering fruit, then headed home and prepared a LOT of dishes and desserts I hadn't gotten around to making until now. Then I made some stuff to sell.
• Helped Plucky deliver a gift to Gayle. Ended up witnessing a glitch after delivering it: Gayle started cooking at her kitchen with no skillet in hand!
• Headed off to work, completed one project: Celia's Refined Reading Residence! Afterwards, I found a bottle on the beach with instructions inside for making a round vine rug, and Merengue showed me how to make orange jelly!

2/5 (ended up being a VERY short day...)
• Isabelle announced that Slider was back in town. I'd had every intention of attending his show today, but I managed my time very poorly and forgot. 😖
• Took the ancient state out of the mail; I'll be delivering it tomorrow.
• Found a lost bag on my way to the airport. Plucky told me it might be Rhonda's. I'll have to return it tomorrow, however, as Rhonda was already asleep. 😖
• Visited Paradise Planning; I took note of some of the clientele on the beach (ones that looked like they might have interesting requests), Merengue showed me how to make peach jelly, and then I perused the Custom Design Portal for a while before quitting...
• ...and then I remembered that I'D COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN ABOUT VISITING PEKOE TODAY 😱 (I'm probably going to get an earful about it in the morning...)

2/6 (snowing)
• There was a visitor at the campsite today: Ace the Bird.
• Today's HHA S-rank puts us at 227,202 points, the same as last week. Apparently, they liked that I had an accent wall in one of the rooms.
• Immediately tracked down Pekoe to apologize, but it turned out that she was only worried something bad had happened (a very different reaction compared ol' Wild World, lemme tell ya). We chatted for a little while afterwards, but I stil feel bad about accidentally blowing her off 😖
• Chatted with Kitty (out for a stroll) and Rhonda (and I was finally able to get her bag back to her), but didn't run into Patty once...
• Deposited a LOT of bells into savings...
• Finally dug up the gyroid I forgot about yesterday; retrieved a Bwongoid!
• Finally delivered the ancient statue to Blathers!
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. Got to order with pigeon milk today!
• Visited Harv's island, customized a few things with Reese and Cyrus.
• Cleared out some storage space.
• Visited Paradise Planning, but didn't really do anything aside from donate some Poki to the hospital.

And with that, I've finally caught myself up to date with my reports! Huzzah!
(Now to not let past mistakes to repeat themselves...😅)
I forgot to post yesterday after I played, so yesterday I:
  • Bought a ton of stuff from Abel’s Sisters
  • Bought an authentic ancient statue from Redd on Harv’s Island
  • Got medicine for Bluebear since she was sick
  • Found a list item, a bag that belonged to Julian
I didn't know this daily sum up thread existed for New Horizons, so I definitely want to post my island's developments here from now on! 😄

I've been working on my main island, Disnytopia, for a few days now, completely revamping major parts of the island that I haven't touched since my burnout phase pre-2.0. I have finished moving over my Nook's Cranny & Able Sister's to allow for construction of my updated train station build behind resident services.

Nook's Cranny has more open space now in front of it, as I shortened the length of my instrument stage in front of it. I used custom designs on every music item I could do that with, to fit with my January Blue Gem theme. 💎

Able's has a simpler exterior design now, and is still a work in progress. I have removed the flower border I have had surrounding the store for forever, and placed some of my favorite custom design long dresses 👗 to be displayed outside the store.

I'm most proud of the work I have completed on the revamped Main Street train station I put behind resident services! 🥰 I've been obsessed with putting 2 inclines in every build, so now I am maxed on inclines unfortunately after this build. But it gives access to both sides of my island by running through the "waiting area" of the station. I used as many 2.0 items as I could see fit, including the Plaza Train for my actual train build. And I managed to use quite a few of my precious gyroid babies behind face cut out standees to emulate the "passengers" of the train. 😄 I was even able to incorporate a really fun Disney sign displayed with the new 2.0 items: standing electrical sign & cube light <- a favorite 2.0 item of mine to customize with!

I've been concentrating on the flyover sections of my island first because I have left it practically untouched since the first Christmas season of the game's release. I finally took out my little farm area where I used to display a cute farm cafe, as well as have a plot of land to plant my crops. I have turned that area now into a lovely river view bistro, where I was able to use some lovely 2.0 items like the gazebo & ruins arch to frame the little afternoon tea area. I'm quite proud of my little terraform waterfall build that I put at the end of it, because that is as much as my lacking terraforming skills would allow. 😏

My next project on my island is to work on my resident rep's home area. I want to move my heart shaped pond to the other side, and move my farm build for all the new crops to the back of the house, instead of the side of it. Then I want to make a cutesy gardening area to display some 2.0 flower items, as well as a way to organize the different colored flowers I have on the island in a more organized way.

Then after my flyover area, I can finally work on my villager homes 🏡, since I want to move my crops to their yards. Well there's so much more work to do, but I have also taken breaks from my main island, to work on my 2nd island, Nerdalia, that I took over from my son. He is much more skilled at terraforming than I am, and is obsessed with waterfalls, so I cleared an area of overgrown flowers on his old island so he can work on a design. That was actually pretty calming to do... it was very satisfying to see a very flower & weed cluttered area be clear & neat again.

Anyways, this was an extremely long update, but that's where I am with my islands thus far. 😌 I'm excited to finally be working on them, instead of just trading for new items on them exclusively. The new 2.0 items are game changers when it comes to design, and I'll be changing over the winter theme of my island to a Valentine's theme soon, so I'm looking forward to the pink aesthetic since that's where my heart is. 💕
I'm actually a little impressed I have this report finished and posted on the same day it was written 😆

• Isabelle announced that Label was back in town. She challenged me to put together an appropriate "Formal" outfit; a challenge I passed with flying colors. I was given a Labelle Hat in thanks.
• Pashmina was thinking about moving away. I wasn't ready for her to leave just yet, so I asked her to stick around for a little longer.
• Dug up a Tockoid and a Bwongoid that popped up from yesterday's snow.
• Chatted with Rhonda (crafting a wooden-block bed), Pekoe (out for a stroll), and Patty (running around in the plaza), but I never once ran into Kitty...
• Later, Pekoe asked if she could visit my place (probably as a result of my monumental screwup last week). We scheduled for a time tomorrow, which means I will be attempting to be on earlier in an effort to make sure I don't forget (hopefully).
• Made a perfect snowman! I was assured that a gift will be arriving in the mail tomorrow.
• An announcement has appeared on the bulletin board; Kitty's birthday is coming up on the 15th! (Luckily, it won't be drowned by Festivale this year 😆 )
• Used the bells I'd been saving up for the past few weeks and finally bought a yacht from Nook Shopping 😆
• Checked out some more custom designs.
• Headed off to work, completed 2 projects: Cube's Eco-friendly Factory and Gloria's Stylish but Functional Spot! Also, Merengue showed me how to make plain cupcakes.