Fell a little behind again; our recent ice storms have my sleep schedule all messed up. Then again, I can barely keep track of what day it is anyway, so who am I kidding

Here's Missing Report Segment 9, January 30th-February 3rd!
• There was a visitor at the campsite today: Lucky the mummy dog! I heavily debated on inviting him to live on Shione...but then decided I didn't feel like dealing with the hassle, and decided against it... (I still have no idea why I chose that...)
• Today's HHA S-rank puts us at 227,202 points, the same as last week.
• Recieved an ice wall in the mail from yesterday's snowman.
• Got to buy some new things from the Able Sisters and the Nooklings!
• Chatted with Rhonda (chilling at home), Patty (out for a stroll), and Pekoe (making tomates al ajillo), but couldn't seem to find Rhonda anywhere...
• Was startled by the sudden appearance of shooting stars! I made a few wishes when I saw them.
• Failed to make a perfect snowman (UGGHHH), but still recieved 3 large snowflakes.
• FINALLY WENT TO TALK TO NOOK (I don't know why I put it off for so long, that was weird). Long story short, I've been asked to help my residents decorate their homes on Shione! It'll cost bells, but it still sounds like it'll be fun!
• Visited Harv's island and checked in with everyone. Ended up going on a shopping spree to catalogue a lot of new items, and then customized a few items with Reese and Cyrus.
• Headed off to work, immediately got a GORGEOUS picture of the sky from the pier. And...I still didn't get ant work done. I think I've gotten a bit lazy...
• Isabelle mentioned that Flick was visiting today; after tracking him down at the campgrounds, I brought him three walker cicadas for a collectible.
• Collected a few star fragments from the beach, and found an Aquarius fragment!
• Chatted with Rhonda (doing something at her vanity), Patty (chilling at home), Kitty (who was thinking about moving away, but I was thankfully able to change her mind), and Pekoe (staying warm by staying indoors).
• Made a perfect snowman! I was assured a gift will arrive in the mail tomorrow, and recieved 2 large snowflakes from the others.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster. Got to order with pigeon milk today!
• Found a gyroid fragment on the beach!
• Later helped Pekoe solve a mailing mishap by delivering the package to its actual recipient, Patty...but then it turned out that Patty had actually ordered it as a surprise gift for me, so I ended up with a yellow flower sweater.
• Visited Harv's island, bought everything that was new, and customized a few items with Reese and Cyrus.
• Headed off to work; when I arrived, Niko mentioned that it was almost time for the next music festival. While I still didn't get any work done, I still found a bottle on the beach with instructions inside for making a glowing-moss wreath, Merengue taught me how to make a sugar crepe, and then I decided to check out some custom designs.
2/1 (Happy Lunar New Year!)
• Isabelle went into detail regarding what to do when one finds someone passed out on the beach, which meant Gulliver had washed ashore again.
• Took the walker cicada model out of the mail, along with a frozen-treat set from yesterday's snowman.
• Realized I'd forgotten to bury the gyroid fragment I found yesterday, so I made sure to do so this time.
• Chatted with Rhonda (chilling at home), Kitty (wandering around the hybrid gardens), Patty (staying warm by staying indoors), and Pekoe (out for a stroll).
• Later helped Patty fix a mailing mishap by delivering a package to its actual recipient: Gayle. However, she couldn't remember why she bought a bolero coat in the first place, so I ended up with it instead.
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Made a perfect snowman, recieved 2 large snowflakes, and another gift will be arriving in the mail.
• Visited Gayle, she showed me how to make spaghetti napolitan!
• Headed off to work (the music festival had started!), ended up inviting Francine to go dancing for a bit. I STILL didn't get any work done, buuuut I bought some new things from Ostara Noir, and found a bottle on the beach with instructions inside for making glowing-moss-jar shelves!
• I'd almost forgotten to help Gulliver out entirely, and would've if I hadn't been reminded what time it was. I rushed back home and gathered up the missing pieces, which luckily didn't take very long.
2/2 (Happy Groundhog Day!)
• Isabelle announced that Label was visiting today. I was given a Vacation-themed challenge, which I pulled off in spades with my red summer outfit. I recieved a Labelle Dress in thanks.
• Recieved some embroidery in the mail from Ingame Mom, as well as an alpinist hat from Gulliver, and a three-tiered snowperson from yesterday's snowman.
• Dug up the gyroid fragment from yesterday; retrieved a Xylophoid!
• Found another gyroid fragment on the beach!
• Chatted with Pekoe (checking out the flowers around the plaza), and Patty (out for a stroll), but never once ran into Kitty or Rhonda...
• Later, Pekoe asked me if I would be willing to catch her a saltwater fish; she ended up with a red snapper. (This also caused me to reach the final "Smile Isle" milestone!)
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Witnessed a conversation between Patty and Pashmina about silly popularity tips from decades past.
• While a I'd wanted to make a snowman today...I couldn't figure out where the snowballs went, as they didn't pop up in the field next to the Museum, where they usually do, so no snowmen were made today

• Headed off to work (thanks to my IRL doctors appt., I finally got to see what the island looks like during daylight hours for the first time; it's so pretty! ), completed 2 projects: Ankha's Ancient Oasis and Spork's Wee Library in the Fall Woods! Freya also took over Bluebear's position as assistant chef to Merengue today!
• Isabelle announced that Kicks was visiting today, which meant I ended up dropping quite a few bells on him to catalogue new items.
• Recieved two tailor's tickets in the mail from Label.
• Found a bottle on the beach with instructions inside for making a gear tower!
• Chatted with Kitty (out for a stroll), but didn't run into anyone else, which was really weird...
• Dug up the gyroid fragment from yesterday; retrieved a Rumbloid!
• Made a perfect snowman, recieved 2 large snowflakes, and another gift will be arriving in the mail.
• Helped Mathilda resolve an arguement with Pashmina by delivering an apology gift. Now normally, you'd think someone sending you a jester costume after a falling-out would actually be a thinly-veiled and passive-aggressive insult, but Pashmina liked the colors, so I guess all's well that ends well
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Got to buy some new things from the Nooklings!
• Headed off to work, but once again lazed about. Still, I did at least get to buy some new things from Ostara Noir...